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  1. M

    Do not buy a Mac Pro unless you're willing to wait for a long time

    I don't usually criticise Apple products but there is one I would like to vent out my frustration on the the Mac Pro 2013. You do not have to agree with me, so just hear me out. It will be a long story and an experience for those who hopefully won't have to go through the pain and disappointment...
  2. R

    iPhone X Frustratingly Unresponsive!

    My iPhone X is not responding to button presses. Seems like a software issue on 11.2.1! This happens randomly btw, can't provide steps to reproduce. Emergency SOS will just pop out and scare the hell out of me + FaceID will be disabled.
  3. camelphace

    Just got a kdlinks A300 android media player...

    And I am having all kinds of setup problems getting this thing to work. Any one around here have any experience using an android media box on a mac network? I can connect to the unit through my network by using command-K smb:// (it's IP address), but I can't access the 6TB hard drive that I have...
  4. deadoctopi

    Can someone explain to me...

    How/why the iPad Pro is marketed or teased as a desktop replacement (What if your computer was an ipad? Ads) when I cannot perform just this one silly little tiny thing, that's also infuriating. I do have a PC desktop, and I am knee deep in cloud storage for photos, but it would just be nice to...