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macrumors 6502
Oct 9, 2013
The 13 mini will be put through the ringer for 2 weeks. If it doesn't hold well. I'm talking 5-6 ST then its to the 13.


macrumors newbie
Apr 22, 2020
I don't understand why they don't have more customers for the mini. There are people with small hands, small pockets or that just like really good portability.

Looking at this poll is interesting.

I know this is a very small sample size compared to the real world, but I’d like to believe that the real world isn’t as hardcore over the pro models as people on a dedicated forum would be. But if the mini is doing as well or better than the base model, then I don’t see them dropping it.


macrumors G3
Oct 24, 2013
New Hampshire
Looking at this poll is interesting.

I know this is a very small sample size compared to the real world, but I’d like to believe that the real world isn’t as hardcore over the pro models as people on a dedicated forum would be. But if the mini is doing as well or better than the base model, then I don’t see them dropping it.

I'd expect the mini to do better in markets where people can't afford the Pro models. A good chunk of the world doesn't have the disposable income that we see in the United States. I have a lot of other devices too which means that I have a larger screen available if I need one.

But then I don't really get why most vehicles sold today are trucks/vans/SUVs either.
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macrumors 65816
May 3, 2016
Looking at this poll is interesting.

I know this is a very small sample size compared to the real world, but I’d like to believe that the real world isn’t as hardcore over the pro models as people on a dedicated forum would be. But if the mini is doing as well or better than the base model, then I don’t see them dropping it.
I also have to question how much of the 12 mini's lackluster sales may have been pandemic-related. At the time, plenty of people were going through a transition from office-type jobs in an actual office to work-from-home. Along with that, many people were still avoiding unnecessary travel and going out in public in general. Both of which lend favor to larger devices that can be used like a mini-tablet at home, where portability is less of a concern.

Now that some regions are opening up, or at least ignoring the state of the pandemic, you may see more interest and uptake with the 13 mini this upcoming 12 months. People who have to return to their workplace may reevaluate the practicality of a 6.7" device that weighs just shy of 0.5 lbs.

One of the main reasons I love the mini size so much is that it fits in most pockets with ease, whether those are running shorts, a button-up shirt with a front vest pocket, or even jeans with small pockets. No matter what, the mini is easy to take out and put away in any pocket, even while sitting down, with little effort. I can easily see people discovering this year that the 12 Pro Max is not suited to fitting in...well...most pockets and are eager to shed some of that weight, as well.


macrumors 68040
Jul 27, 2013
Im really glad I ended up going with the 13 Pro. I didn’t originally realize the cameras were all new on the 13 Pro, but the Mini/13 basically have the camera from last year’s 12. Also, the GPU difference between the Mini and the Pro is significant.


macrumors member
Sep 28, 2015
I am in the same boat. i want the mini in every way from a form factor perspective. The cinematic filming stuff isn’t really a concern for me. The only hang up I have is the better zoom on the pro. I’m having my first child in February. I hear better zoom is a factor for kiddos. I’ll get a solid digital camera, but as they say the camera you have when you need it is the one who you shoot with. Anyone with an opinion? I’m all ears!
The zoom is useful when your kids are running about away from you. Your new baby isn’t going to be doing that for a few years so you have time. By which time, who knows, apple might have released a 5.8” pro with a telescopic 12x optical zoom?
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 16, 2012
Brisbane Australia
Uhmm I’d say the mini is nearest to the iPhone 8 than the 6.1” iPhone.
The mini is only slightly smaller than the 8, almost the same size, whereas the 6.1” is much bigger than the iPhone 8.

But it is your hand, your money, your phone, your decision.

It's not actually. It's my mom's hahahha. Getting the iPhone as a birthday present!
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Sep 16, 2017
I had an iPhone XS for two years. What I found is that the 'Pros' just have extra camera features that I play with for 5 minutes. That's all. Otherwise I would have taken the XR at the time, but it was too big. The XS was the most compact of the new design. But over two years I kept seeing more screen than I need at a higher price for...nothing. I noticed the blank spaces in all the apps. I have a 43" 4K TV in my room. I had a 2016 iPhone SE before that but the screen of course ended up being a little too small. It was OK to begin with.

I saw the webpage with the XR and XS specs side by side and then the 11 and 11 Pro specs. You can't fool me into paying more.

Also, I'm a moderate user. I love apps and the neat ways things are made easier like websites vs apps, Apple Wallet and email, but I don't do checking social media notifs that come in every minute. So the battery in my 12 mini is just great, since last November. I have had it in my pocket for the last few hours sitting at my desk at home and I didn't notice! The XS always strained on my trousers.

I would have accepted the 720 resolution as well as the best LCD in the industry in the XR, but the 1080 and OLED screen in the 12 and 13 take away the last major compromises. I have no desire for the features or cosmetic designs of the Pros, they are just superfluous. I have an investment portfolio instead, ~$54,000 at the moment. Non-Pro is so much my spec level.
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