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  1. A

    Which macOS patcher do I need for my mac mini?

    While I was working on making a hackintosh machine with my desktop I got my hands on an old mac mini from 2007. It was thrown out and I want to see what I can do with it. This one: I upgraded the 80GB HDD to...
  2. jordanbaron

    Will this power cable work with an A1176 Mac Mini?

    I bought a power cable for my A1176 Mac Minis, but I was a bit dumb and didn't realize that it didn't come with the actual part that plugs in to the wall. Will something like this work? If not, is there anywhere I can find one that will work or would I have to purchase a new cable?
  3. jordanbaron

    Power cord for A1176 Mac Mini

    I bought 2 old A1176 Mac Minis but I am unsure where to get a power cord. Could anyone help?
  4. Giuanniello

    Which converter from FLAC to ALAC?

    Hello everybody, I am restoring an old Mini A1176 to become a little music server and as such I want to convert my FLAC library to ALAC so that I can play it through iTunes because it is the best way to arrange playlists and being built in into the OS I won't have to deal with software not...
  5. B

    How best to DIY refurbish A1176?

    I've happened upon two A1176 Mac Minis plundered from my workplace's E-waste bin (I got permission to take them) along with their power cables and even a DVI-VGA adapter. My ultimate goal here is to clean up one of these machines so my mother can use it for viewing photos, playing DVDs, and...