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account recovery

  1. C

    iCloud Account recovery failed to result in reset link

    My company's outside IT people accidentally wiped my personal phone (which had my work email on it) and then also, while I was guessing my Apple password (what I thought it was was wrong), sent it to Account Recovery. I got an email saying: "You will receive a text or a phone call at this number...
  2. M

    Mail app messed up IMAP account definitions on upgrade to Sierra

    Mail app IMAP accounts got messed up after upgrade to Sierra completed (from Mavericks). One IMAP account got completely lost, e-mail messages saved to privat and local message boxes are saved. Few other messes in accounts definitions more. Is it possible to import manually accounts definitions...
  3. I

    iPhone account recovery when old phone's screen is broken?

    I had an iPhone 5, but last week, I dropped it and the screen broke, rendering it totally unviewable. I purchased an iPhone SE, and brought it to the local AT&T store so they could transfer the account over. When I arrived home, I plugged the SE into my Macbook in order to restore the backup...
  4. J

    iTunes - Account Recovery w/2 factor = month + wait?

    I forgot my password to my iTunes account, so have attempted to use their account recovery feature. I go though the process, including verifying my credit card on file, getting the text code (the 2 factor), clicking the e-mail confirming account recovery (attempted from both trusted devices on...