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cellular usage

  1. JohnOCFII

    "Documents & Sync" - 80% of my iPhone Cellular usage!?

    Over the past year, my cellular usage has been rising unexpectedly. When I investigate, I find most of it in the area of "System Services --> Documents & Sync." This month, when I've turned off almost everything that uses Cellular service, it is 80% of my cellular usage! Is there any way to...
  2. Maid Marian

    All iPads Any fulltime Ipad-ers out there?

    Hey, I'm new here. I am contemplating and near convinced to try Ipod Pro as a full time system instead of Ipod air and also buying a new laptop. My chromebook won't hack it while I'm in NP school, starting this fall. My biggest questions are thus: 1. I'm thinking of going with a cellular model...
  3. JohnnyJackson

    iPhone iTunes Media Services!!

    Hey guys, I have been suffering with high cellular data usage. The iTunes Media services is consuming all my data! I am on a limited bundle (only 5 GB/month) and this caused me a lot during the past year! Everything related to iTunes or Music is turned off, and still suffering! I had thi...
  4. W

    Cutting the Cord???

    Lately, when talking to a friend on the phone who has been a pro at computer sales, IT, configuring systems for business and other IT consulting for over 35 years, it seemed he was relying on cellular for not only his voice telephony but also for his data. I wanted to ask about this. Is it now...
  5. S

    itunes accounts using too much cellular data

    Hi, Recently my iphone 6 has been using a lot of cellular data. while I havent done any change to it, I checked where the data was going. I found it under System Services - Itunes Accounts. It was using around 200MB per day. It is worth mentioning that I have the below restricted from using...
  6. S

    iPhone Data usage Setting bug

    I was using an iPhone 5s Where in Jan (10.2.0) and restored data to a new iPhone 7 Plus 128 (10.2.1) Now since restore I have seen couple of problems: 1. Cellular Data Usage Settings don't update: Meaning No matter how much data I use on cellular network, it keeps showing 0mb or 5-10 mb, with...
  7. M. Gustave

    iCloud Photo Library downloading to ATV

    Sorry if this has been answered, I searched but couldn't find any discussion. Does anyone know if turning on iCloud Photo Library on the Apple TV causes it to download your entire library to the device? My data use the day after getting it jumped 8GB in one day, and I haven't watched anything...
  8. dlondon

    High data usage (unknown reason)

    My iPhone 7+ is using a lot of data (WiFi and mobile) but I don't know why. I first noticed the issue when my phone seemed particularly hot one morning, and later discovered I had used 15GB of mobile data in one day. I contacted Apple who unhelpfully suggested that I switched everything off...
  9. R

    DNS Services using 466 of the 515 MB used so far... why??

    Hello, I just noticed on my carrier's app that my usage was way up for the usual in me. It's been 3 days since the last reset and I have already consumed around 512Mb of the 4Gb I have available. In a normal month I usually use maybe 1Gb or 2 *at most*, so in 3 days having used 512Mb is just a...