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read only

  1. supergaia

    is there a way to protect an exFat partition files to be overwritten ?

    Hi I have an external hard disk , and i have created an exFat partition and a folder called audio with only audio files , mp3 and aac I created this partition exFAT just because I want to share with windows in windows it 's pretty easy , i can select all of them and set them read only , but i...
  2. MYZ

    Really strange windowserver bug/crash that caused my external APFS (encrypted) disk to switch to read only mode - now I need to authenticate to write

    Hi everyone! This is by far the strangest bug I've ever encountered in my 9 years of using a mac. And it's got me stumped. After all, it doesn't seem like a system crash, of any kind, should be able to affect an external drive so dramatically. Especially when there was nothing even being...
  3. vs40

    External SSD switching to "read only" when used for TimeMachine backup

    I got new external SSD and want to use it for Time Machine backups, but it switching to "read only" after configuring the Time Machine. SSD is working, I can format it in exFAT or APFS and use like normal external drive, but right after selecting it for Time Machine, it switching to RO. I'm...
  4. F

    Circus Ponies Notebook: read only when moved to new computer

    I just got a new MacBook Pro with Sierra (10.12.4). I transferred my Circus Ponies Notebooks (CPN) to the computer and the app is working in that I can open them and read them. But when I try to save, it says it can't. Read only. For one notebook only, it asked if I wanted to open it as read...
  5. C

    Office 2016 protected mode

    Does anyone know how to keep attachments to e-mails from opening in the dreaded "protected mode" in O365 Mac? I hate having to save them every time when I just want to make a minor change and then mail back
  6. C

    Office opens 'read only'

    Since I loaded Office 2015, nearly every file I open from an outside source (e-mail) opens 'read only'. I have tried to find a setting in Preferences without any success. It happens in Word, Excel and Powerpoint. Any ideas?