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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 17, 2011
Whats the real advantage of choosing ipad mini over any other smaller tablets, apart from the apple logo.

1) It does not even have a HD screen whereas kindle and other have a hd screen
2) Price is a good 130-140 more.
3) Compared to kindle speakers are crappy.

I am trying to understand why people are crazy about the ipad mini when its not even close to being the best product. I understand that the ipad is the best in the market.


macrumors 6502
Jun 26, 2010
iPad apps are million times better than Android tablet apps that is the key advantage


macrumors 68040
May 15, 2007
Whats the real advantage of choosing ipad mini over any other smaller tablets, apart from the apple logo.

1) It does not even have a HD screen whereas kindle and other have a hd screen
2) Price is a good 130-140 more.
3) Compared to kindle speakers are crappy.

I am trying to understand why people are crazy about the ipad mini when its not even close to being the best product. I understand that the ipad is the best in the market.

All reasonable questions which is why i'll wait for future generations when they make it more of a value with up to date hardware.


macrumors G3
Jul 2, 2007
Sunny Florida
Apps. That's what its all about. That why the iPad beat the pants off the bigger tablets, and that's why the Mini is going to be a hit.



macrumors regular
Original poster
May 17, 2011
I love the app store and apple as such. I myself have a bunch of apple devices, but it seems like owning apple product has become a religion.


macrumors G4
Sep 15, 2011
Vilano Beach, FL
Let me ask you - the OP - this: why do you (according to your .sig) have an iMac and an iPhone? :)

It seems like you've made some decision on your other purchases, based on attributes outside of a simple specs-to-price ratio.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 17, 2011
Whats the real advantage of choosing ipad mini over any other smaller tablets, apart from the apple logo.

1) It does not even have a HD screen whereas kindle and other have a hd screen
2) Price is a good 130-140 more.
3) Compared to kindle speakers are crappy.

I am trying to understand why people are crazy about the ipad mini when its not even close to being the best product. I understand that the ipad is the best in the market.

(1) There's a reason Apple didn't tout the Mini's video playing capabilities vs the competition. Because the Mini is one of the worst at it.

(2) I wouldn't call it "good". The price difference alone ensured that the Kindle Fire and Samsung tablets will continue to sell millions.

(3) Not sure how you came to that conclusion without listening to it yourself. One of the youtube hands-on videos is from a person that said they connected to someone else via Facetime and were able to hear one another despite the conference area being really loud.


macrumors 604
Oct 23, 2010
Support, apps, build quality


I love the app store and apple as such. I myself have a bunch of apple devices, but it seems like owning apple product has become a religion.

Owning any of these mobile devices is like a religion. Everyone trying to convince the others their product of choice is best. The truth is they are all good for one reason or another.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 20, 2010
Paying more for the Apple logo? I guess that's true, in a way. Apple products are all about delivering a complete, polished experience. Design, material and engineering, in every way. All at the highest level. Software and hardware, as a single package.


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2003
Dark Castle
The advantage is only for Apple making more money and for those customers that want an iPad and go to the Apple store and want to buy the cheapest one, in their mindset they are saving some by going with the smaller one.
Like those that buy iPod minis, nanos, etc.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 20, 2010
Maybe it's silly. But I think if you design a better product, with a better experience, then it's OK if you make more money.


macrumors member
Nov 22, 2006
iOS, App Store, build quality.

Main advantage is iOS. You have to understand people aren't going crazy over iPad Minis. In fact, the general consensus is that it's over-priced with lower specs than other tablets. No one will disagree because it's true. But it's not mindless consumerism either. It's simply preference.

You can say Android can do just as much, if not more than iOS but at the end of the day, it simply doesn't offer the same user experience and simplicity as iOS. People are willing to pay a premium to use the best OS out there (which is debatable but imo true).


macrumors 68030
May 25, 2007
Birmingham, UK
Whats the real advantage of choosing ipad mini over any other smaller tablets

1) It does not even have a HD screen whereas kindle and other have a hd screen - Does it run the apps I want and have bought already for my 1st gen iPad - no
2) Price is a good 130-140 more. - It would have been nice cheaper, but Apple want to make a profit out of it, Amazon want to make money from Advertising/content
3) Compared to kindle speakers are crappy. True, though if I listen to anything on my existing iPad I'll use head phones.

I am trying to understand why people are crazy about the ipad mini when its not even close to being the best product. I understand that the ipad is the best in the market.

For me I was looking to replace my iPad 1 probably with an iPad 2 - I would have preferred to do it earlier in the year, but the rumours about the mini meant I held on.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
I am trying to understand why people are crazy about the ipad mini
Why bother, you've already stated its not for you. Does it matter that I prefer the mini, its not like that will change your mind or anything.

Different products for different folks, the iPad mini meets my stated goals where as the kindle fire doesn't - simple.

I'll grant you that its expensive but over all I feel I'm getting value
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