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silicon mac pro

  1. F

    Question re: the new Macbook Pro Max

    I have a quick question. Will the new Macbook Pro Max have super fast browsing? I’m currently running a Macbook 13 2020 Intel i5 16 gig memory and I do a lot of work on Salesforce. I find the Mac incredibly slow on Salesforce. Will the new Macbook with all its power help in the department? Thank...
  2. I

    MP 7,1 MAC PRO 7,1 ( purchasing advice or wait?) (from MP 2013)

    Hi, I have a MP 2013 12 core, dual D700, 64GB RAM, 1 TB ssd. I'm manly an editor video, I use often RAW files, I do also some color correction. At this time I use FCPX and DaVINCI Resolve. I have 3 big Areca Thunderbolt 2 Raid 5 with a lot of data! :) I'm thinking to upgrade my system now or...
  3. T

    How to custom Resolutions in M1 PRO 13 inch

    Hi all. I using Macbook m1 and using screen DELL P2421D. I have problem when i connect from macbook to extends screen. When i connect to DELL P2421D, my font screen very fuzzy. When i check my screen, it not enable HiDPI. I try download RDM new version 2.5.0. My screen max resolution is 2560 *...
  4. C

    MBP M1 doesn't wake with TouchId

    Hey fellas. So I switched from a MBA 2018 to MBP M1 and I am loving the new experience (except the bloody touch bar). Anyways my old MBA when I didn't use if for lets say 5-10 minutes turned off the screen and after touching the Touch ID sensor it woke up and logged in. This mostly doesn't...
  5. JustinTheAppleNewbie

    M1 Macbook 13" Heat issue or standard?

    Hi, I've recently bought a new m1 macbook 13" and so far I've enjoyed it to the fullest. But the other day i tried something that raised questions in my mind. Now i know that the macbook 13" isn't intended for gaming, but i felt like trying some of my favorite titles to see how they ran on it. I...
  6. DarrenC4

    Is anyone able to get "google file stream" running on the new M1 Macs?

    Is anyone able to get "google file stream" running on the new M1 Macs? I get an error saying "drive file stream requires your approval" "open system preferences" but then when I click it, there's no option for giving access to file steam, and I get an error "drive file system encountered...