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home networking

  1. zachiedoo

    Can I do this with a Time Capsule?

    I have our Time Capsule hooked up to our main router (router provided by our ISP) via ethernet, and configured to deliver wifi to our second floor. I have an area on the first floor that is currently being served by a Netgear wifi extender. Our ISP does not offer any mesh devices. We are...
  2. ss2cire

    Sharing Internet connection from iPhone to ethernet and wifi network (such as AirPort)

    Ok, I'm trying to setup a shared Internet connection from my iPhone to USB Ethernet on my laptop then connecting that Ethernet to my AirPort Time Capsule (AirPort from here) WAN port to allow my other devices to connect to the AirPort for additional device connectivity. I had it working once...
  3. MacinMan

    Apple devices and IGMP Snooping on, or off?

    Hey all, I have a topic that's been discussed before, but most of what I can find is quite a few years old. Also I wasn't sure which category to add this to, so I figured I'd add it to iOS because it can apply to multiple devices. With this said: Most of the old articles out there that...
  4. FlyingToasterStrudel

    Can Airport Express extend wi-fi from a non-Apple router? /// Airport Extreme wi-fi problem

    Hi. I've done a search of this forum, but I haven't found a definitive answer to this question. I hope someone can help. From time to time, every few weeks, the wi-fi network provided by my Airport Extreme (2nd gen) goes kaput, requiring a restart to set it right. (I never had this problem...
  5. R

    wifi hell but only without Airport Extreme

    Our house is 99% Macs/iOS devices (1 ps4 and roku as well) so i thought i'd ask you kind folks on this forum if any of this makes any sense as i'm no networking expert but have tried everything i can from searching the internet. I had a Netgear router for the past year to replace my beloved but...
  6. arkmannj

    Bandwidth monitoring security appliance

    As I’m looking to replace my aging airport/time-capsule devices I’ve decided to rework my home network in general. with more IOT devices, people staying at our house, kids, etc. I’ve been thinking it would be great to get a firewall of sorts (pfsense?) one feature I would really like is to see...
  7. simplynando

    WiFi extender with same SSID as router?

    I have a question that kind of stumps me, sorry for the long post. I’ve searched this issue here and few a few threads showed up but they’re outdated and don’t seem to ask the questions specific to my situation. I have an Arris TG1682G modem/router supplied by the ISP (Cox). I live in a 3...
  8. ccRVA

    Recent convert from Windows to Mac / Network Question

    I bought the new MBP 2018 right after it came out and have enjoyed learning how to use it after a lifetime of Windows products. However, the one thing I can't figure out to save my life is how to set the network to Private or even how to create a home network. Used to be pretty straight-forward...