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network monitoring

  1. .wojtek

    Resolved Network monitor and statistics (akin to NetWorx)

    Is there any network monitoring app similar to I use MenuMeters for current traffic monitoring and it works great but I'm looking for the statistics part (per time period and per app. Unfortunatelly ActivityMonitor is too basick. I tried...
  2. C

    Identifying monitoring across devices?

    Hello everyone. I have been long suspicious that my ex (and child’s father, with whom I am in a legal matter with for DV) may have access and is monitoring my devices. I don’t know if it’s one device, or all. My suspicion is he may have access to my texts, internet activity, location, possibly...
  3. M

    Is NortonSpyware - insists on Network Monitoring

    My Norton 360 Anti-virus / anti- spyware now insists on monitoring my network activity. in the past, I could turn off Norton features that I did not want such as their VPN. Could this mean Norton is now able to track browsing? Norton already owns LifeLock. Combining LifeLock with browsing and...