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  1. B S Magnet

    The “Legacy iDevices forum” thread: on a new community forum for unsupported iPods/iPhones/iPads (in the vein of the Early Intel & PowerPC forums)

    I was thinking about this topic over the weekend after listening to someone I know share the story of upgrading the 1.8-inch HDD in their iPod with an SSD. And then something clicked in my mind: One thing we don’t have around on MR forums is a forum dedicated for keeping iPods, vintage...
  2. K

    iPhone 11 iPhone Longevity-Useability Question

    I am in the market for an iPhone. I cannot afford new. I was thinking of purchasing a used 128 GB iPhone 11 and keeping it for two to three years. I know several people who only buy new and upgrade their phones every two years. They feel the phone's performance starts slipping because the old...
  3. U

    Replace GPU after reballing

    Hello everyone, I have an iMac classified as obsolete/vintage by Apple and so I had to fix it by myself. The problem was a frozen screen on the startup (grey window with the apple, vertical stripes and weird colours) that has been partially solved with a reballing on the graphic card (AMD Radeon...
  4. K

    MacPro 5,1 getting proper OS and OpenCore to run Radeon Sapphire 580 8G

    Hi folks - migrating back to my 5,1 upgraded proc 3.33 12-core. I have the stock GFX card in there now, but I'd love to get my radeon 580 8g working where I can have the grey startup disk options. I just am diving back in and could really use a couple pointers. Would anyone be able to point...
  5. F

    Will a Macbook Air work with AC adapter only?

    Will a Macbook Air work without a battery while plugged in with its AC adapter?
  6. Leevkw

    Faulty USB ports

    Does anybody else find that the USB ports on all Macbook's often become faulty after a couple years? Even the slightest touch of my external hard drive will disconnect the device. And, the same thing happened on my old macbook. Is this another case of planned obsolescence from the guys and...
  7. C

    Replace MBP battery before it goes obsolete

    I have a 2012 15" MBP with optical drive, which should be going obsolete in the next few months (anyone know the precise date?). My battery is currently listed as in good health. Battery reports 87% capacity (5994 mAh) and 688 charge cycles. I don't know much about batteries, but...
  8. A

    iOS devices no longer able to get patches

    I have an iPhone 5 that will not be able to upgrade to iOS 11. I really have no need to get a new phone, and I'd like to keep using my iPhone 5, but I know that Apple does not provide security updates for any iOS versions besides the most recent one that's out at any time. I understand that...
  9. 7

    Mid-2012 MBP Retina - obsolete?

    I have a mid-2012 MBP retina. Just ticked over on 5 years old. The battery is doing ok, 300 cycles and 83% capacity. However, I'm wondering should I get this booked in for a battery replacement now? According to Apple (, vintage/obsolete products are...
  10. Adamscomputerrepair

    Is PowerPC Obsolete in 2016?

    I posted this for 3 reasons: 1, I want to show you guys some things I've tried out and want some new tricks that you've tried. 2, I want your opinion on whether these gloriously old beauties are obsolete. 3, I am shamelessly promoting my new channel sparked tech. So, what is your opinion? Is...