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macrumors 68040
Before I owned an iPad (or two as it stands now), I thought the idea of a larger iPad made sense. But now in using the iPad as I do, not just for browsing the web, but for actual productivity including quoting customers, working on costing spreadsheets, emails and the like, I don't think a bigger iPad makes sense.

The best and fastest input method is still the keyboard, be it attached like with a laptop or separate (BT), it's just the most productive way to interact with a computer. Sure, there are some things where touching the screen makes sense, but for the most part, the keyboard just eclipses screen only input for doing work (graphics work not included). So going to a "Pro" sized iPad almost forces the issue of needing a keyboard, turning it into a slightly lighter (maybe) laptop with removable keyboard.

There is also something entirely wrong about touch interaction with a screen at a parallel plane with your upper body. You use your hands and arms to hold the device AND you're supposed to be interacting with the screen - that's just not easy to do the bigger the screen gets.

And as for Microsoft's push for touch screen lap and desktop computers - it's a pitiful way of trying to incorporate technology from the tablet market into desktop computers.

I flip out any time someone touches my iMac or MacBook Air screen - because their grubby fingers leave smudges that then distracts from what I'm doing (ultimately making me need to clean the screen). I have no issues with smudges on the iPads or iPhone because it's easy to clean - but again, the bigger the screen, the bigger the issue it will be to keep it clean.


macrumors 68040
Imagine a large Star TNG panel. A grid of icons as the default would look ridiculous, as it did in Star Trek Voyager:Future's End.


Think Star Trek TNG. I think it's a desk device.

I won't comment on Star Trek being a fictional show, but the idea of a desk with built-in touch screen computer is not what we're talking about here. If a large sized iPad requires it to sit on a stand on a desk in order to be useful, then why not just use a laptop? If you're talking BIG screens that are the desk, then the entire dynamic changes.

I still say that app icons are just buttons on the screen. They're just there to get you to the app you want or need. Just looking at my iMac screen as I write this, there isn't anything on the desktop that tells or shows me anything - other than the active program I'm working with. I might have the various apps running with several app windows open at the same time (although I'm only using one app at a time (except for occasionally listening to music (iTunes) while working. I don't need any widgets running in the background to tell me the stock market is up or down or that it's raining outside.


macrumors 65816
Feb 25, 2009
Om nom nom nom
It's coming... and, I truly believe these iPad Pro's will be geared for the enterprise/business market.

They will have limited use though for the "average joe"... as the device will be "too large" for many and easily breakable for daily use. Most notably, portability will not be prevalent like the other 2 versions. But, it better come, or the whole new 'iPad Air' name last year is/was a duddddddddddd!!!

This iPad Pro is somewhat similar conceptually to the Google Glass utility/use. A lot of people think it's stupid, and then, a fair share think Google Glass is really cool. In my opinion, it's the dumbest thing for the average consumer, but if I were a mechanic, or any technical job needing directions at times on the fly(while needing my hands at the same time)... Google Glass is a game changer, and should be in the hands(or ear's I guess... :‐/ ) of all mechanics.


Nov 27, 2008
Why would anyone want to carry that slab when there is the similar sized, but much more capable Macbook Air available.:confused:

Because you cannot use a MacBook Air where you can use an iPad. Trying to use a MacBook Air in portrait orientation while standing up in a subway and holding it with one arm would fail completely. You cannot use a MacBook Air to read magazines or surf the web while lying in bed. If you try to use one while it sits on your lap, so that you can operate the touchpad and keyboard, it will slide off and fall to the floor. (I don't care if you do this all of the time, it is going to end up on the floor eventually; it's kind of like the people who say they've never had an accident while texting and driving).

I don't care if you demonstrate that you are capable of doing all of the above with a MacBook Air. Seventeen seconds of not failing is no proof that something is possible in the long-term.


Nov 27, 2008
They will have limited use though for the "average joe"... as the device will be "too large" for many and easily breakable for daily use.

Most notably, portability will not be prevalent like the other 2 versions.

Junior high school girls used to carry books that were bigger and heavier than that iPad Pro mockup.

If you think that the iPad Pro looks too large and breakable, you'd have perished had you lived in the days when these were seen as practical, portable computing devices:



macrumors regular
Aug 20, 2010
I would ...

Why would anyone want to carry that slab when there is the similar sized, but much more capable Macbook Air available.:confused:

A Macbook Air doesn't fit on my piano sheet music rack. While I can read music PDFs on my iPad, it would be SOOOOO much easier on this size. I tried the Samsung 12" Note Pro - build quality below Apple and the Apps didn't work well.

I'll purchase one the first day they become available.


macrumors 65816
Sep 6, 2011
A Macbook Air doesn't fit on my piano sheet music rack. While I can read music PDFs on my iPad, it would be SOOOOO much easier on this size. I tried the Samsung 12" Note Pro - build quality below Apple and the Apps didn't work well.

I'll purchase one the first day they become available.

Interesting idea. It sure beats printed notes on paper. Never thought of it until now.

However, I still think a large iPad will be used mostly for specific purposes like yours, rather than being used as a regular iPad.


Nov 27, 2008
However, I still think a large iPad will be used mostly for specific purposes like yours, rather than being used as a regular iPad.

I use my iPad for reading magazines and I'm always frustrated by the small display size compared to the print magazines' pages. I also use it for service and repair manuals for electronics, cars, and motorcycles. So having larger diagrams would be tremendous plus for me.


macrumors 6502
Sep 11, 2013
I won't comment on Star Trek being a fictional show, but the idea of a desk with built-in touch screen computer is not what we're talking about here. If a large sized iPad requires it to sit on a stand on a desk in order to be useful, then why not just use a laptop? If you're talking BIG screens that are the desk, then the entire dynamic changes.

I still say that app icons are just buttons on the screen. They're just there to get you to the app you want or need. Just looking at my iMac screen as I write this, there isn't anything on the desktop that tells or shows me anything - other than the active program I'm working with. I might have the various apps running with several app windows open at the same time (although I'm only using one app at a time (except for occasionally listening to music (iTunes) while working. I don't need any widgets running in the background to tell me the stock market is up or down or that it's raining outside.

Fictional? The entire history of technology for the last two/three decades has been inventing technology that Star Trek portrayed on screen.

Cell phones = Kirk's communicator.
iPad = pads used by Capt Picard.
iWatch/other wearables = Com badge.
Video conferencing = "Put it on screen".
iOS/Mac OS X Launchpad = Starling's desktop screen in Star Trek Voyager:Futures End

iPad Pro = a stepping stone on the way to a workstation on the bridge on Enterprise D (Star Trek TNG)
An Apple payment system/NFC/Google web services = The workstations in the employment office portrayed in Star Trek DS9:past Tense

Although these days, I watch Iron Man 3/The Avengers and think - dammit, why can't iOS look like Tony Stark's OS?
Last edited:


macrumors 65816
Feb 19, 2010
Well there is no reason the devices can't be equally capable.

ios is the only thing holding the iPad back

Exactly. Slap a proper digitizer and osx on it with an emulation layer for ios. Or some such thing. If they build it, the use cases (and customers) will come.


macrumors newbie
May 16, 2014
This is ridiculous. The market for this "mockup" is so low Apple reps are laughing at this post.


macrumors 6502
Jun 20, 2003
i've owned a ton of dirrerent apple still going back to the 1st iPod. i had my 1st ever tragedy when i dropped my iPad 4. it put several small cracks and one long one across the screen. i'd real like them to beef up a 12.9 screen. make it a bit thicker with heavier glass. because i'm just guessing there but i'm thinking this model is ggonna be a good bit more expensive so i better hold up better too.


Jan 22, 2014
Earth's Core
I would totally buy an iPad Pro. The current size at 9.7 inch is quiet ok, but since I use my iPad mostly at home in bed or in front of my TV it would be amazing to have a 12+ inch iPad to play games or to brows the web on! I will gladly buy it once it comes to reality :rolleyes:


macrumors regular
Oct 12, 2011
If they are really thinking about a larger version it should have OSX on it and not crappy crippled iOS. it should be a real usable "pro" tablet.
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