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macrumors 68000
Dec 13, 2010
Short memories folks have...I'm sure the fellow you are criticizing is not very fond of giving money to the Red Cross where only pennies of every dollar actually go to "the cause" if at all and the rest of it goes to the CEO and top guys in the form of big bonuses....There's been instances where folks gave money and none of their money went to help.

Exactly, this article is a couple years old but we all know CEO pay only rises way faster than the pay for everyone else so if anything they are making much more:


Jan 26, 2010
To any person off the street who doesn't even know what a raspberry pi is that thing looks like a bomb.

Would you put that in your bag and go through airport security with it?

No just like I wouldn't take any bare electronic Item without notification. But I'd take it into school and show my teacher.


Jan 26, 2010
That's a false analogy ...the purpose of the example was to illustrate that a reasonable person could believe that it was a bomb.

Every single individual in my 100+ person office at first felt very sorry for the boy, then they saw the picture of his device and their immediate response was "oh wow that looks nothing like a clock and looks a lot like a bomb"

The applicable Texas statute for hoax bombs in part reads as follows:

"(2) cause alarm or reaction of any type by an official of a public safety agency or volunteer agency organized to deal with emergencies" See Tex Pe. Code Ann § 46.08

It doesn't matter what the device actually was, or who he is (race/religion/gender or otherwise).
It has everything to do with how others would perceive it, and its not unreasonable at all to suspect that what he brought to school may have been a nefarious device.

That's why he was arrested. The teacher should be applauded for reporting it, and the police did the right thing by taking him into custody.

Yet no one actually evacuated the school.


macrumors 6502
Apr 1, 2009
They don't say anything for the same reasons I mentioned above. Because islamic organizations such as CAIR have worked hard to create an environment where it's improper to criticize any part of the religion.

I agree with most you have said. I was a legal assistant in a refugee law firm for several years and it really opened my eyes up to the mindset of economic refugees. We dealt with war criminals from middle eastern countries and former Taliban. The irony being that the x-Taliban was one of the nicest men I had ever met, face to face but we all knew the lies and what he was likely quite capable of. We used to get refugees that wouldn't be off the plane 2 hours after arrival, asking me where various tourist sights were, explaining that they wanted to see it before they were denied status and sent back. They knew ahead of time their cases were false. It was a vacation where many did send home the money they made living on welfare, not paying rent and working under the table to families. They went home far better off than before they had left. In many cases, they even told me that it would cost too much for them to come live in a Western country on their own and pay to have English lessons but the 2-4 years that it took each case to wind through the system, they went home with a far better ability to speak and understand english and could command far better jobs and salaries. I had one fellow tell me it was a free University for him. They made the mistake in thinking we supported their "ideas" because we had to support them legally.


macrumors 6502
Apr 1, 2009
In my opinion, they stopped being refuges and became economic migrants when they refused to stay in the nearest stable nation over their pursuit of a wealthier nation with maximum benefits of welfare.
- You may or may not agree with and/or share the same opinion

The news report that caused me to laugh and shake my head more than any other, was one showing some Muslims converting to Christianity as if to imply they were grateful to their host country.

Um, no. They convert as they cannot be sent back legally by the country that takes them in. To convert from Islam is considered a death sentence. Western nations cannot send back refugees when it's been confirmed we would be sending them to their death.
That's the only reason a percentage will convert.

With every country of refugees, there will be a small percentage, in the country earlier and more familiar with the system that will stand daily at the refugee centers. Their "job" is to hook up with as many as they can, and extract payment by warning them what's best said to the officials, what story to give that will ensure a higher percentage of winnable files (cases) and by then having a better understanding of English as well, they will be in touch daily right through to the end, deportation, being paid to feed them information that will give them a winnable case.

I can already hear these "consultants" advising 20-50 year old single males to claim they are gay and fleeing their "boyfriend's" family, who invariably will always have corrupt policemen as brothers, uncles, cousins, fathers, etc; within that will kill them upon return to Syria and often they wont claim status at the same time that their partners do. It gives them two chances rather than one, should one fail and one win, the failed one can then hook onto the winning case under a humanitarian + compassionate claim, marriage, etc. :)


macrumors 6502
Apr 1, 2009
You people watch way too much Fox News. It's killing your brain cells.

Never seen it. I don't think we have it here in Canada unless you pay for a special package? Hmm, dunno, never thought to look for it.

That said, perhaps you watch too much CNN, AL Jazeera, NBC, ABC, CBS etc...guessing however that that comment might not make a lot of sense to you!
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