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  1. M

    Migrate Google data (183 GB) to iCloud drive online?

    Hi. Is it possibile to migrate all my Google data like Google photos and YT videos to iCloud online, without downloading it first and uploading it? My internet connection is aroud 7-15 max. It takes ages to download it first. I want to get over with spy Google as I did with Facebook (and their...
  2. C

    iPhone 7/Plus Green call bar appears out of nowhere

    so you know when you’re on a call and exit the phone app to access any other app mid call, there’s a green bar on top of your screen to let you know the call is active and how long your call is going for? Well I’ve notice that multiple times when I’m not even on a call, that this bar appears...
  3. S

    iPhone Is Siri listening to my conversations now?

    I was out this morning having coffee with my wife and kids when somebody with a beautiful blue nose pit bull walked by. I asked my wife if she knew if they shed much. My phone was sitting on the table as we continued our conversation and about 5-10 minutes later I opened Safari to search for...
  4. SamTallon

    Universal Spy Coach: visual memory and reaction trainer

    Good memory, quick reaction, attentiveness. These qualities are necessary for a spy, but they are also very important for every person. If you want to improve your visual memory and reaction, learn to memorize the person's face at a glance and recognize it among other people - this app is for...
  5. C

    Security questions (spy, workflow, applescript, etc).

    Hello, Last few year I had couple of minor issues with security of my macbook air. I have firevault installed, antivirus (avast or bitdefender) and firewall on. I do travel a lot and had someone to look at my mac in couple of shady places (3rd world country, not autosized workshop). Is it...