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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Feb 9, 2016
  1. No USB-C port
  2. No 30W Fast charging
  3. No 90Hz or 120Hz ProMotion display
  4. No 5G (Expected but still a con)
  5. No In-Display TouchID
So basically I felt that they had absolutely nothing to show off apart from the 3rd camera and 10-20% SOC improvements. They had more videos to play as time fillers. Some of the videos were good but that’s that. The whole presentation at any point did not make me “I gotta have this”. I felt this upgrade didn’t need a pompous event such as this.


macrumors 601
Jul 13, 2010
  1. No USB-C port
  2. No 30W Fast charging
  3. No 90Hz or 120Hz ProMotion display
  4. No 5G (Expected but still a con)
  5. No In-Display TouchID
So basically I felt that they had absolutely nothing to show off apart from the 3rd camera and 10-20% SOC improvements. They had more videos to play as time fillers. Some of the videos were good but that’s that. The whole presentation at any point did not make me “I gotta have this”. I felt this upgrade didn’t need a pompous event such as this.

1: meh
2: it’s still better then the 5 watt charger
3: OLED can’t get to 120hz at all yet
4: who cares. It’s not even in market yet unless you happen to live in a few cities where they have it l.
5: lol not going to happen

Improved battery life might very well be worth upgrading from a X tho. I was planning on sticking with my X this year
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macrumors 68040
Aug 1, 2009
  1. No USB-C port
  2. No 30W Fast charging
  3. No 90Hz or 120Hz ProMotion display
  4. No 5G (Expected but still a con)
  5. No In-Display TouchID
So basically I felt that they had absolutely nothing to show off apart from the 3rd camera and 10-20% SOC improvements. They had more videos to play as time fillers. Some of the videos were good but that’s that. The whole presentation at any point did not make me “I gotta have this”. I felt this upgrade didn’t need a pompous event such as this.

I believe, the 2020 iPhones will have most of those features. Today’s release is purely iterative, and a very trivial one at that.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2015
  1. No USB-C port
  2. No 30W Fast charging
  3. No 90Hz or 120Hz ProMotion display
  4. No 5G (Expected but still a con)
  5. No In-Display TouchID
So basically I felt that they had absolutely nothing to show off apart from the 3rd camera and 10-20% SOC improvements. They had more videos to play as time fillers. Some of the videos were good but that’s that. The whole presentation at any point did not make me “I gotta have this”. I felt this upgrade didn’t need a pompous event such as this.
There’s a lot they aren’t being given credit for. 5G is worthless, SoC improvements give better battery and more ability, it takes 9 photos at once and uses AI (new chip and feature) to make better photos than any other phone (there’s a review on YouTube from China showing its abilities, better night shots, better video capabilities, better water proofing, Dolby ATMOS style audio abilities, 1200! nit brightness, T2 chip for hardware encryption, 18w charging (if it was 30 you’d complain why it wasn’t 35), all new AI potential thanks to the increase in power, and the new U1 chip.

That U1 chip could be a freaking game changer and I don’t think I’ve seen anyone here even mention it. Right now it’s a simple task of better airdropping but like the T2 chip there’s so much more potential to come from it. Imagine location tracking down to the freggin mm. The potential uses for it like knowing exactly where you left your keys, VR headsets with no external or big sensors needed and much higher refresh rates, etc.

People look at a screen and say “so and so had one that has a higher screen %” but completely overlook the amazing accomplishments under the hood.

The truth is that Google has done an amazing job with Android and pioneered a few features like photo AI. It use to be Android sucked at photos so google pumped tons of $$$ into R&D for that. However, on a hardware note I don’t think Google or any other manufacturer has really brought much new tech to the field. They have gimmicks. They have slower processors that are less capable so Chinese manufacturers started pumping stupid amounts of RAM in them to retrieve apps that had already been opened faster giving a false sense of ability.

Apple could release a software update tomorrow and give an entirely new user experience because there’s a lot of room for growth in the hardware they’ve designed (ie T2 chips, AR chips, U1 chips). Android phones are hardware limited and stuck with what they got.

There’s A LOT that’s very impressive about this design there just aren’t many people that seem to bother looking past a design, which I really like. I tried the Samsung and they can keep their curved screens that are guaranteed to hold a glare and look weird in a bulky case.


macrumors 68000
Aug 30, 2011
Improved housing
Improved glass
Improved both cameras
Improved graphics and processor speed
Improved battery speed & life not minutes but hours
Improved neural engine version 3
Improved screen brightness and contrast
Improved All radios
Improved IOS adding new software controlled hardware features
Added an upgraded charger.

Cannot vape with it
No collapsible gaming joysticks
Won’t use the spotty 5g unavailable in beta rollout cities.
screen won’t fold or even roll up
No laser pointer for my cats
Were is traffic cone orange and new deal green ?


macrumors regular
Sep 8, 2016
Ya I'm pretty let down, and I'm usually pretty fair and not a hater like a lot of people who just bitch at everything.

They whiffed (again) on wireless/reverse charging, at the last minute it seems they still couldn't make it work. Bummer as I was looking forward to being able to charge my watch on the rare days when it sticks to the magnet, but doesn't get centered enough to charge. Good thing is, the battery seems much bigger and will last several hours longer.

Also I was totally excited and expecting 3x zoom...thats basically the #1 perk I've seen listed with the 3 camera thing since the rumors broke. Still at 2x.... :/ Although the "Night Mode" thing should be awesome. My brother has a Pixel 3 which the Nightsight is incredible, so I'm sure Apple did as good or better of a job with it.

But yes, I'm pretty let down. "Finally a phone that can be called Pro" .....why? You did the same typical camera/processor improvements and a bunch of little stuff here and there that you literally always do. I really don't feel like this was a big step forward at all.

But I guess I'm a sheep and will still probably buy it. $1249 + tax + Apple care is just insane. Sure was hoping we'd get a price break there or the 256 would be cheaper/128 standard. I mean it's a Pro phone that you brag about its video capabilities and it's "the first phone worthy of being called a Pro" yet you still have the standard 64GB. It's not much more at all to throw in 128 standard, and I realllllly dont think it cost $150 more to go from 64gb to 256gb, but what the hell do I know.


macrumors regular
Sep 8, 2016
Also I don’t think we got the rumored FaceID where you can lay it down on a desk and it still works. They said improved, but didn’t offer any details other than this, so I’d assume if it could do that, they would mention it and advertise it as version 2.0 or something that has been rumored for a year

Basically the top 3 rumored features I was looking forward to didn’t happen


macrumors 6502a
Aug 1, 2010
The True North, Strong and Free
Even the xs/Max support 30 w usb pd charging, you just have to have a charger that can do that. And there's no shortage of good, cheap, powerful pd chargers these days.

Apart from that, what do you really need usb-c on a phone?

5g is not really available on a mainstream level, so not necessary right now.

Touch id in display... I wouldn't mind this if they got rid of the notch. Either way, we still have secure ways of unlocking the phone.

120 Hz OLED exists only in 2019 LG OLED TVs at the moment afaik. No one's made a mobile display with it yet.

Reverse charging is pretty useless/gimmicky so I don't miss that at all.
Last edited:
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macrumors 65816
Nov 16, 2017
None of the things you mention really excite me. the 18W charger can charge the phone 50% in 30 minutes and the battery by default already blows the XS out of the water. I think the OLED is a limitation for ProMotion.

That being said I am happy neither the S5 watch of 11 series phones are all that compelling. Gives me no reason to upgrade my S4 watch or XS. Makes me and my wallet quite happy.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
I'm not sure people are so wound up over 5G, especically since carriers will use that to impose more fees/costs, i.e., you phone bill will go up.

As for everything else? Apple seems to be moving at a glacier's pace and so its unrealistic to see a lot major additions. I do feel they're playing catch up in many ways, and have yet to fully catch up. For example the new nighttime mode, they finally caught up to others but I'm not entirely sure they're better then google or anyone, they just caught up to them on that one feature
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macrumors 601
Apr 21, 2004
I’m somewhat compelled to upgrade my watch because I can’t really use stats app to control my car with the series 3 but I heard series 4 is a huge leap. Of course I want always on display. I’m somewhat interested in upgrading.

Phone wise, my Max work how I need it to work. I don’t forsee me upgrading until 2021. Hopefully it will be compelling to upgrade by then.

iPad, I kinda want a smaller one for work lol. But I’ll just wait till the 11 is super cheap.
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macrumors 6502a
Jan 11, 2013
  1. No USB-C port
  2. No 30W Fast charging
  3. No 90Hz or 120Hz ProMotion display
  4. No 5G (Expected but still a con)
  5. No In-Display TouchID
So basically I felt that they had absolutely nothing to show off apart from the 3rd camera and 10-20% SOC improvements. They had more videos to play as time fillers. Some of the videos were good but that’s that. The whole presentation at any point did not make me “I gotta have this”. I felt this upgrade didn’t need a pompous event such as this.

Apart from ProMotion and perhaps in display TouchID...I'm meh with the rest of that list. But we all want different things and have different expectations too. Wait for 2020. You might (might with caveats) get some of them. But that's Apple for you. A steady drip drip drip of innovation (which aint bad if you're patient cause they tend to nail it when they add it).


macrumors 601
Apr 21, 2004
I'm not sure people are so wound up over 5G, especically since carriers will use that to impose more fees/costs, i.e., you phone bill will go up.

As for everything else? Apple seems to be moving at a glacier's pace and so its unrealistic to see a lot major additions. I do feel they're playing catch up in many ways, and have yet to fully catch up. For example the new nighttime mode, they finally caught up to others but I'm not entirely sure they're better then google or anyone, they just caught up to them on that one feature
Agreed on 5g. I want cheaper phone rates rather than faster but more $$ per month. I suspect I’ll be on lte until 2024 when 5g is adopted by pre-paid providers.


macrumors 68000
Apr 27, 2016
New Jersey
The new iPhones seem to be typical of a non form factor year change. Can't say I expected anything over the top spectacular, but there are some nice improvements. As always, compared to the prior year's models, I don't expect leaps and bounds but I think the upgrades are decent.


macrumors 65816
Mar 8, 2012
Improved housing
Improved glass
Improved both cameras
Improved graphics and processor speed
Improved battery speed & life not minutes but hours
Improved neural engine version 3
Improved screen brightness and contrast
Improved All radios
Improved IOS adding new software controlled hardware features
Added an upgraded charger.

Cannot vape with it
No collapsible gaming joysticks
Won’t use the spotty 5g unavailable in beta rollout cities.
screen won’t fold or even roll up
No laser pointer for my cats
Were is traffic cone orange and new deal green ?

:) I have no cats, but you made me laugh Love people with a sense of humor.

5G is so spotty, we tried 5G VZW in RI. Phone is getting hot very fast and and signal can be simply blocked by my body.

I experienced exactly the same Mr. Mobile said in his Youtube blog.

Phone Junky

macrumors 68020
Oct 29, 2011
I am extremely happy with the new models. There is so little improvement from the old ones that I am very content with my XR. First time I'm not even remotely interested in getting a new one. Thanks Apple.

The Game 161

macrumors Nehalem
Dec 15, 2010
Well I know 2020 will be great but I’m happy that we finally have night mode for the camera and it seems we have a great camera that could be as good or better than pixel 4


macrumors 6502a
Dec 17, 2018
North Carolina
The only thing I wish Apple would have included is on screen Touch ID. I am completely satisfied with everything else this new lineup of iPhones have to offer.

1) The cpu and gpu are outstanding and leading the pack as far as I'm concerned. Additionally we also have wifi 6 now in an iPhone and gigabyte LTE which every user will certainly appreciate.

2) The battery life somehow keeps getting better every year.

3) And the camera is even more advanced than ever before (I understand the hate on the new design, and while I am not a huge fan of it, I understand that it is designed like that for a reason. Apple intentionally designed the camera bump to provide quality over style. And I respect that. I guarantee as time goes on, we will soon learn the specific reason for this modification).


macrumors member
Sep 26, 2018
They didn't even bother to include reverse wireless charging. Yeah, it's not a revolutionary year. Slight improvements.


macrumors 68020
Sep 2, 2013
None of this was expected. If you were disappointed, you had unrealistic expectations.


macrumors 68040
Jan 28, 2008
Vancouver, BC
i updated my X to iOS 13 and feel like its so fast now, i dont think I'd miss the 30% speed boost.
The cameras would be huge upgrades but I don't think i'm willing to pay $1000 for that upgrade. The X cameras are still 'good enough'.

I also hate the design of it. For the first time ever I actually think Apple has come out with an ugly looking product.

It's a skip for me this year.
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