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ios 11 beta

  1. alfastr

    I cannot return back from the beta version

    Hi, I don't know if anybody had such problem. I had big problems with battery drain on my iphone 6 after installing 11.2 in november 2017. Anyway I tried to install beta version and now I have beta, but I cannot delete it.. I tried everything.. And via itunes it is also not possble.. everywhere...
  2. TheSwaggiestLoser

    iPhone [BUG] Automatic Night Shift Mode

    Using iPhone 6s; applies to all versions up to current version (iOS11 beta 10) When Night Shift Mode is scheduled, it lags most apps, mainly games. Does not seem to affect the home screen, webpages, or pre-loaded apps. Disabling and re-enabling Night Shift fixes this(iOS 11 beta 5 and onward...
  3. LemonCurd

    iPhone What is your experience with iOS 11 beta on iPhone SE

    Hi, On some threads, users share bad experiences with iOS 11 betas on iPhone 5S. What about the iPhone SE ? Did someone try the last betas on a iPhone SE ? Thank you for your comments
  4. DeApp1e

    Putting iOS 11 Beta on new iPad

    Hi guys, Will signing up for 'Apple Beta Software Program' on my new iPad Pro 10.5 void it's return warranty if I want to send it back? I'm not sure what size is right for me, so i've brought a 10.5 inch and I want iOS 11 on it - If I send it back and buy 12.9 will Apple refuse as i've put a...
  5. R

    iPad Files App / On My iPad missing iOS11/Beta7

    Unable to find the “On My iPad” in the Browse sidebar. I keep seeing in the beta screenshots. Anyone know where it went?
  6. P

    USB audio interface not recognized by iOS 11 beta

    My Apogee Jam is not recognized by my iPhone 7 or iPad Pro 10,5 (both updated with last iOS 11 beta version). It was the same with previous version. Is there any body in here that use USB audio interface with iOS 11?
  7. R

    Has beta 3 solved battery issues on iPad 10.5?

    I'm wondering whether it's safe to jump back in to the beta pool. I tried running the first public beta of iOS 11 on my 10.5 iPad but battery life was alarming. For anyone running the latest beta on their 10.5", is battery life still an issue? (By this I mean, is it comparable now to battery...
  8. RSmith2023

    iOS 11 dB 4 Safari pswd not syncing

    anyone having trouble with passwords not syncing via iCloud? I let safari suggest a website password on my iPad but it is not available on my iPhone. (This was done about 4 hours ago now.) I even toggled safari OFF in my iCloud settings hoping it would pull down when I turned it back on.
  9. heyhelppls

    Safari Crashing/Freezing PB3

    I'm having a terrible time with Safari now. Websites will load only sometimes, crashing often, and freezing while trying to scroll. On websites that used to load fine now will have large sections of gray as you scroll before it finishes loading. Just loading a webpage causes my phone to get very...
  10. T

    Use iOS 11 AirPod features on iOS 10 device

    If you want the new iOS 11 features for the AirPods but you don't want to download the beta on your every day device, download iOS 11 beta on a secondary device. Connect AirPods to that device and change the left and right AirPods settings to your liking (skip, back, pause/play, Siri). When you...
  11. alecc131

    iCloud Health sync

    How is this working for everyone? When looking in iCloud storage - do you see Health data synced? My wife's iCloud: when looking at iCloud storage - Health data shows up; as well as iCloud Drive My iCloud: when looking at iCloud storage - Health data does not show up. No visual proof Health is...
  12. O

    Alternative way to get the ARKit Demo on iOS 11?

    I am running iOS 11 on my iPhone 7 after using the website UDID registrations to get access to the iOS 11 developer downloads. However, apple only recognizes my account as a public account, and I cannot download the ARKit Demo through them. Is there another place I can download the ARKit Demo...
  13. jwatters579

    iOS 11 - Messages Notification

    Has anyone else gotten this notification on the home screen regarding Messages? I wake up every morning to the exclamation point. I go in and find there are no issues. Is this a bug? Is anyone else experiencing this?
  14. J

    How do i downgrade from ios 11 beta 2 to ios 11 beta 1?

    My iphone is currently stuck and i cannot go back to ios 10.32. Therfore i must go to beta 1 beforehand. I have the beta 1 ipsw downloaded but do not know where to go from there. Can someone help me out?
  15. Statusnone88

    iPad Pro 10.5 Running iOS 11 Beta 1 App Store In Chinese

    Greetings Friends, Before anyone says the obvious, yes, I understand this is a beta. I am a registered developer and I decided to put iOS 11 on my new iPad. This morning, out of no where, my App Store is in Chinese. I went into the Settings > App Store > Country & Region and changed it back to...
  16. originalmagneto

    Ready to TestFlight new iOS 11 apps

    Hi, I’ve been testing new app updates for the upcoming ios11 for my friends, however, I’d be interested in testing new ones from other devs. So if you’ve got something to test, just post it here... I’d be especially interested in the new Dropbox, OneDrive and Box app betas...
  17. RSmith2023

    iOS 11 DP1 Sounds muted sporadically

    Did a quick search and didn't get a hit on this so please don't flail on me if it has already been asked.. Anyone else seeing the sounds on DP1 just sporadically mute? (Notifications and App sounds) Fixable by toggling the mute switch, but still annoying as I sometimes go for a bit while...
  18. ericthered926

    Battery life

    I’ve had the beta installed on my iPhone SE since the release day and battery has been fine, a little subpar, until the last couple days. The last couple days it drains around 1% per minute that I’m on my phone and it runs a little hot. Any ideas what could be causing it? I have background...
  19. GadgetBen

    New iPad Pro has arrived! iOS 11 not available

    So my iPad Pro is here! I followed all of the steps to install iOS 11 and no update is being made available to my new iPad Pro. I have a developer account. I have deleted the profile and retried the steps 3 times. I submitted a request at Developer Apple Forum but I thought that someone on...
  20. balraj19991

    Drag & Drop is also available in iOS 11 on the iPhone

    Hello everybody The Drag & Drop option they showed in WWDC is available on the iPhones too with serveral apps like Messages, Safari, ... Here is the video tutorial: Thanks Balraj