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macrumors G3
Original poster
Jul 29, 2003
Silicon Valley
Apple appears to have reported 5.5 Billion paid out to devs, vs. a report of 4 Billion last quarter, and 650k apps in the iOS App store, of which about half are paid.

So if there were any mean average apps (probably very few, as the vast majority do less well, but a few do a lot better), they could be bringing in revenues of around $1.5k per month.


macrumors member
Jun 30, 2011
Apple appears to have reported 5.5 Billion paid out to devs, vs. a report of 4 Billion last quarter, and 650k apps in the iOS App store, of which about half are paid.

So if there were any mean average apps (probably very few, as the vast majority do less well, but a few do a lot better), they could be bringing in revenues of around $1.5k per month.

Interesting observation. Problem is the multiple hundred thousand (or million) dollar a month apps are the ones making the bulk of the revenue.

I do think there are a lot of apps around that mean level of $1.5K a month and that level of sales/revenue is probably more common than you think.

Of course the most common level of revenue is probably $0-$30 a month per app.


macrumors newbie
Oct 4, 2009
I'd love to know the median as opposed to the average. Though I suspect there are quite a few around that average number.


macrumors G3
Original poster
Jul 29, 2003
Silicon Valley
I'd love to know the median as opposed to the average. Though I suspect there are quite a few around that average number.

The median is d*rn close to zero. Less than 1 download per day, depending on the category. 50% of apps available in the App store do worse.


macrumors regular
Jun 5, 2010
most of the apps on the app store are pure junk. I wouldn't even trust running them on my computer. The 30% cut that Apple gets is ludicrous from any business metric. Tack on another 15-20% in taxes and you get about 56% of what you sell. You will need to sell a lot of 2.99 apps to pay the rent for a year with these numbers. there are better ways to make money.


macrumors G3
Nov 26, 2007
I cover getting myself nice things that a broke college student shouldn't be able to get using my revenues from Battery Status... it paid the annual fee within 3 days of going up in January. While sales have dropped over the months, it still brings in about $100/week... I was hoping to see a massive boost with Mountain Lion's release, but instead there was a day of 40 sales and 20 sales the day of ML's release and the day after, and now it has resumed averaging 10 sales per day. (I was hoping for either a more dramatic spike or a longer lasting boost... I guess I can't complain about making $150 for the week instead of $100 though...)


macrumors G3
Nov 26, 2007
Because they took away the battery indicator? Did you do any specific PR tied in with the release of ML? Like contacting blogs and that sort of thing?

No, that would have been a great idea, but it didn't even occur to me. I was hoping Apple would advertise it, but instead they rejected the app for its network usage. I've appealed the decision, given it uses the network just the same as the prior version, but we'll see how that goes...

I'm thinking I won't be renewing my Mac dev account and I'll find a new way of distributing my apps... Probably Steam for my games... Maybe directly through my website for my non-games.


macrumors 6502
Apr 24, 2003
Madison, WI
They removed the time remaining feature from the battery icon in ML, so if you app still shows time remaining in the status bar, users might find it useful.

Do you send out any pr emails? I try and send out three per week, sometimes more, just letting people know we exist. I'd be interested to see what happens to your numbers (now that you've been gracious enough to release them) if you were to send out one email a day in August to blogs or writers that that talk about the new battery status in ML or just people that talk about Mac apps in general. It could be the MacRumors Business, Legal, and Marketing Forum August Challenge :)


macrumors member
Jun 30, 2011
OK what is the app? show it.

LOL. Getting weird.

My point was that lots of people make good money from apps, many of the people on these boards even. But I am thinking your original remark was somewhat trolling and I shouldn't have fell for it. Good luck with whatever you do. Point taken you don't think app development is worthwhile so it probably wouldn't be for you.

Anyways thanks for the interesting stats @firewood. Lots of opportunity in Mobile right now!
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macrumors regular
Jun 5, 2010
Unless you are one of them, don't say anything. Show your moneymaking app or stop spreading rumors based on what you "heard" or believe.

LOL. Getting weird.

My point was that lots of people make good money from apps, many of the people on these boards even. But I am thinking your original remark was somewhat trolling and I shouldn't have fell for it. Good luck with whatever you do. Point taken you don't think app development is worthwhile so it probably wouldn't be for you.

Anyways thanks for the interesting stats @firewood. Lots of opportunity in Mobile right now!


macrumors member
Jun 30, 2011
Unless you are one of them, don't say anything. Show your moneymaking app or stop spreading rumors based on what you "heard" or believe.

Ok you are right, I make no money from apps and neither does anyone else. It is not a good way to make money. Sorry for spreading all of the crazy rumors that it is a great opportunity.

Also thanks for your great words of wisdom you have made the world a better place. These boards are lucky to have you.


macrumors 68000
Sep 20, 2007
38°39′20″N 27°13′10″W
Unless you are one of them, don't say anything. Show your moneymaking app or stop spreading rumors based on what you "heard" or believe.

Just last week I went out with a friend who has bought a house, boat and car with money he has made from his Apps. (well he now employs over 20 people in his Apps business writing code for iOS, OSX android and Win though it all started off with iOS)

I should have quit my job which pays 6 figures to set up with him when he did, 'cause he made over 7 figures pa for the last 3 years. I didn't have the balls to put my families regular income on the line

Sure there aren't many who make it so well though there are a few.

I suspect though that it was getting in when the App store was new was the key to many's success.


macrumors regular
I work with app developers and companies on a daily basis; there are MANY people out there making a living on apps

What you'd be amazed is how much advertising dollars go out to promoting apps and what people are willing to pay per install for getting their FREE apps installed on someones phone.


macrumors 65816
Dec 29, 2010
Aartselaar // Antwerp // Belgium
Our company alone has 12 Full time iOS Developers who all get a big chunk of cash and a car for consulting etc etc.
I don't get why you are saying people can't make any money of apps?
B2B applications are wellll worth the money, big companies pay top notch for easy apps or some high end CRM systems.. :/ So like the other guy said, stop making suggestions because you can't actually hit it yet..
Look at the creators of Angry Birds, they had like 6 failing games before Angry Birds.. if they would've given up, they would've had nothing.. But looka t them now, billion dollar company, because of the movies/advertisements, and now their new game.. it's just totally irrelevant what you just said ;/


macrumors member
Jun 30, 2011
Thanks for some support guys.

@jnoxx - if you were talking to me, thanks. I was being sarcastic saying no one makes money because @softwareguy256 was basically calling me a liar because I wouldn't specifically tell him what apps make what money. I just thought his replies were rude and condescending this entire thread and didn't want to feed his trolling.

@HotRodGuy and @wackymacky - Thanks, but be careful because @softwareguy256 will want to know what specific developers and apps are making the amount of money you claim or he will accuse you of spreading rumors...

I too make a living off of apps right now, but you don't have to believe me if you don't want to. I'm not going to give specifics.


I suspect though that it was getting in when the App store was new was the key to many's success.

I started an app company last year that is doing great, and one this year that is doing well also. You just have to create something that appeals to a good amount of people which is definitely easier said than done. It is definitely not too late though. Getting in early I think had its benefits but I still think it is early for mobile apps and that they will be around for a while.


macrumors regular
Jun 5, 2010
Get to the specifics, give me anmes and software apps. I'm sure your "friend" if he exists would not mind the free publicity.

Just last week I went out with a friend who has bought a house, boat and car with money he has made from his Apps. (well he now employs over 20 people in his Apps business writing code for iOS, OSX android and Win though it all started off with iOS)

I should have quit my job which pays 6 figures to set up with him when he did, 'cause he made over 7 figures pa for the last 3 years. I didn't have the balls to put my families regular income on the line

Sure there aren't many who make it so well though there are a few.

I suspect though that it was getting in when the App store was new was the key to many's success.


macrumors member
Jun 30, 2011
Get to the specifics, give me anmes and software apps. I'm sure your "friend" if he exists would not mind the free publicity.

LOL called it! @wackymacky, I believe you no need to "prove" anything, you don't need to give anmes (whatever that is) or anything else.
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macrumors G3
Original poster
Jul 29, 2003
Silicon Valley
I work with app developers and companies on a daily basis; there are MANY people out there making a living on apps...

It's a game of numbers and ratios.

There are thousands of iOS app developers making big money or supporting large teams, divisions or even companies with App store revenue. Thousands. That might be MANY in terms of numbers. And another equally large group making money doing development consulting and/or developing in-house enterprise apps.

However thousands of successful developers out of hundreds of thousands of total registered developers out there submitting apps and doing consulting is on the order of a 1% professional success rate. Maybe 2% or 3% max. That's not a very high probability. Making the ones who can "prove anything" rare.
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