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  1. GammaNumeric

    How to get used to 60Hz Displays again?

    Wanted to buy a MacBook Pro so I went to the store to try one out. I have a 144Hz Monitor at home so the 60Hz Monitor felt very stuttery and incredibly cheap to me. I like MacBooks in theory and would love to buy one but I can’t bring myself to spend a premium on something feeling dirt cheap to me.
  2. PinkyMacGodess

    Print Free For Life! (This is asinine)

    HP has a promotion called 'Print Free For Life', and it's amazing, the shear balls to do this. You can print 'for free', 15 pages a month. They supply the ink. For 'free'. But, if you go over that generous amount, you pay $1.00 per block of 10. So you print 16 pages, you pay a dollar. You...
  3. D

    Chances the iPhone 8 gets ProMotion

    I really love promotion on the new ipad pro. What do you think the chances are it will be included on the iPhone 8? That would really tempt me to drop the extra cash over the iPhone 7 plus.
  4. ekuLoN

    ProMotion for Macbook Pro's

    ProMotion is my favorite. When does this technology come to the MacBook Pro's or 12" macbook and redesigned iMac's? I think 2018 pro's and iMac's will have this feature but 12 macbook doesn't until 2019.
  5. workgames

    iOS Help with promotion

    Hello! Need help in the promotion of the game (18+ for couples), I want a little bit up in the search and get more organic installs. Budget - $100 (I understand that funny). How can I get the most out of this budget? Perhaps buy installs / advertising in the social networks / bloggers ...? Who...
  6. mediachicken

    Whats a good way to promote Mac App Store apps?

    I recently finished working on my code editor "small", and after releasing to the app store, i was ecstatic to see that it sat on the front page of developer tools for quite some time :) But I was under the impression that the feed got refreshed upon new apps and updates, so no big deal, when I...
  7. F

    [ Free Download ] - "Rolling Bamm!" - Check it out!