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  1. shingo

    Strflow, Mac Native App for Chat-style Note-Taking

    Hello👋 My name is Shingo Eguchi, and I'm excited to share with you a Mac app I've been developing called Strflow. After receiving encouraging feedback from a previous share on Reddit, I thought it might be of interest to this community as well, and I would be grateful for any feedback. Strflow...
  2. appjun

    Universal Calendar Island 🏝️ - Explore Calendar & Reminders in Dynamic Island

    Hey guys, I bring the Calendar Island 🏝️ to you. iOS 16 introduced Dynamic Island, while iOS 17 brought interactive buttons to it. As I often contemplate the significance of this prominent position on the iPhone, I couldn't help but wonder: what could be more important than having something...
  3. M

    Universal How does advertisement work in applications

    Hi! Please somebody help to make it clear because I am quite confused now... Could somebody please tell me how advertisement works (like banners, videos, etc.) in apps. (Simple apps, not social media apps.) So you make an app and how will it contain ads and which ads? Will it be generated...