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  1. purdnost

    Photo Storage Solution

    I have years of photos and videos on an external hard drive. Unfortunately, they just sit there and I never look at them. I would like a solution where I can access them. I’ve considered putting them all into iCloud, but I don’t really want all that space being used up on my phone, even with...
  2. BlueberryMac

    Posting to Flickr from Photos Mac app

    Hi, I have multiple thousands of photos to upload to my Flickr Pro account. It's a pain to have to enter in the Tags for the photos (saying who is in each photo). I was thinking if there was a way to have the Mac Photos app upload to Flickr using the information garnered from the Faces...
  3. M. Gustave

    Flickr app data usage

    I'm running iOS 9.3.2 on my iPhone 6s+. Out of curiosity I checked my cellular data usage since the last statistics reset I did a week ago, and to my shock I see that the Flickr app has burned through 4.5 GB in that week. I like Flickr, and I find the app enjoyable to use. In that week I...