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wacom tablet

  1. R

    Screen Zoom Using Wacom Tablet and/or Wacom Mouse

    Is there a way to use the accessibility function (scroll gesture with modifier keys to make a full screen zoom) along with Wacom tablet candor Wacom mouse scroll? I am using Wacom Intros 5 Touch with Max OS X El Capitan with driver (6.3.34-2)... I tried it and it doens't work, it only works...
  2. Dozer_Zaibatsu

    Wacom touch vs Magic Trackpad touch -- comparable experience?

    I'm wondering if anyone has any experience on what the Wacom touch is like? Does it feel natural? Comparable to the Magic Trackpad (2) from Apple? Cross platform on Windows or, heavens-to-Betsy, even Linux? I'm currently contracting and using a Mac as my main machine along with a new Magic...
  3. dewjack

    searching intuitive program with wacom.

    Looking for something powerpoint-like in which I can draw _and_ zoom with my wacom tablet in real time. To specify, I will prepare a presentation with a series of images, and then, in front of the audience, draw and zoom in and out on these images, switching easily between them. The function I...
  4. LunaPhase

    Which size Wacom Intuos Pro tablet should I buy?

    I have a thirteen inch Macbook Pro - mid 2014. I want to use it for drawing (love to draw people, nature, animals and sometimes abstract), graphic design and editing photos. I do want to have accuracy. I've read that small would be good because it all depends on the screen size in comparison to...