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dark spots

  1. N

    Spots in portrait mode

    Hello, I’ve had an iPhone XS Max for a few months and it is showing a few dark spots in portrait mode. These do not appear in video or in 3rd party camera apps. I’ve read that it could be dust and people have had the camera replaced or it could be a software issue. With the recent update I was...
  2. C

    Spot on 6s

    I've had my iPhone 6s for a little over a year and I have noticed a small spot where it's a little darker then the rest of the screen. Recently there have been small white vertical lines on the spot as well almost like water damage lines. Is this normal? Will this spread? I could not get the...
  3. janeauburn

    Darker areas on iPhone 7 screen

    Did you spot any dark areas on your iPhone 7 screen when you got it (areas that are darker against a white background)? Did you live with these or return your unit because of them?