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  1. A

    iPhone Graffiti Maps-Places Traveled: Save and share all the cool places you've been

    Hey everyone! I've recently built an app called Graffiti Maps-Places Traveled. It's an application that uses the location data in the images on your phone to build spots that you can save and share with others. I'm hoping that this can be used to build a global social map where you can follow...
  2. Owenpatry

    Track and Log location

    Hey All! First post so bare with me! First, a little background to understand my motive: I’m a freelancer in the film biz in Southern California and I go to a lot of different places for work. My wife and I plan on moving in the near future and I’ve always wondered what the prime location is...
  3. Laryl

    photo albums I don't want, can I hide them?

    iPhone7 .. These photo albums that are forced on us; Places, People .. Is there any way to hide them? I like the album view but wish those folders weren't taking up half the screen. I just wish I could delete them or rearrange in Album view to push them to the bottom. Any tips?
  4. A

    [BEAUTIFUL PLANNER] Drift - To Places

    Download link: Hi everyone! My team and I have been working on Drift, a planner app that is solely focused on places you want to visit. It's beautiful and free! It is great for putting together a plan for all the places you...