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phone app

  1. Thor774

    Help: I need to find a way to block the Phone app at night

    I have a teenager and her iPhone is configured with Screen Time. Downtime is set to block many apps late at night when it's time to sleep. Lately, I have noticed that she has started to make and receive phone calls very late at night when the rest of the house is asleep. You can block every app...
  2. W

    My iPhone won't ring

    I bought my iPhone SE (2022), having never had an iPhone before. For some strange reason, incoming calls trigger only a vibration. The phone does not ring. How do I set this up so the phone actually rings during an incoming call?
  3. J

    watchOS 8.7 phone handoff bug (keypad not responsive)

    I've gone through Apple support without resolution and was wondering if anyone else could test or is encountering this issue. I never experienced this until the most recent (or the last couple of OS updates - not sure exactly when this started, but it was recently). I have Apple Watch SE...
  4. U

    iOS 14.x: Unable to edit mistyped phone number using cursor on keypad in Phone App.

    Unable to edit mistyped phone number using cursor on keypad in Phone App. The cursor just does not appear, howsoever hard you may try. One has to erase the entire typed number and start afresh with correct digits. Anyone else?
  5. U

    iOS 14.4 (18D52): SMS sending fails while using “Respond with Text” on Phone app of dual SIM iPhone with a caller not called from the iPhone earlier.

    This issue is on a dual SIM phone. If on a dual SIM phone the caller has not been contacted from that iPhone earlier, then the SMS response using “Respond with Text” options does not get delivered. The SMS text (not iMessage) message using “Respond with Text” option gets sent and delivered to...
  6. D

    iOS 14.1 Phone favorites disappearing

    Hi everyone! I started on my iPhone 12 Pro with a clean install (iOS 14.1), and I experience that when I add my contacts again to the tab favorites in the phone app... that they disappear. Anyone having this issue too? Thanks!
  7. R

    iPhone XS I've been scratching my head about this issue for 2 weeks/ iPhone USB headset

    I am trying to get my older Sennheiser USB headset to work with my iPhone XS to make and take phone calls. However, I cannot get this to work. I am attaching the usb headset to apple's lightning to USB connector. The iPhone registers the product as headphones. I am able to listen to music...
  8. paddy9876

    Why are my iPhone favorites contacts rearranging on their own?

    My iPhone "favorites" contacts are rearranging on their own. This is recent in the last few months... (I have an iPhone 8, iOS 12.1) In the main iPhone phone app... my favorites are rearranging on their own. I have removed them all, and readied them all. I have also rearranged them myself int...
  9. pedzsan

    Alternative "Phone" app?

    I have a speech impediment and the phone part of my iPhone is not usable to me. People on the other side can rarely understand me. Contrast this with phones from the 1980s which were very functional and useful for me. The way I describe it: if we were to sit and have coffee, you probably...
  10. No5tromo

    Phone app issues with iOS 10 on 6s

    Ever since I upgraded to iOS 10 I have noticed my phone acting up and am getting random app freezes on my iPhone 6s but especially on the phone app. It will sometimes take forever to open or if it's already open in the background it will become unresponsive and when I call someone the call...
  11. S

    iPhone drops Bluetooth speaker connexion for Phone app

    the title should say it all. Bluetooth works with all my audio apps but when I place a phone call it drops the Bluetooth connection and resets it immediately after I hang up. I suspect this behavior is not avoidable.
  12. N

    iPhone Downgraded from iOS 10 b2 to iOS 9.3.3 WORST IDEA

    So my iPhone 6S Plus was running the iOS 10 public beta 2. I finally decided the hell with it let me get rid of this beta and go on 9.3.3. Apparently that was a BAD idea. My "phone" app instantly crashes whenever I try to open it, but after 3-5 times it will open. Or if I open up multitask and...