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macrumors 601
Jul 14, 2010
Phila, PA
Whats the real advantage of choosing ipad mini over any other smaller tablets, apart from the apple logo.

1) It does not even have a HD screen whereas kindle and other have a hd screen
2) Price is a good 130-140 more.
3) Compared to kindle speakers are crappy.

I am trying to understand why people are crazy about the ipad mini when its not even close to being the best product. I understand that the ipad is the best in the market.

If you do not like it, no one is forcing you to get it.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 20, 2010
Why bother, you've already stated its not for you. Does it matter that I prefer the mini, its not like that will change your mind or anything.

Different products for different folks, the iPad mini meets my stated goals where as the kindle fire doesn't - simple.

I'll grant you that its expensive but over all I feel I'm getting value

Exactly. I never had any interest in the Kindle HD. The iPad mini is exactly the product I wanted. A smaller iPad that fits perfectly in one hand. And it's brilliantly designed with the best materials, to be amazingly thin and light. Nothing else comes close to it. And specs never tell the story with iOS devices.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 17, 2011
Exactly. I never had any interest in the Kindle HD. The iPad mini is exactly the product I wanted. A smaller iPad that fits perfectly in one hand. And it's brilliantly designed with the best materials, to be amazingly thin and light. Nothing else comes close to it. And specs never tell the story with iOS devices.

LOL 'best materials'. Sure, if you don't count the processor, the screen, the wifi module. Haha. Basically you're buying a 330+ dollar case. Hooboy.


macrumors regular
Nov 1, 2010
I bought it because I much prefer Apple's OS and apps. Oh, and I prefer the screen size to!


LOL 'best materials'. Sure, if you don't count the processor, the screen, the wifi module. Haha. Basically you're buying a 330+ dollar case. Hooboy.

What? You know what everyone says about opinions....

BUT, if you don't like it, don't get it. Just because you don't find that it's worth it doesn't mean everyone will. Hence, why there have been a lot of people on here that have purchased one!


macrumors regular
Original poster
May 17, 2011
The point I am trying to make here is that Mini is terribly overpriced. I think 250 would have been a good price for it. And 130 more for 3g is a bit on the high end for that device too. I think the ipad 4 is approrpiately priced. The other tablets starting at 499 are a piece of junk. The kindle hd is nowhere compared to the ipad 4 and over there i would say its totally worth the extra 150-200.


macrumors member
Oct 28, 2012
New York
1) It does not even have a HD screen whereas kindle and other have a hd screen.

1024x768 IS high def. We can get into the whole 1280x720, 1366x768, 1920x1080 etc crap but the industry does consider 1024x768 as HD (or XGA).

That is all.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502a
Jun 20, 2010
Seriously. If you don't get it and don't want it, don't buy it. Enjoy your cheaper, budget tablet. Why don't you go to a Prius forum and attack the people who bought a Prius C, when they could have bought a Ford Fiesta instead.


macrumors 68040
May 6, 2008
The point I am trying to make here is that Mini is terribly overpriced. I think 250 would have been a good price for it.

The market will determine if is "terribly overpriced", not you. No offense, but what you think is a good price is irrelevant. Time will tell, but it seems that it is selling pretty so the price is probably fine for now. If I had to guess, I'd say that they will do fine for the first version, and if sales start to slip off they will bump up the specs. But I don't think its practical to have a retina display, the desired weight, and desired battery life with current technology. Bigger is also not always better. A retina display drives up demands on the battery, on the size of applications, on the speed of downloads, etc. Apple is not in the habit of making junk... so I expect it will perform well. I voted with my order for one.


macrumors member
Oct 28, 2012
New York
I'm sorry, but no. XGA is not hidef.

Nope. It's HD. Not Half/True/Full HD but still considered HD. It all depends which industry and definition you want to go for. It would be nice if all the TV makers can stop selling their 1024x768 plasmas as HD.


macrumors G3
Jul 2, 2007
Sunny Florida
Nope. It's HD. Not Half/True/Full HD but still considered HD. It all depends which industry and definition you want to go for. It would be nice if all the TV makers can stop selling their 1024x768 plasmas as HD.

I'm hear you but referring to XGA as HD in this context is nonsense. You are either 720p or 1080p. Or higher. Otherwise you are scaling content. The iPad 2 and mini are not HD. You can stretch the HD definition to cover them, but XGA is nineties tech. Period. When Apple released their first ipad it may have been hot stuff, but today its pathetic. The reason they are sticking to it is to protect their developers. And that's a good reason. Day 1 the mini has 275000 apps. But it's still not an HD screen. :)


Mar 13, 2009
Whats the real advantage of choosing ipad mini over any other smaller tablets, apart from the apple logo.

1) It does not even have a HD screen whereas kindle and other have a hd screen
2) Price is a good 130-140 more.
3) Compared to kindle speakers are crappy.

I am trying to understand why people are crazy about the ipad mini when its not even close to being the best product. I understand that the ipad is the best in the market.

1 - While the Kindle and others may have more pixels, the iPad's screen is higher quality. You can look this up in spec details on the iPad Mini's screen. There's a reason the price is where it is, and the screen is part of it.

2 - See above. Higher quality components = higher cost. Apple has to make a profit, and they aren't about to cheapen their OS with ads and nonsense to be able to sell at cost like other brands.

3 - As no one has one yet, you can't know that. All of the Apple products I've owned have been decent in terms of speakers, so I can't imagine there being a major difference between the two, or any other small tablet.

You're also neglecting the fact that iOS gives a better user experience, the App Store is filled with apps specific to the iPad (again improving user experience), and it's part of the Apple ecosystem, which means syncing is never a concern, unlike all other devices.


macrumors 601
Jan 11, 2012
Pacific Coast, USA
The advantage? Oh heck that's easy.

Buying anything Apple keeps the money flowing the right direction.

As long as Apple's happy everyone is ... Oops forgeddaboutit :D


macrumors 6502a
Feb 8, 2009
Fort Pierce
I'm sorry, but no. XGA is not hidef.

While you are right..... We have an iPad 2 & iPad 3 in our family and the iPad 2 screen is by no means bad quality, even when you compare them side by side.

So, I am willing to bet that the mini screen is more than acceptable.... I have no problems reading documents on an iPad 2 either.


macrumors regular
Sep 6, 2011
While you are right..... We have an iPad 2 & iPad 3 in our family and the iPad 2 screen is by no means bad quality, even when you compare them side by side.

So, I am willing to bet that the mini screen is more than acceptable.... I have no problems reading documents on an iPad 2 either.

I'm toying with swapping my iPad 2 for a mini. It'd be easier to bring around and I find the screen resolution to be a little rough, especially going between it and my iPhone 5.


macrumors 604
Oct 23, 2010
You're not serious are you? Tell that to the current iPad 2 owners who wanted Siri with iOS6. :p

Apple disables features that can't be used with the older technology. Also, when I say support I mean the Apple store as well. Plus, I'm not sure why Apple disabled Siri for iOS 6 on Apple iPad 2 machines. I'd have to know the logic and more about the internals to know if it makes sense or not.


macrumors 68040
Nov 2, 2007
Los Angeles
The point I am trying to make here is that Mini is terribly overpriced. I think 250 would have been a good price for it. And 130 more for 3g is a bit on the high end for that device too. I think the ipad 4 is approrpiately priced. The other tablets starting at 499 are a piece of junk. The kindle hd is nowhere compared to the ipad 4 and over there i would say its totally worth the extra 150-200.

Terribly is too strong a word... Slightly yes, 299.99 would have been a sweet spot. I would be willing to bet next year if a retina iPad mini is released they will lower the mini to 299 or 279 and keep the retina display model with an A6 at 329. Or they will just release an incremental upgrade A6 model at 329 and A5 at 299 with the possibility of a $399 retina mini. All my best logical guesses based on what apple did with the iPod touch line for the last 6 years.


macrumors 604
Oct 23, 2010
I'm hear you but referring to XGA as HD in this context is nonsense. You are either 720p or 1080p. Or higher. Otherwise you are scaling content. The iPad 2 and mini are not HD. You can stretch the HD definition to cover them, but XGA is nineties tech. Period. When Apple released their first ipad it may have been hot stuff, but today its pathetic. The reason they are sticking to it is to protect their developers. And that's a good reason. Day 1 the mini has 275000 apps. But it's still not an HD screen. :)

MSFT Surface has a a 1900 pixel screen and it looks terrible with web pages....absolutely terrible. I can't believe the reviewers didn't mention it in their reviews. It's so bad it stopped me in my tracks from buying one.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 13, 2005
The only two advantages is that if you have an iPhone or previously owned an iPad, you already have bought a number of apps that you won't have to buy again and in many cases there are universal apps which means that when you buy on one device, you'll get them on all your devices without any extra cost. Also all your iPhone apps will work on it albeit stretched, but still.

The second advantage is that many good unpopular apps are made by small companies that won't bother developing them for another platform and they're made for the iOS ecosystem because it's the most popular.

Now are these advantages worth the extra cash? I personally don't know. It's up to you.
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