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  1. Z

    Ctrl + trackpad/mouse scroll to zoom not working properly after Sonama 14.4

    This is what I'm referring to: I can still zoom in with ctrl + scroll like before. However, when the screen is zoomed in, I cannot drag the cursor to the edge of any of its borders to force the screen to move in that direction like...
  2. MarckyG

    Cinema Display and Thunderbolt Display brightness control

    Hey all, I recently got a new iMac and it came with High Sierra installed. Previously I was on Sierra. I use it combined with a Thunderbolt Display from Apple (damn... the difference in display quality...). What's new to me is... the display brightness control doesn't work as it used to. I...
  3. eriksmoe

    Ctrl+Tab not switching tabs

    After updating to El Cap 10.11.3 from Yose: Switching between tabs in Safari or Finder doesn't work using Ctrl+Tab. It works only for switching between tool buttons. In Chrome and Firefox it still works as before. Have had this problem before upon updating major versions.