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turn on

  1. S

    MacBook Air 13" (Early 2014) - turns on only after dozen of attempts

    Hi, I am the owner of a MacBook Air 13" (Early 2014). Until recently, the computer served me without any problems throughout the entire period from the purchase of the equipment. Unfortunately, two weeks ago, I had a problem with turning on my MacBook for the first time. After pressing the...
  2. N

    iPhone SE (2016) Help with Apple SE - dropped in water, dried out, now turns on...and then off...

    Help with Apple SE - dropped in water, dried out, now turns on...and then off... So I am attempted to recover contacts, images etc from this phone and I don't know how I can accomplish this. Any ideas. It does turn on for a sec and then immediately turns off. Any suggestions for saving the...
  3. angelbur

    Macbook pro 2011 "prohibited symbol"

    To start off I've gone and read all about prohibited "do not enter" symbol problems around. Here's whats different that doesn't seem to work for me. Macbook pro 2011 15 inch - I don't get a apple logo at the start, just right to the symbol after 10-15seconds - touched harddrive as it booted but...
  4. F

    Macbook pro 2009 17 inch wont turn on!

    Hi, Last night i turned off my macbook,but today when i tried to turn it on,it wont No light,no fan sound,nothing... (I already tried the 10 seconds trick with/without battery) (I already took the ram out,change the ram slot and etc) (I already put the ram into other Macbook pro and the rams...
  5. M

    Turning on iMac

    Hey Simple question please. Is there a way to turn on / power on the iMac Pro from an external button? Like a sort of button that is attached via USB or something? Sleepmode is not the option I am looking for. An iMac Pro in the Studio is placed further away from the desk and it gets annoying...
  6. K1K1

    Turn on or off password storage?

    Is it necessary to include password storage or not, on Chrome or Safari, actually, is it better and safer?