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m1 apple silicon

  1. J

    M1 MacBook Air keyboard actuation force: How would you evaluate it?

    Having read those positive comments all over the Internet, I've recently purchased a MacBook Air 13" (M1, 2020), with 8GB memory and JIS (Japanese) keyboard, without checking it at physical store. I'm satisfied with the machine power and its beautiful design work, but I do have a big issue with...
  2. johnalan

    Slightly weird M1 + LG screen issue, can’t sleep MacBook!

    With the M1 Mac, you use the power/touch ID button as a way to sleep the computer, I like this! Since I’ve been using my new LG display, I noticed pressing this button doesn’t sleep the computer, instead I have to select sleep from the Apple menu. why doesn’t the power button work when plugged in?
  3. nicewolfs

    Could you please guide to me which way should I keep?

    Hello dear friends. I m the beginning of the creating adobe after effects I am more interested animations. As you know new m1 has not been optimized with the adobe creative tools. Currently I need to get a strong system to keep me for next years with safe. i am student and living in a foreign...
  4. pistonpilot

    Apple did not properly test or warn new buyers of severe M1 Issues

    I already own an Intel iMac. I purchased a Mac Mini M1 for two specific reasons one of which was to provide my 13-year-old with a new computer. The other issue was a backup system that I could easily switch to should my main iMac need repair. I was booting from a high-speed external SSD...
  5. K

    Reinstall / Erase m1 mac is now even worse with Big Sur 11.2

    I have a MacBook Air m1 that arrived with an uneven underside (second m1 with this issue this month) which makes it "wobble" on a flat surface. I am trying to erase and reinstall Mac OS before returning it but all trials fail. In the past with 11.1 my go to solution was to boot from a USB...
  6. I

    M1/USB and Ham apps/win-only firmware updates?

    Posted this on the video thread; maybe more traction here. QQs (maybe)— Collective thoughts wanted on Windows/Parallels and hardware: I was looking at getting either a Surface or M1 MBA (only currently have a work-issued Mac, and iPad these days) to run Win honestly for the occasional hardware...
  7. B

    Buying advice for new MacBook Air.

    I know this question has been asked a lot but since I will soon buy my first Mac ever I need to ask. I am a music producer and my i7 4790k with 8 gigs of DDR3 slow ram that I have on my PC right now have served me well throught the years and I never made a project that my PC has struggled with...
  8. imdog

    Should I Return M1? Screen-tearing on LG5K & Bluetooth Issues

    Hi, I've been having a lot of issues with my M1 Mac mini unfortunately. The most of any Apple Product I've ever used! So I got the Mac mini (16GB/1TB) & the LG Ultrafine 5K for Christmas. I have 2 days left in my return window so I have to make my decision pretty quick. These are the issues I...
  9. JustinTheAppleNewbie

    MBP M1 wont't work just of Ethernet cable

    Hi, I've been trying to connect my ethernet cable to my new mbp m1 13" but when I check my network settings it says "Self-assigned IP- address" or something( used google translate for translation might not be 100%). Anyone knows what this issue might be? The Ethernet cable is connected via a...
  10. T

    Problems with mx master 3 and logi options

    I have the made for Mac version so no unifying dongle. M1 air When I turn my mx master 3 on 80% of the time the buttons and gestures will be all messed up. My back and forward buttons won’t work on safari, middle click doesn’t work, none of the gestures except for pressing the gesture work. And...
  11. Le0M

    Real Life Battery Consumption - M1 MacBooks

    Hello everyone, I decided to open this thread because I'm having battery issues myself with my new M1 MacBook Pro, and since I still cannot understand If the battery has some issues or it's just paranoia, I came to this conclusion: It would be good if people shared their battery life while...
  12. A

    M1 MacBook Air screen burn ?

    M1 MacBook Air screen Burn ? only had it for 6 hours gutted ?
  13. phill85

    M1 MacBook Pro 1tb vs. 2tb

    Ordering a new M1 MacBook Pro! I have a 500gb iCloud Photos Library that I'd like to store on my laptop (originals). I also work with drone footage. Is it worth it to go for the 2tb or stick with 1tb? Should I just get an external, or is that even an option?
  14. RobbieTT

    M1 Real-world performance, multitasking & beachballs

    I'm a few weeks in to the M1 experience and before getting into my thoughts on actual performance I must offer a few alibis & excuses. I am probably not the average user (whatever that is) - my machines have to work hard most of the time and work together with my wider network of Macs. My...
  15. LinkRS

    Big Sur Comparison

    Howdy Everyone, My 2019 16" MacBook Pro updated to Big Sur "automatically" this past Sunday. One of the things I noticed immediately, was that my system seems slower. So, I took a look in Activity Monitor and noticed that on a cold boot, that there are over 1800 threads and 400 processes with...