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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 25, 2009
Eugene, OR
I have a user who is testing Adobe products (Photoshop 2021 & Illustrator 2021) remotely on 2 community-used Mac Mini's (Running Catalina and Big Sur, respectively) in our remote Data Center. She is connecting from a Catalina (10.5.7) MacBook Pro at her home.

For her testing, she needs to use certain hotkeys in the work she does, and these hotkeys are triple combination keys (CTRL+OPT+E; SHIFT+ OPT+E). When using Apple Remote Desktop, however, it recently will not send those key combinations from her local MacBook to the remote Mac Mini's, as typed.

We did find out that if she adds the CMD key to the CTRL+OPT+E hotkey command, that the hotkey will work... but only in the Photoshop 2021 App on the Big Sur machine. When testing elsewhere on the Catalina Machine and on Illustrator on both, it looks like the ALT/OPT key is being ignored for some reason. I cannot tell if this a limitation of ARD or if there is an issue with her computer proper.

I'm a bit stymied, as there's no clear explanation of what hotkeys will or will not work properly when using ARD— but it seems that some modifier keys do work? Sometimes?

Barring getting this working, she is amenable to a 1-click solution, like an app that sends programmed key combos to a local machine. It'd be nice if ARD had the ability to use multiple key combos from a dropdown menu, y'know, like every other remote desktop utility has, but we work with what we've got.

If anyone has some suggestions, fixes workarounds, or explanations, I'd be most grateful.

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