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volume button software problems

  1. JGSTmx

    iPhone WhatsApp making volume buttons unresponsive

    Has anyone noticed that the volume buttons stop working randomly whenever you are in the WhatsApp app? Either locked or unlocked, they stop responding. Buttons start working again once you leave the app. I thought it had something to do with iOS 17.0.3, but still the same behaviour with 17.1...
  2. JacksonCraig94

    AirPods volume scaring me to death!

    Anyone else being scared to death when you click your volume button and it jumps to 100% real quick 😅 Anyway of fixing this bug?
  3. H

    iPhone 12 Pro Max Beware of your ear! Music volume suddenly increased to maximum upon double clicking volume-up button

    I just purchased an IPhone 12 Pro Max 256 GB. I often listen music on my iPhone. The problem is: Recently, my ear very often got hurt due to music volume suddenly increased to maximum at very low volume. This happens frequently. After repeatedly testing my iPhone, the problem can be reproduced...
  4. K

    Can iPhone XR App Volume & Ringer Volume Be Synced?

    I just upgraded from an iPhone 7 to an iPhone XR. I've noticed that when I use the volume buttons, the ringer volume and app volume operate separately. If I'm not mistaken, both ringer and app volume were previously synced on all of my other iPhones; meaning if I pushed the volume buttons, when...