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macrumors 6502
Apr 1, 2022
To the epilepsy I can now add: atopic dermatitis and sebopsoriasis. According to the dermatologist I have atopy-prone skin and the symptoms were made worse by stress. The doc gave me 6 products, 3 for the skin and 3 for the scalp, they seem to be helping a bit.

In April my epilepsy acted up, I had 3 complex focal seizures and mood swings, with and increased dose of my medicine everything is fine again, especially my mood and behavior.

I do think I'm stressed, when sipping a cup of tea on the couch feels like a holiday then yes, I must be stressed.


macrumors G3
Oct 24, 2013
New Hampshire
To the epilepsy I can now add: atopic dermatitis and sebopsoriasis. According to the dermatologist I have atopy-prone skin and the symptoms were made worse by stress. The doc gave me 6 products, 3 for the skin and 3 for the scalp, they seem to be helping a bit.

In April my epilepsy acted up, I had 3 complex focal seizures and mood swings, with and increased dose of my medicine everything is fine again, especially my mood and behavior.

I do think I'm stressed, when sipping a cup of tea on the couch feels like a holiday then yes, I must be stressed.

I have not heard much about epilepsy for a long time so I had assumed that there have been improvements in care or maintenance for this. You are the first case in my circles that I've heard of in the past decade.


macrumors 6502
Apr 1, 2022
I have not heard much about epilepsy for a long time so I had assumed that there have been improvements in care or maintenance for this. You are the first case in my circles that I've heard of in the past decade.
Well, while newer drugs have less side effects, the treatment is still the same, it's symptomatic, you just try to stop the various kind of seizures that can happen, the epilepsy itself is still incurable, although some people, especially those with age-dependent epilepsy, may find themselves cured once adulthood is reached.

The drug I'm using, Carbamazepine (Tegretol), has been around since the 1960s and it works wonders for me; whereas with the first treatment they tried, Levetiracetam (Keppra), which is a newer drug but, besides not working, I was suffering almost its full range of side effects, however, upon further evaluation, my neurologist was able to diagnose my epilepsy more precisely and Levetiracetam wasn't the right drug for me, it actually made everything worse.

Epilepsy is not that rare of a disease, but it's not that common either. It's a disease that is mostly invisible, and the stigma and discrimination are still very much there, many people might prefer not to talk about it.


macrumors 6502
Nov 7, 2021
A small island near Europe
People have so many different problems, puts things in perspective I think. I am autistic, I have learning difficulties, and mental health problems, also very high blood pressure.

I’m not ‘very’ autistic, but it’s enough for me to not ‘fit in’ in general, I’ve always felt like an outsider. The learning difficulties are hard, I am dyslexic and I believe I have dyscalculia, as I had a horrid time at school with maths. I think I am of average intelligence, not quite dumb, but at maths I was just hopeless. This affects me in so many different ways, not just academic stuff, but I could probably not use a till at a job? Anyone coming in and expecting me to count change would get fed up with how long it takes.

I also have bad IBS and need to be near a toilet most of the time. The autism is odd, I kinda get social anxiety. I expect to not be accepted and that can be hard.

With mental health I have had clinical depression, and I went through a period of acute psychosis, I thought all sorts of strange things.

I’m classed as a vulnerable adult because of this, but I try to keep positive. You have to aim your sights realistically, I’m not going to do anything special, not with my problems, but I try to practise gratitude.

Right now I have beer, and there is a pizza in the fridge and my Apple Music is playing my Phil Collins playlist and that makes me happy.

Gotta keep it real!


Jun 30, 2007
I think that observed sleep studies would be better,

Based on this experience regarding home studies (less expensive) versus in-clinic sleep session,

An observed sleep clinic study limits your discomfort, if it exists, to just one night, and is the gold standard. Medicare in the U.S. requires one if you want insurance coverage for sleep apnea devices. Cost is $10K for a one night study at the (first in the world) sleep disorders center. Appointments have to be made months out since they get many international patients due to its reputation.

CPAP masks come in a variety of configurations from full face to to just nasal pillows. After using them for a while some people find that they aren't comfortable sleeping without them.
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macrumors 6502a
Dec 5, 2022
An observed sleep clinic study limits your discomfort, if it exists, to just one night, and is the gold standard. Medicare in the U.S. requires one if you want insurance coverage for sleep apnea devices. Cost is $10K for a one night study at the (first in the world) sleep disorders center. Appointments have to be made months out since they get many international patients due to its reputation.

CPAP masks come in a variety of configurations from full face to to just nasal pillows. After using them for a while some people find that they aren't comfortable sleeping without them.
Treating my sleep apnea saved my life for sure. The sleep study was a hassle, and they had me wear one of the full face masks, while my nightly use machine is just a nasal pillow. I actually get sleep now, and it cured my constant sleep paralysis!


macrumors 6502a
Dec 5, 2022
I'll be candid, it's the internet, you're all strangers but I'll never meet you so your judgment won't really affect me lol.

I am severely mentally ill. I am not dangerous. Last year I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I have had borderline personality disorder since childhood. I have been depressed with severe anxiety since I was 4 years old. At age 34, I started Spravato which is a nasal ketamine spray for treatment-resistant depression. Within a month of treatment, I was able to experience joy and happiness for the first time in my life--my depression was GONE. It has stayed gone --I have a Spravato session once every two weeks and that will likely continue indefinitely, it has been 3 years now. Ketamine has been my miracle drug. I also believe Latuda and Cymbalta have been very helpful for me.

Unfortunately, a lifetime of trauma and untreated mental illness has wrecked my brain function. I consider myself cognitively disabled. Years ago I was much more functional--I was able to get my master's degree in social work in 2011, but it has been downhill ever since. My short and long-term memory are both just awful, although I struggle less with short term. I describe many years of my past as a near-total blackout, I simply have no memories. I remember very little of my childhood. I don't enjoy reading because my memory won't allow me to follow the story, movies are difficult for me to follow as well because I will forget what I just watched and then lose interest because I don't know what's going on. I believe my brain has been physically changed by the history of trauma and mental illness and there is no medication or therapy that will make me any more functional than I am now, which is just... kind of devastating to be honest, because I am *happy* and able to experience joy, but I can hardly think, I have no executive function, my anxiety is still not controlled at all (klonopin works, but my doctor will NOT increase my small dosage, and honestly I am very lucky she has allowed time to continue the dose I'm on at all). I can't use my degree for work, right now I do work-from-home customer service for Williams Sonoma for 10-20 hours a week, and that's the max of what I can handle mentally and physically. I am usually scheduled for 25 hours but every day right away I put in for voluntary time off because I can't sit through a whole shift, it's always approved within a few hours of the start of my shift and I can sign off for the day. Good for my health, terrible financially because I can't pay my bills. My stepmom actually bought my WFH setup for me--M2 MBA and LG 4k monitor; my elderly father passed in October and she took some money out of a retirement plan to fix some things around her house and with that she also gave me the money to buy my WFH setup. Honestly, I live in poverty lol. The most I can hope to do on my own is upgrade my iPhone every year with carrier financing as long as I'm able to pay the sales tax on the phone. The jury is still out of whether or not I will be able to afford the 15 this year 😅

Physically, I have fibromyalgia that surfaced when I was in elementary school (looking back at my symptoms). I am in pain most of the time, just a general all over body pain, I describe it as feeling like a giant walking bruise. Some days I am confined to bed, writhing in pain. Laying hurts, sitting hurts, standing hurts. This contributes to my generally poor mental health, because even though I now WANT to go out and do things and enjoy life without depression, I can't because I am physically disabled. What really sucks is that my job--a job I am mentally capable of doing--requires me to sit all day. Sitting is very painful for my knees, having them bent. As a child I had a doctor's note stating that at assemblies or when we otherwise had to sit on the floor, I had to be placed on the outside of the row so I could stretch my legs out because sitting "crisis cross applesauce" has always been, to put simply, absolutely excruciating for me. This started when I was about 6 and never went away.

I am also very fat. I have always eaten for comfort, eating makes me very happy and I really enjoy food a lot. But I also never feel full. I have never felt full unless I am so overstuffed that I feel sick; I have two modes, stuffed and sick, or not stuffed and still hungry. There is no in between. Now I have come to love my fat body, I am attracted to larger people, I love my curves (although they're honestly way more than curves). I have decided to get weight loss surgery because my extra weight is causing my fibromyalgia pain to worsen. While I have about 200 pounds to lose to be considered a "normal weight," I would be happy and still love my fat body with a 100 pound weight loss. 00 pounds ago I was very mobile and able to DO things. But, if I do get that 200 pound loss, I will be stoked because I will fit on roller coasters again--that's the light at the end of this tunnel for me. I want to take my kids to Cedar Point and ride EVERYTHING again like I did when I was 16. The Raptor was my jam.

Losing weight will make me more mobile and will improve my mental health, but it won't cure my mental illness or fix my brain damage. Once I can afford it, I need to pay for a marriage dissolution (separated since 2014, 1 child together, good friends still) so I can be single to apply for disability. I was opposed to disability for a long time but this year I have finally accepted the fact that through no fault of my own, I am a disabled adult.

Well, if anyone read my life story, thanks and I would love to be friends haha 😅


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
@thecautioners thank you for sharing. I am bothered by how unfair life can be, but I have never claimed it was fair. It is an experience, maybe a one time experience, maybe not, but it is usually a shame or a tragedy in most cases when it is an experience full of grief or cut off prematurely, although some people if the overall experience is horrid enough, I imagine they might be grateful for a sooner than later ending.

I hope your outlook can stay positive and you find more good than bad in this life. I have a close friend who is in his early 20s who suffers from severe depression, and the good news is that he lives in a State that actually has programs to help those without a steady income find help, although at this point we don’t know if a happy ending will happen or not.

I have no life experience that relates to yours, but I am suffering from age related short term memory degradation, so I think I kind of know a little bit of the frustration you are experiencing. As someone from the internet, I hope things work out, and in the end you can say although a challenge, it was worth the experience.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
To the epilepsy I can now add: atopic dermatitis and sebopsoriasis. According to the dermatologist I have atopy-prone skin and the symptoms were made worse by stress. The doc gave me 6 products, 3 for the skin and 3 for the scalp, they seem to be helping a bit.

In April my epilepsy acted up, I had 3 complex focal seizures and mood swings, with and increased dose of my medicine everything is fine again, especially my mood and behavior.

I do think I'm stressed, when sipping a cup of tea on the couch feels like a holiday then yes, I must be stressed.

People have so many different problems, puts things in perspective I think. I am autistic, I have learning difficulties, and mental health problems, also very high blood pressure.

I’m not ‘very’ autistic, but it’s enough for me to not ‘fit in’ in general, I’ve always felt like an outsider. The learning difficulties are hard, I am dyslexic and I believe I have dyscalculia, as I had a horrid time at school with maths. I think I am of average intelligence, not quite dumb, but at maths I was just hopeless. This affects me in so many different ways, not just academic stuff, but I could probably not use a till at a job? Anyone coming in and expecting me to count change would get fed up with how long it takes.

I also have bad IBS and need to be near a toilet most of the time. The autism is odd, I kinda get social anxiety. I expect to not be accepted and that can be hard.

With mental health I have had clinical depression, and I went through a period of acute psychosis, I thought all sorts of strange things.

I’m classed as a vulnerable adult because of this, but I try to keep positive. You have to aim your sights realistically, I’m not going to do anything special, not with my problems, but I try to practise gratitude.

Right now I have beer, and there is a pizza in the fridge and my Apple Music is playing my Phil Collins playlist and that makes me happy.

Gotta keep it real!
This thread gives me a lot of perspective about just how good I have had it, and reminds me to not be a whiner which at times I can be. Best wishes to both of you. That and $3 is worth a cup of coffee. ;)


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Went to bed last night feeling normal. Got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and the middle toes on my right door felt like I had stubbed them. Got up this morning and I could barely flex my toes without severe pain. So happens we were at a hotel, so I’m thinking pain down to the front desk to buy a small pack of Tylenol, got to talking to the front desk receptionist, Raymond, great guy, Hampton Inn, told me that it sounded to him like gout, something he’s been suffering with for ten years. It had not even crossed my mind.

So when I get home, going to make an appointment with my doctor, but in the mean time, anyone here suffer from gout? What can you tell me? :D


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
The area effected (wart) looks like it is growing so I broke down and visited a dermatologist. She said some of it looked warty, but mentioned the effect of attacking the wart with Compound W over a period of time can cause the skin to thicken like a callus. So we agreed to a freeze followed up with 6 weeks of Imiquimod 5% solution, applied nightly for 6 weeks.
How does imiquimod work?
Imiquimod works by stimulating the immune system to release a number of chemicals called cytokines, which are important in fighting viruses and destroying cancer cells.

I previously mentioned that I had tried a home wart freeze kit. That was a joke compared to the industrial freeze bottle she had. I could barely notice the home kit. The doctor hit it with a good 6-8 seconds of liquid nitrogen spray. I noticed the burn. It hurt but it felt good knowing that possibly I was kicking this warts butt finally. Only time will tell.

View attachment 2101265
finger after freeze.​
Almost a year later…



macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Went to bed last night feeling normal. Got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and the middle toes on my right door felt like I had stubbed them. Got up this morning and I could barely flex my toes without severe pain. So happens we were at a hotel, so I’m thinking pain down to the front desk to buy a small pack of Tylenol, got to talking to the front desk receptionist, Raymond, great guy, Hampton Inn, told me that it sounded to him like gout, something he’s been suffering with for ten years. It had not even crossed my mind.

So when I get home, going to make an appointment with my doctor, but in the mean time, anyone here suffer from gout? What can you tell me? :D
Regarding gout, uric acid levels normal, a mystery, reinforced lesson, see your doctor. He said that a gout attack does not usually recede within 24 hours and it’s so painful, you usually can’t put your sock on. Urik acid is what they look for and I don’t have high level of it. :)


Sep 3, 2023
I've been eating clean by cutting out

- animal products
- baked good
- canned goods
- refined ingredients
- refined grains
- sweetners
- alcohol
- fast food
- processed foods
- refined oils
- chocolates & other sweets


Cardio and weights daily...

Sleep early & sleep longer

It helped lower my body fat %, improved blood chemistry & improved blood pressure

Food cost went down as well. Sleep better too

Liquids I drink is just filtered water from my 6yo 64oz Klean Kanteen insulated water bottle. I drink about 8 bottles per day when I'm doing CrossFit and yoga.
Last edited:
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macrumors 6502a
Dec 5, 2022
I got a countertop ice maker and I’m actually drinking water now. I wasn’t before, like ever. I lived solely on diet soda. Now I have 0-2 diet sodas a day.

I started taking Lyrica after a horrible 2 day fibromyalgia pain flare, the worst I’ve ever had. Landed me in tears at the ER, they gave me Tylenol and Valium which actually worked. The Lyrica is working! I have no pain… I’ve been in constant pain since childhood. This is as invigorating as Spravato (ketamine) putting my depression into complete remission.

I have eye surgery to correct my strabismus. I look terrible and people question my intelligence because of it. Think of that SpongeBob meme that everyone thinks is hilarious, my eyes do that. They won’t anymore after October 20th.

Everything is coming up Emily.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
This post is more about my Doctor. Starting last Tuesday, it started with a seriously uncharacteristically ache in my back, almost to the point of nausea, followed over the next several days of non stop headaches, feeling off, sharp pains along my eyebrow, and face, and fatigue. No fever, no sinus issues, no coughs, no physical event like falling down.

When my wife suggested check my blood pressure, I did and it was high, for me really high 170 over something, although my blood pressure cuff is old, and did not align with the cuff at at the pharmacy which showed about 155. My normal BP is 115-130. Nornally I would have just rode this out, but on Friday night when I realized elevated blood pressure I made an appointment with my doctor, suffered through the weekend, felt weak on Saturday, but by Sunday my symptoms were diminishing, and by Monday I felt basically normal, but my back was tender.

Went to the doctor told him the above was expecting him to examine me, but he just asked some questions. I was expecting a back exam at a minimum, but no exams, asked him about checking for a sinus infection, he said no symptoms. I told him I was feeling mostly normal. i realize it’s hard for you to judge without being there…I just expected more of a physical exam or a test of some kind sinus or elevated white count, something. He said I don’t know what to test for.

And, I felt ok this morning, but this afternoon, I still have that off, still sick feeling, mostly no energy. 🤔


macrumors 6502a
Dec 5, 2022
I’ve started taking Lyrica for fibromyalgia. It has completely changed my life. I have NO pain, for the first time ever; my pain started in 1st grade and has been unrelenting until now. I am able to function. I’m no longer covered in sweat all the time because pain makes me sweat. I can get through a whole day without needing 2 naps because the pain exhausts me. I’ve sent my doctor 2 messages thanking her profusely for saving my life. I was at the end of my rope and I fully understand why people unalive themselves due to chronic pain. I had no quality of life.

The only thing that bothers me now is arthritis, but just today my doctor prescribed celebrex for that. I took it in high school for juvenile arthritis and it worked wonders. I’m looking at a life 100% free of pain. I could cry. I am overwhelmingly relieved and so, so happy. I don’t say this often, but I am truly blessed. My world has completely changed.
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macrumors 68040
Jun 8, 2009
This post is more about my Doctor. Starting last Tuesday, it started with a seriously uncharacteristically ache in my back, almost to the point of nausea, followed over the next several days of non stop headaches, feeling off, sharp pains along my eyebrow, and face, and fatigue. No fever, no sinus issues, no coughs, no physical event like falling down.

When my wife suggested check my blood pressure, I did and it was high, for me really high 170 over something, although my blood pressure cuff is old, and did not align with the cuff at at the pharmacy which showed about 155. My normal BP is 115-130. Nornally I would have just rode this out, but on Friday night when I realized elevated blood pressure I made an appointment with my doctor, suffered through the weekend, felt weak on Saturday, but by Sunday my symptoms were diminishing, and by Monday I felt basically normal, but my back was tender.

Went to the doctor told him the above was expecting him to examine me, but he just asked some questions. I was expecting a back exam at a minimum, but no exams, asked him about checking for a sinus infection, he said no symptoms. I told him I was feeling mostly normal. i realize it’s hard for you to judge without being there…I just expected more of a physical exam or a test of some kind sinus or elevated white count, something. He said I don’t know what to test for.

And, I felt ok this morning, but this afternoon, I still have that off, still sick feeling, mostly no energy. 🤔
Kidney issues (can cause back pain)? Whatever it is, I hope you feel better soon.
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macrumors 6502
Feb 3, 2006
Thanks! As in a kidney stone? This would be another reason to be aggravated at my Doctor…🤔

Is certainly possible.
Source: Me. Literally just got done 'getting rid of' one a week ago. LOL Had all of the symptoms listed.

As far as what I have:
- Diabeetus (well-controlled)


macrumors 6502a
Dec 5, 2022
Is certainly possible.
Source: Me. Literally just got done 'getting rid of' one a week ago. LOL Had all of the symptoms listed.

As far as what I have:
- Diabeetus (well-controlled)
Oh I was diagnosed with diabetes recently! I had pre diabetes and stopped taking my Trulicity because I always forgot. I suddenly had an unquenchable thirst and I had a full bladder every 5 minutes. Went to the doctor and my a1c was over 10. Went back on Trulicity and the thirst and peeing immediately went away. I’m very fat, so I knew it was coming for me eventually.

Speaking of fat, in November I have my consultation for weight loss surgery. I’m leaning toward gastric bypass but I’ll let the doctor tell me what I’m a good candidate for.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
This post is more about my Doctor. Starting last Tuesday, it started with a seriously uncharacteristically ache in my back, almost to the point of nausea, followed over the next several days of non stop headaches, feeling off, sharp pains along my eyebrow, and face, and fatigue. No fever, no sinus issues, no coughs, no physical event like falling down.

When my wife suggested check my blood pressure, I did and it was high, for me really high 170 over something, although my blood pressure cuff is old, and did not align with the cuff at at the pharmacy which showed about 155. My normal BP is 115-130. Nornally I would have just rode this out, but on Friday night when I realized elevated blood pressure I made an appointment with my doctor, suffered through the weekend, felt weak on Saturday, but by Sunday my symptoms were diminishing, and by Monday I felt basically normal, but my back was tender.

Went to the doctor told him the above was expecting him to examine me, but he just asked some questions. I was expecting a back exam at a minimum, but no exams, asked him about checking for a sinus infection, he said no symptoms. I told him I was feeling mostly normal. i realize it’s hard for you to judge without being there…I just expected more of a physical exam or a test of some kind sinus or elevated white count, something. He said I don’t know what to test for.

And, I felt ok this morning, but this afternoon, I still have that off, still sick feeling, mostly no energy. 🤔

Chapter 2
Worked out in the gym on Wed, felt ok felt weak, had a headache during the day. Worked in the yard today, felt weak but ok, around noon developed a killer headache. I decided to take my wife’s advice to be examined for a sinus infection headache, but my doctor had no appointments till Monday. So I went to urgent care, gave them my symptoms, the same symptoms, I had given my Dr on Monday . They actually examined me, something my doctor had not done, and boom diagnosis sinus infection. They gave me 2 shots and 3 medications to start tomorrow.
When I got home, through the MyChart app, if you are familiar, I wrote my doctor a message titled “Your Conduct During Office Visit’s”, where I explained to him there were several interactions recently between me and him, where instead of typing notes on his computer, he should of examined me but did not. This guy does not own his own practise but I think is an employee of Houston Methodist. I’m waiting to see what his attitude is, apologetic, or belligerent. That will determine if I stick with him a while longer or go searching for a new family practise doctor. 🤔

Chap 3:
I talked to my Doctor and it did not go well. I will be looking for a new Doctor.
Just curious questions:
  • If you told you doctor you felt like you had a stubbed toes feeling , followed by an episode of extreme pain in the forward part of your foot, but it had subsided, would you expect your family doctor to examine and possibly manipulate your foot?
  • If you told your doctor you had experienced a week of unusual back pain radiating up through your mid back, would you expect your doctor to say “let’s have a look at your back?”
The worst was the sinus Infection, I gave the symptoms pain, pressure in sinuses, eyebrow, eye, teeth, but they had subsided the day I saw him, but no exam for inflation. The first thing the urgent care doctor did was listen to my symptoms and examine my throat which he obsevered as inflamed. Now I’ll never know if my regular doctor would have seen an inflamed throat, and because I said I was feeling almost normal, technically he has an out, thinking that sinus infections are mostly viral and not bacterial,, but he never said the words I think you have/had a sinus infection. Nothing was said in his notes.

All in all, maybe I’m too old fashioned, but I want a hands on doctor, who if I say some part of my body is or has been bothering me they will actually examine me, not just sit and type in my history. And not that I look forward to any doctor manipulating my genitals, this is the first doctor I have ever seen who has not checked for hernia during my annual physical. 🤔 Is that on outdated standard too?


macrumors 6502a
Dec 5, 2022
Had my strabismus surgery this morning! Pain is very minimal, kind of achy. I have some serious double vision that will subside one my brain adjusts to having binocular vision for the first time in my life. I am so happy to have normal eyes now, and for people to stop questioning my intelligence and mental capacity based on my eyes.
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macrumors regular
Mar 7, 2012
I've been eating clean by cutting out

- animal products
- baked good
- canned goods
- refined ingredients
- refined grains
- sweetners
- alcohol
- fast food
- processed foods
- refined oils
- chocolates & other sweets


Cardio and weights daily...

Sleep early & sleep longer

It helped lower my body fat %, improved blood chemistry & improved blood pressure

Food cost went down as well. Sleep better too

Liquids I drink is just filtered water from my 6yo 64oz Klean Kanteen insulated water bottle. I drink about 8 bottles per day when I'm doing CrossFit and yoga.
If everyone followed this diet there would be much less illness and disease. He don't sugar coat anything when it comes to nutrition and healthy living.
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