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apple remote desktop

  1. F

    Apple Remote Desktop questions

    When I'm traveling, I'd like to remotely, using my macbook, log onto my iMac at home over WAN. I'm tempted to buy Apple Remote Desktop and configure port forwarding on my router however I have some basic questions that I couldn't find answers for Is ARD a bad solution for WAN in terms of...
  2. jyhash

    Apple Remote Desktop: Certain Hotkey Combos not working in ARD. Why?

    I have a user who is testing Adobe products (Photoshop 2021 & Illustrator 2021) remotely on 2 community-used Mac Mini's (Running Catalina and Big Sur, respectively) in our remote Data Center. She is connecting from a Catalina (10.5.7) MacBook Pro at her home. For her testing, she needs to use...
  3. timothevs

    Apple Remote Desktop updated, but can't be installed on Catalina

    ARD 3.9.4 is out, and it is Big Sur only. Does anyone know how to download the previous version for Catalina from the App Store? My techs use it to manage around 40 odd Macs in our Office. Since I have not yet given the green light for our team to upgrade the machines to Big Sur (we usually...
  4. O

    ARDS: Require password after sleep/screen saver begins

    Does anyone know how to implement Requiring passwords after 'x' amount of time after sleep or screen saver begins for multiple computers using Apple Remote Desktop? If this requires terminal commands, please supply :)
  5. jscooper22

    ARD works on two new Mac Minis but not a third.

    Hi, Bought 3 new Mac Minis for our conference rooms. I set two up without much issue. The third, for some reason, refuses to allow Control via ARD. I have dumped ARD prefs, reset SMC and PRAM. I can Observe. I can copy clipboard. But I cannot copy files or control the machine. All boxes are...
  6. scarrab666

    Apple Remote Desktop - Sync between multiple Macs?

    Hello All, I still use ARD (before anyone asks/advises, yes I use TeamViewer also, and it is excellent. The reason is I just like some of the reporting features in ARD!). The one issue I've always had is that I can't 'sync' my Lists in ARD between my various Macs. I have in the past nabbed the...
  7. Tucker28

    Mac Pro pauses when I close ARD

    I have a peculiar issue. When I close the ARD window, my Mac Pro (server) will sometimes just completely pause whatever it is doing. It seems to also happen when I use the built in screen sharing. I don't know if it goes to sleep, or what it's doing. But when I log back into it a day or two...
  8. S

    ARD setup for two macs over the internet

    want to remotely control two Macs in the office (MacMini's with 10.10.5) over the internet from other two MMs, each has own ARD After Port Forwarding 5900&3283 ports (using ATT/Arris router NVG599) I could make it to work but only for one at the time, not for both... Asked Apple for help and was...
  9. F

    Apple Remote Desktop-offline clients

    Hi! I am pretty new to managing mac's via apple remote desktop. I have around 35 iMacs in a school building and are all connected to a wifi network. I have an admin mac that has the apple remote desktop installed on it and it is also connected over the same wifi network. Whenever, i try to...
  10. diepalme

    Apple Remote Desktop EOL?

    With the latest macOS 10.12.4 Beta (16E144f) Update the Remote Desktop Admin App refuses to open? Anyone heard of it being EOLd or is there finally going to be some love from Apple for this App again? It is quite old, but some of us still use it..
  11. E

    Apple Remote Desktop latency gone off a cliff?

    I've been using ARD for years, and am currently on version 3.8. I'm running it on Mac Sierra and connecting to Yosemite clients. It seems like in the past year or so, latency has jumped off a cliff...even when the client only has a browser open (usually Chrome, if it makes a difference)...
  12. R

    Question about remote access on a Mac

    I am trying to figure something out. Please ignore my ignorance, as I may need some education in this area. If I want to remotely access a Mac, I can use various software like Apple Remote Desktop and LogMeIn. I am just trying out Apple Remote Desktop for the first time. However, I want to know...
  13. G

    Apple Remote Desktop Not working when firewall turned on

    Apple Remote Desktop Not working when firewall turned on even though it has created an allow rule.When I knock the firewall off i can connect but not if it's on. Any ideas? 10.11.4 Apple Remote Desktop 3.8 Cheers Grif