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vision pro

  1. M


    Do you guys think it will make it to the Vision Pro? Can you imagine the Jam Sessions with your friends (real life and spatial) and their digital personas?
  2. robgreene

    Apple Vision Pro: WHOA.

    This is, for me, the most jaw-dropping potential use case for the Vision Pro to date. Not an F1 fan, but could totally see myself getting in to it with something like this to help me follow. This also has me thinking: most of the focus has been on the high price of the AVP compared to other...
  3. robgreene

    Sharing AVP: Facial Grease? Makeup?

    Has anyone considered (or reported on) the impact of facial grease and makeup on the Vision Pro's Light Seal / Cushions? Even if someone had the same size head/face as me, for the price it costs, I'm not sure I'd want to share what looks to be a fabric cushion with someone else's face.
  4. robgreene

    AVP Launch List: Third Party Apps

    Has anyone found a list of Third Party Apps available at launch for AVP? I know Apple shared some of the top tier streaming services, but outside of that, it's been crickets. Would love to see a comprehensive list of notable titles across all app categories.
  5. B

    upcoming new Apple product categories

    (No question, just some observations...) Apple's put huge effort into 2 new product categories: mixed reality (about to be released) vehicles (maybe someday released) When I think back to when "smartphone" was a new product category for Apple, Apple was extraordinarily positioned to have a...
  6. robgreene

    Vision Pro (Inside Scoop?)

    Just got off the phone with the Apple Business department at our local store. A few "inside" details not yet revealed or clarified: • The Vision Pro, despite it's Pro moniker, is currently classified by Apple as a consumer product, and thus ineligible for order through the business department...
  7. M

    The Vision Pro announcement was not like the iPhone Announcement

    If you compare between the Announcement of the iPhone and the Announcement of the Vision Pro. You know the iPhone is still the most important product for Apple.
  8. M

    Vision Pro's price doesn't show yet

    What do you think, if im right, Apple always put their prices after a keynote, even if the devices aren't available soon :cool:
  9. E

    Usability of UsdVol with Vision Pro Development Kit

    Hello, I am inquiring about the possibility of utilizing UsdVol for app development on Vision Pro. Is it feasible to use UsdVol within this development environment? Additionally, if UsdVol is not supported, are there alternative methods to employ volumetrics within Vision Pro? Thank you for...
  10. I

    New AirPods Pro 2 contain 5 GHz radio

    Everyone was waiting for an explanation as to why only this year's AirPods Pro 2 would support lossless audio with the Vision Pro, and we finally have our answer - only the new AirPods Pro 2's H2 chip runs at 5GHz; prior AirPods Pro 2 models' H2 chips run at 2.4GHz. Ron Huang, Apple VP of...
  11. Z

    Apple putting the VR cart before the content horse

    For VisionPro, Apple will need all the help it can get from user content, and from the platforms hosting user-generated AR/VR/360 content. Most of Apple's success can be boiled down to giving its customers awesome ways to consume and create content. It will be no different with the Vision Pro...
  12. B

    Vision Pro from a Developer's Perspective - Paul Hudson

    I found this interesting since it is coming from his experience of the demo and of being a developer and the API foundation that is available. He does online courses for Apple development -- which is one of the better resources available. Vision Pro from a Developer's Perspective
  13. F

    Vision Pro Financing?

    One important question is whether Apple is trying to make money off this product or if they are trying to become leaders in a space that is poised for huge growth if done correctly. To get people into the headset, I could see a long term 0% financing option (through the Apple card of course)...
  14. J

    Why is no one talking about risks for eye health?

    In the keynote, they introduced a new feature for the next iPadOS which tells you when your eyes are too close to the screen, because of the impact on eye health. And then almost immediately introduced the apple vision pro where you put screens a few centimetres from your eyes. Why is no one...
  15. 5

    Spatial Photos and Video

    Do you think future iPhone models will add the ability to take 3D spatial photos and video? I would love a way to shoot/capture spatial content outside of using the headset itself. What do you think?
  16. Apple$

    3rd party battery packs.

    I wonder if there will be slightly larger 3rd party batteries for the Vision Pro?Like maybe 3-4 hours just so you can see a full length movie without it dying.
  17. M

    Anyone pick up if “old eyes” will not require Zeiss?

    There was mention of customized Zeiss lenses but, I don’t recall any mention of minor adjustments for variable eye issues like “old eyes” that don’t require prescription. At my age, I use readers (1.75) to read small print but do not require prescription glasses. Did anyone pick up on any...
  18. S

    Vision - not Pro - Second Gen expectations.

    Interesting device but goes without saying that certainly at that price, the Gen 1 is out of reach for a lot of people, and also clearly Apple will learn lessons as people start to use it. Although I am less optimistic regarding timeframe, I feel we will eventually get a more affordable version...
  19. Gamercraft567a

    Apple vision pro: I don’t think you could actually use it on a plane here’s why

    1. Noise from other passengers and other noises from planes and that would hurt the immersion 2. Plane wi-fi is usually slow and the show your watching will buffer a ton 3. battery some planes don’t have outlets/plug’s 4. embarrassment people near you will probably make fun of you if they don’t...
  20. Mr. Dee

    Summer Vacation or Vision Pro?

    I have my summer vacation to New York planned out and it’s already ballooned to 2,700 and that’s just being conservative. I’m wondering if I should cancel and just wait for the Vision Pro and spend the money there. Not to mention I pay it off in monthly installments using my Apple Card. I’m also...