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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 23, 2019
Interesting as ever. I’m unsure what to do. I need to replace my 16” with something but I’m unsure what. And I want MacOS so that rules out non-Mac options :/ come on Apple drop a fixed 14” plz ty ?


macrumors 6502
Apr 9, 2016
One thing to try is using the screen for a longer time and to see what happens. Like a mobile LCD panel outside during winter time, they usually ghost more then.

I immediately installed the beta when I read that, the popping noises disappeared, ghosting is still there.

Oh dear. Well it is like it is


macrumors regular
Sep 2, 2019
One thing to try is using the screen for a longer time and to see what happens. Like a mobile LCD panel outside during winter time, they usually ghost more then.

I immediately installed the beta when I read that, the popping noises disappeared, ghosting is still there.

Interesting - I have noticed some "weirdness" wrt when I can and cannot reproduce the ghosting. May be once the panel warms up it reduces the effect?


macrumors newbie
Dec 6, 2019
I noticed the most annoying ghosting is when scrolling light text on dark background. I've tested few Monitor setting. For me, the ghosting is on acceptable level when I set the highest resolution and 47,95 refresh rates.


macrumors regular
Sep 29, 2011
Have now looked at 4 different 16” machines , and all have the same level of ghosting.

I know it’s only 4 data points, but seems it’s just the response rate of these screens, rather than individual defects. Anyone who says they don’t have it just might not know what to look for.
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macrumors newbie
Dec 9, 2019
Have now looked at 4 different 16” machines , and all have the same level of ghosting.

I know it’s only 4 data points, but seems it’s just the response rate of these screens, rather than individual defects. Anyone who says they don’t have it just might not know what to look for.

The MBP 16 I checked yesterday looked very good. White text scrolling on black background without ghosting.

1. Can it be due different configuration (GPU/CPU memory size etc) ?
2. Can it be due temperature. A start up problem ?

-narcan- :
Can you describe how to best spot the ghosting problem? It can absolutely be that users that have the "radar" turned on that can spot the problem.

I am going to Stockholm this Christmas and I am planing to visit every retailer I can find and conduct the "Ghost check"

Thanks in advanced


macrumors regular
Sep 29, 2011
-narcan- :
Can you describe how to best spot the ghosting problem? It can absolutely be that users that have the "radar" turned on that can spot the problem.

I find it most pronounced when looking at high contrast dots, then moving around smoothly to see a trail left behind them.

So even just looking at the traffic lights on an OS X window while moving it around will show trailing.

Also the spinner / loader in Windows 10 (if running Bootcamp).

Checked 3 of the display models at the Apple store today, all showed the ghosting.

I personally don’t find it annoying when not looking for it, but it’s definitely there on every machine I’ve looked at.
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macrumors newbie
Dec 9, 2019
I find it most pronounced when looking at high contrast dots, then moving around smoothly to see a trail left behind them.

So even just looking at the traffic lights on an OS X window while moving it around will show trailing.

Also the spinner / loader in Windows 10 (if running Bootcamp).

Checked 3 of the display models at the Apple store today, all showed the ghosting.

I personally don’t find it annoying when not looking for it, but it’s definitely there on every machine I’ve looked at.
OK, thanks. I will do moving dots and traffic light test this afternoon.


macrumors 6502
Mar 28, 2010
Considering replacing my 2012 MacBook Air with a 2019 MacBook Pro 16”. I do use a MacBook Pro 2015 for work, for those who use a 2015 MBP, is the ghosting noticeable?


macrumors newbie
Dec 9, 2019
Considering replacing my 2012 MacBook Air with a 2019 MacBook Pro 16”. I do use a MacBook Pro 2015 for work, for those who use a 2015 MBP, is the ghosting noticeable?
Not at all. At least on my MBP 2015 15". I just conducted the "dot&traffic light" test and no ghosts found


macrumors 65816
Mar 23, 2017
Have now looked at 4 different 16” machines , and all have the same level of ghosting.

I know it’s only 4 data points, but seems it’s just the response rate of these screens, rather than individual defects. Anyone who says they don’t have it just might not know what to look for.

Yeah I have been checking out countless 16" (going on 9 now) all have the ghosting pattern.. Seems like a panel choice.
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macrumors newbie
Dec 9, 2019
Yeah I have been checking out countless 16" (going on 9 now) all have the ghosting pattern.. Seems like a panel choice.
It would be very interesting to know what kind of configuration you have tested.
I did not check the configuration yesterday but will return later today and take a note.


macrumors newbie
Dec 10, 2019
I had mine for 12 days before I noticed any ghosting. Everything seemed completely within normal response times (not an issue for me). On day 12 I open the laptop and I feel like "it must be running at 30fps". It was on battery mode so I assumed it's a power saving thing but plugging the charger in didn't make any difference. I tried rebooting and kept testing it but from that moment on I saw what to me is quite serious ghosting. It is worth mentioning (maybe) that I was at a cabin and the temperature inside was around 7 degrees celsius when I noticed it. Also, I am almost sure that for the 12 days this just wasn't happening. ... Anyway, I panicked and went for a replacement within the two week return policy. A new unit is on the way. I'll post an update on that one.

Someone in the thread mentioned that their unit seemed to "develop" the issue. Mine did too.
Someone else mentioned a temperature could be a factor.
I did play around with response times and resolutions but nothing seemed to do anything noticeable.

Other than that it's a wonderful laptop and I if the next unit still has this issue I will be contemplating whether to keep it or not.


macrumors member
Nov 20, 2019
I was at a cabin and the temperature inside was around 7 degrees celsius when I noticed it

That's an interesting bit of info, if for 12 days everything is fine but the moment you get in a cold environment you experience severe ghosting, we might have a clue as to what the issue is.

Mine should be coming in like 3 days, I'll try comparing my experience indoor at room temp and outdoor, it's winter right now so around 5° Celsius.
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macrumors member
Nov 16, 2019
The ghosting I see is definitely the worst when it’s cold. Gets better as it warms up


macrumors 65816
Jan 31, 2008
Las Vegas
FWIW, I have now seen the MBP 16 both in the Apple Store and at Costco and I could not reproduce the ghosting discussed here (both set to dark mode).


macrumors newbie
Dec 9, 2019
Here are a couple links that give a better idea about how an LCD screen slows at 5C. The first is a graph from the paper at the second link. Looks like the response time starts to slow markedly around 10C for that LCD screen.
Yes. That make sense. 5-10 degrees makes LCD screens slow. Have seen this couples of time. I live in Norway and yes it can be very cold here (lucky if it is 5-10 +).

But many users have written about ghosting indoors, at retailer and so forth.

I think the 5-10 C scenario is a bit of the track. But that said if some ghosting problems are spotted in 5-10 C it is not of the track.

It would be very valuable if users with ghosting screens also reported the temperature. I am very keen to know about this due the fact I am about to buy MBP 16" i9 32GB ++ i.e it will make holes in my wallet.
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macrumors newbie
Dec 10, 2019
Summer here in NZ and its pretty warm at the moment as well, the machine is great except for the ghosting issue, which is quite noticeable and not acceptable for something of this value.

i9 with 5500 8gb, got delivered on the 6th so only a few days ago.


macrumors regular
Sep 2, 2019
Summer here in NZ and its pretty warm at the moment as well, the machine is great except for the ghosting issue, which is quite noticeable and not acceptable for something of this value.

i9 with 5500 8gb, got delivered on the 6th so only a few days ago.
I am afraid to return the machine now because other than the ghosting issue it is perfect in every other way. I worry returning and buying a new one means going the the “unit lottery” again... :(


macrumors regular
Sep 2, 2019
After trying as hard as I could to ignore this issue, telling myself the issue will get better, that I will get used to it, I realize that is JUST NOT ACCEPTABLE for $5000 machine.

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