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macrumors regular
Jul 22, 2010
I buy Apple products because they offer the best combination of Hardware and Software in one single package.

There's a reason ppl spend extra money on MacBooks/iMacs, etc, when they could get the same spec'd pc for $500+ less money.

That's the same reason I have an iPhone, and will not be buying some 3rd rate plastic phone with a chunky OS thrown together with copy/paste of Oracle's IP.


macrumors 65816
Feb 6, 2008
So Cal
i buy apple products because they offer the best combination of hardware and software in one single package.

There's a reason ppl spend extra money on macbooks/imacs, etc, when they could get the same spec'd pc for $500+ less money.

That's the same reason i have an iphone, and will not be buying some 3rd rate plastic phone with a chunky os thrown together with copy/paste of oracle's ip.



macrumors 604
Mar 29, 2011
I buy Apple products because they offer the best combination of Hardware and Software in one single package.

There's a reason ppl spend extra money on MacBooks/iMacs, etc, when they could get the same spec'd pc for $500+ less money.

That's the same reason I have an iPhone, and will not be buying some 3rd rate plastic phone with a chunky OS thrown together with copy/paste of Oracle's IP.

Justification to buying Apple's computers are slightly different than justification for buying Apple's iOS products. They've been at the computer scene for 30 years, give or take. OSX beats Windows hands down.

But in all honesty, ICS is more advanced than iOS 5 currently is (EDIT: Speaking exclusively about the iPhone. Never owned an iPad/Android tablet).

Where iOS does things better than ICS, it is usually by small margins; where ICS does things better than iOS, it's by leaps and bounds.


macrumors 68020
Dec 18, 2009
Given how tough it is for me to decide between two such devices... It is *really* hard for me to understand the mentality of the iphone user that decides that the one-size-fits-all approach works for them in the long term.

The irony of that statement is despite all this talk about Android providing more choices, there's an inconspicuous lack of such choice for high end phone with a midsize screen. Either you have to buy a large phone with a 4.3"+ screen or buy some shoddy mid range or low end phones.

Personally I'd like to have something "mid size" like the iPhone with a high density display as well as the best fit&finish possible in hardware. There no such product offered by any carrier near me.


macrumors G3
Jan 24, 2008
Justification to buying Apple's computers are slightly different than justification for buying Apple's iOS products. They've been at the computer scene for 30 years, give or take. OSX beats Windows hands down.

But in all honesty, ICS is more advanced than iOS 5 currently is (EDIT: Speaking exclusively about the iPhone. Never owned an iPad/Android tablet).

Where iOS does things better than ICS, it is usually by small margins; where ICS does things better than iOS, it's by leaps and bounds.

Sorry to single you out, but I've noticed this a lot lately. Why have people started using "in all honesty" when they mean "in my opinion"? :D


macrumors regular
Jul 22, 2010
Justification to buying Apple's computers are slightly different than justification for buying Apple's iOS products. They've been at the computer scene for 30 years, give or take. OSX beats Windows hands down.

But in all honesty, ICS is more advanced than iOS 5 currently is (EDIT: Speaking exclusively about the iPhone. Never owned an iPad/Android tablet).

Where iOS does things better than ICS, it is usually by small margins; where ICS does things better than iOS, it's by leaps and bounds.

Well, to use the same logic of Apple being around computers longer... they also pretty much invented the market for the phones we have today. Where would the smartphone be if the iPhone never came out? I don't care when the 'Android project' was started. They probably never would have released an actual phone if it wasn't for the iPhone.

Also, the products that integrate with the iPhone/iOS/OS X work better for me. I don't feel like buying an ICS device with a completely fragmented OS and have to worry about when I'll get updates from my vendor blah blah blah. It's a cluster eff.

Edit:: And you completely missed my point regarding which is more "Advanced". Like I said, you can get a full blown spec'd PC for a moderately spec'd mac... but, there are reasons ppl choose the mac. I was a Anti-Mac guy for the longest time, until I got sick of dealing with all the probe with my PC... 4.5 years later I'm using the same iMac that has been running 24/7 without a hitch. It's the same for the phone/tablets.

There has been an "iPhone killer" every couple a months and guess what... no one has killed the iPhone. I had several friends get the HTC EVO when that was the iPhone Killer... pieces of crap didn't even last a year and the ones that did look/run like utter crap.
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macrumors 65816
Feb 6, 2008
So Cal
Im sorry but apple did not invent the market for smartphones. I had a windows mobile smart phone with a three and a half inch color touch screen years before the iphone came out. infact way back in 2004, and they had been around for years before that. virtually the same form factor with the same options, big touch screen, internal memory, sd caards, wifi, celular data, a camera....


macrumors regular
Jul 22, 2010
Im sorry but apple did not invent the market for smartphones. I had a windows mobile smart phone with a three and a half inch color touch screen years before the iphone came out. infact way back in 2004, and they had been around for years before that. virtually the same form factor with the same options, big touch screen, internal memory, sd caards, wifi, celular data, a camera....

You and 5 other ppl. Don't act like Apple didn't revolutionize the consumer market for smartphones. They did. I guess I should have said 'revolutionize', but you get my stinking point.


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
Well, to use the same logic of Apple being around computers longer... they also pretty much invented the market for the phones we have today. Where would the smartphone be if the iPhone never came out? I don't care when the 'Android project' was started. They probably never would have released an actual phone if it wasn't for the iPhone.

Also, the products that integrate with the iPhone/iOS/OS X work better for me. I don't feel like buying an ICS device with a completely fragmented OS and have to worry about when I'll get updates from my vendor blah blah blah. It's a cluster eff.

What about BB. They were around for years before the iPhone. The iPhone wasn't particularly that amazing but they did bring the smartphone to a new type of customer which is cool.

Updates? How many threads are on here asking about 5.1? One a day? Im curious where the rumor that the iPhone gets lightning fast updates came from.


macrumors regular
Jul 22, 2010
What about BB. They were around for years before the iPhone. The iPhone wasn't particularly that amazing but they did bring the smartphone to a new type of customer which is cool.

Updates? How many threads are on here asking about 5.1? One a day? Im curious where the rumor that the iPhone gets lightning fast updates came from.

Who said anything about lightning fast updates? Read what I said... I was talking about fragmentation.... will a vendor even support an upgrade, etc, etc. I never said there's updates all the time with Apple. But you know who supports your product and they aren't going to let it die.

This is why I don't talk on these forums. You have to explain every freakin detail.


macrumors 65816
Feb 6, 2008
So Cal
You and 5 other ppl. Don't act like Apple didn't revolutionize the consumer market for smartphones. They did. I guess I should have said 'revolutionize', but you get my stinking point.

oh ok, so what you are saying is that except for BlackBerry, and Palm, and Windows Mobile, HTC, Nokia and all of the others making PDA phones at the time, except for those guys apple made a revolutionary product?

Or did apple just make a good product that was easy to use for the masses? Maybe you think that is revolutionary?
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macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
Who said anything about lightning fast updates? Read what I said... I was talking about fragmentation.... will a vendor even support an upgrade, etc, etc. I never said there's updates all the time with Apple. But you know who supports your product and they aren't going to let it die.

This is why I don't talk on these forums. You have to explain every freakin detail.

Sorry I misread your post then.

Here is my problem with the claim of fragmentation of android updates. We'll use iOS for example, it got a camera from lock screen option. Everyone that wasn't jb got that option at the same time which is nice. Ok so now say android did that with update version 2 (2 just for easier example). Well manufactures may have already did that in version 1. Why would they release an update with a feature they already have?

I do agree some manufactures don't release updates for bug fixes as often as others but at the same rate the manufacture may have fixed bugs in android with there version.

I think the biggest problem with android updates and the confusion from customers. Some people just want there version number to be the biggest and have no idea what it does.

Here is a personal example. My Xoom tablet got updates from google however outside the US Motorola supplied the updates. When I got honeycomb 3.2 the main feature was sd card support. People outside the US complained that they were still on 3.1. Threads and threads of complaints. The problem was Motorola had given xoom owners sd card access with version 3.1. There was no real benefit to them getting 3.2. They just wanted a bigger version number.

Like iOS currently my phone seems to be working just fine on 5.0.1. Only reason I'd even consider updating is cause the battery life might get better. If it ain't broke sort of mentality.


macrumors regular
Jul 22, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

oh ok, so what you are saying is that except for BlackBerry, and Palm, and Windows Mobile, HTC, Nokia and all of the others making PDA phones at the time, except for those guys apple made a revolutionary product?

Or did apple just make a good product that was easy to use for the masses? Maybe you think that is revolutionary?

It's funny that you are arguing this. The iPhone did for the mobile market what no other smartphone did before or since.

Whether or not you want to say its just because the phone is "easy" is up to you. Point is, apple made a product that people wanted, more so than any other product. Where are all of those 'smartphones' now? Oh right.


macrumors 65816
Feb 6, 2008
So Cal
it just always seems like everyone thinks the iphone was the first phone like this. I had my Imate Jam and a bunch of similar phones for years before the iphone came out. Yes they made a better product, but it was not revolutionary.

This thing was out three years before the iphone.

There were ones that looked better also, I just didnt have a pic of them saved on my comp.


macrumors regular
Jul 22, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

To each his own. I don't like that phone at all.

Also youre forgetting a major thing... 3rd party apps. Apple revolutionized the mobile market. Stop arguing this fact.

They revolutionized the music industry too. Sure, you could say, "Buy windows media player does all the same stuff as iTunes blah blah blah". It doesn't. Get my point? My original point that said they invented the mobile market we have today. Revolutionizing a market includes more things than a rectangular device.


macrumors 65816
Feb 6, 2008
So Cal
The first iphone didnt have apps, remember they were all going to be web apps.

Its just the whole "revolutionized" thing I dont agree with.

They saw a market and entered it, they did a great job, but it wasnt revolutionary.

And even the app store wsnt revolutionary, I had spent hundreds of dollars on Handango for windows mobile buying apps before the app store came out.

Yes apple implimented a cleaner and easier system. But to call it revolutionary is to make it sound like it wasnt done before.

They capitalized on a great idea, that would be a statement I could agree with.

Anyway, Have I told you how much I love my Galaxy Nexus yet?


macrumors regular
Jul 22, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

chakraj said:
The first iphone didnt have apps, remember they were all going to be web apps.

Its just the whole "revolutionized" thing I dont agree with.

They saw a market and entered it, they did a great job, but it wasnt revolutionary.

And even the app store wsnt revolutionary, I had spent hundreds of dollars on Handango for windows mobile buying apps before the app store came out.

Yes apple implimented a cleaner and easier system. But to call it revolutionary is to make it sound like it wasnt done before.

They capitalized on a great idea, that would be a statement I could agree with.

Anyway, Have I told you how much I love my Galaxy Nexus yet?

Really? Cuz a simple google search containing the words iPhone and revolutionize brings several links from reputable sources explaining how the iPhone has revolutionized the mobile industry.

I guess you're the one that's right though.


macrumors 65816
Feb 6, 2008
So Cal
Oh well a marketing source is always believable. Much more so than the bleeding edge users out there.:rolleyes:


macrumors regular
Jul 22, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

chakraj said:
Oh well a marketing source is always believable. Much more so than the bleeding edge users out there.:rolleyes:

Why are you here?


macrumors 65816
Feb 6, 2008
So Cal
Its fun to visit all of my Iphone friends. Xda and Rootzwiki arent as exciting.
Plus I have to keep up on all the Mac happenings. I still have my ipad 2, my mac book pro and will most likely get the new iphone as long as they loose the tiny screen.

And I would miss all the fun if I didnt come visit.;)


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 18, 2009
Day 2 back on the iPhone 4s and it is like chalk and cheese compared to the GN with regard to the battery life and just using it is a pleasure.
A few examples of this are;
1/. On GN when writing a text message it would sometimes stop adding the keyed text
2/. It would for some reason go to Airplane mode without letting you know
3/. it would not remember your choose of favourite phone number even though I checked the box for remember this number
4/. Battery would only last 6 hours max on normal use, i.e. making calls, surfing the web, texting playing a few games

Glad to be back and the white phone with the Bronze aluminium bumper looks sweet


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macrumors 6502a
Jul 25, 2011
Chicago, IL
Maybe if the current Nexus model was made by HTC and not by Samsung.
I hate HATE the plastic feel of Samsung products. They all feel cheap, unlike HTC.
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