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macrumors 6502
Mar 23, 2014
Porto, Portugal
Even if Samsung lose out to Apple on the smartphone market...


...they're still not going anywhere. Get real and believe me when I say that Apple has more chance of going bankrupt than Samsung.

Not one is going bankrupt. Buy phones are Samsung bread and water, and while Apple is better than ever Samsung is going down...

All of those businesses pale in comparison to Samsung electronics, by a huge margin.

Samsung won't go anywhere, thankfully. But Samsung Mobile is going down.


The real threat is not Samsung but Chinese OEM's making cheap flagship's that cost a fraction of what both Apple and Samsung are charging. Both will share a common enemy.
The winner in the next round will be Android users. Apple does not know how to make cheap premium phones. I placing my money on Google.

All of those companies can't make money as it is. They won't make it.

Besides, just like happened with the Mac, more and more people are willing to pay for Apple devices.

But if you are going to buy an inferior product, like a Samsung, you might as well go cheap and buy a Chinese phone.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
Its long over due, the only winners in this were the lawyers - they got rich over these useless and infantile lawsuits.


macrumors 68020
Jun 24, 2010
Even if Samsung lose out to Apple on the smartphone market...


...they're still not going anywhere. Get real and believe me when I say that Apple has more chance of going bankrupt than Samsung.

With Samsung's muscle I can actually see them marking cars and trucks here in the States. Instant name recognition.

macrumors 6502
Mar 23, 2014
Porto, Portugal
BS, the P-series was SonyEricsson's flagship phones for several years before the iPhone was introduced. Only some of the later models had a qwerty keyboard IN ADDITION to the touch screen. The phones were fully useable as all-touchscreen.

Fully usable? You don't know what you are talking about. It was a pain in the ass. They sucked.

So the trend was all touch and then qwerty? And you don't know why? That's up to you to find out.

Again, we have to thank Apple for the phones that we have today.


macrumors 68040
May 13, 2010
Washington, DC
And whole lot more. Typical strawman, pick one element, point out it's not a big deal (previous example: rounded corners). This would be true if it were the only design element copied, but it isn't. You're just ignoring all the other similar elements that when combined, result in a remarkably similar device.

You really need to go learn what the term strawman means...

And as for the rest, what will it take for you to realize that Samsung is quite obviously copying Apple's design decisions. How many companies are rushing to put dimples on the backs of their phones right now?


Oct 21, 2008
Time, because it rules EVERYTHING!
BS, the P-series was SonyEricsson's flagship phones for several years before the iPhone was introduced. Only some of the later models had a qwerty keyboard IN ADDITION to the touch screen. The phones were fully useable as all-touchscreen.

The P990 had a built in physical keyboard, it was the forth and last model of the Symbian P series. I had that and I also had a P800 once, great solid devices that had more features and functionality then the first iPhone ever did like copy and paste.....
But the iPhone was smoother and very thin by comparison.


macrumors 68040
May 13, 2010
Washington, DC
Even if Samsung lose out to Apple on the smartphone market...


...they're still not going anywhere. Get real and believe me when I say that Apple has more chance of going bankrupt than Samsung.

Samsung Electronics makes up 76% of the company's revenues.


The P990 had a built in physical keyboard, it was the forth and last model of the Symbian P series. I had that and I also had a P800 once, great solid devices that had more features and functionality then the first iPhone ever did like copy and paste.....
But the iPhone was smoother and very thin by comparison.

Like copy and paste...go on? What else?


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
Buy phones are Samsung bread and water,
Do you have any material to back that up?

Samsung's other divisions are huge, the cell phone division is but one piece of a ginormous corporation. Just look at the fabrication for displays, memory and chips.

Sorry but I can't see how the cell phone division is Samsung's bread and butter. They make too many other products and have long before cell phones came to be, to say that sort of thing


macrumors 65816
Mar 28, 2007
Apple is going to take chip fab away from sammy and that will hurt more than lawsuits. Add in pressure from China and they are getting squeezed from multiply sides. Hope they go under.

Another one who has no clue how big Samsung actually are.

Apple wil not and cannot take fab away from Samsung. They are the only company that can deliver on price and volume required.


macrumors 68020
Jun 24, 2010
Not one is going bankrupt. Buy phones are Samsung bread and water, and while Apple is better than ever Samsung is going down...

All of those businesses pale in comparison to Samsung electronics, by a huge margin.

Samsung won't go anywhere, thankfully. But Samsung Mobile is going down.


All of those companies can't make money as it is. They won't make it.

Besides, just like happened with the Mac, more and more people are willing to pay for Apple devices.

But if you are going to buy an inferior product, like a Samsung, you might as well go cheap and buy a Chinese phone.

Sometimes it's better to make little profit than no profit at all. I'm not saying that the Chinese will be as rich as Apple or Samsung. Just as long as they undercut the competition.


macrumors 65816
Sep 4, 2010
Fully usable? You don't know what you are talking about. It was a pain in the ass. They sucked.

So the trend was all touch and then qwerty? And you don't know why? That's up to you to find out.

Again, we have to thank Apple for the phones that we have today.

I'm willing to bet you've never even used a P800 and instead just regurgitate the old mantra of "Everything except Apple sucks". The P800 was great for its time and like I said it was an all-touchscreen phone, only one model in the P-series had a qwerty keyboard that wasn't optional, contrary to your claim that every single flagship had qwerty.

Before I'm going to thank Apple for the phones we have today, I'm going to thank companies like Ericsson, Nokia and Motorola even more for creating the entire foundation of the mobile phone market and the infrastructure that enables it. Apple built the iPhone on the shoulders of giants.

Like copy and paste...go on? What else?

How about the ability to install 3rd party apps, one of the most essential features of a smart phone.
On a side note, the P800 didn't have 3G since it was released way back in 2001 but by the time the iPhone was released 3G was a standard feature on smart phones but it didn't have that.
In other words, the first iPhone lacked two of the defining features of a smart phone.

macrumors 6502
Mar 23, 2014
Porto, Portugal
Do you have any material to back that up?

Samsung's other divisions are huge, the cell phone division is but one piece of a ginormous corporation. Just look at the fabrication for displays, memory and chips.

Sorry but I can't see how the cell phone division is Samsung's bread and butter. They make too many other products and have long before cell phones came to be, to say that sort of thing

In their latest financials they stated that Samsung's Electronics represents 76% of their revenues and profits.

Samsung Mobile represents 75 % of Samsung Electronics, if not more.

Maybe I should get my PhD before saying this, but since Phones are so important and most divisions depend directly on samsung mobile (display, components, etc) it sounds like Phones (a business that is not going that good for them) are very very very very important.

You seem to forget that before the iPhone, Samsung was the biggest phone seller in the US by a large margin, and very close to Nokia in the rest of the world. It was already a very important business back then, the difference is that mobile phones became smartphones. But phones were always important.

They do not make that much selling ships and machines. Because they are vertically integrated, it's safe to say that their phones (directly and indirectly) represent 75% of Samsung's total (conglomorete) revenue and profit.

So yeah, recent drops are very serious. But even without those 75% (that will never happen, obviously) they will be in better health than LG, Sony, HTC, Xiaomi, etc combined.
Last edited:

macrumors 6502
Mar 23, 2014
Porto, Portugal
I'm willing to bet you've never even used a P800 and instead just regurgitate the old mantra of "Everything except Apple sucks". The P800 was great for its time and like I said it was an all-touchscreen phone, only one model in the P-series had a qwerty keyboard that wasn't optional, contrary to your claim that every single flagship had qwerty.

Before I'm going to thank Apple for the phones we have today, I'm going to thank companies like Ericsson, Nokia and Motorola even more for creating the entire foundation of the mobile phone market and the infrastructure that enables it. Apple built the iPhone on the shoulders of giants.

How about the ability to install 3rd party apps, one of the most essential features of a smart phone.
On a side note, the P800 didn't have 3G since it was released way back in 2001 but by the time the iPhone was released 3G was a standard feature on smart phones but it didn't have that.
In other words, the first iPhone lacked two of the defining features of a smart phone.

Companies like Motorola, Ericsson and Nokia (3 companies that are nothing more than hot potatoes that no one wants, today) tried to milk costumers and locked them in for something important they did decades ago. The same thing carriers are doing.

They deserved nothing more than death. Thankfully Apple made it happen. Now, real innovators (Apple, Google, MS, etc.) can play.

Are you sure that paying 75 $ for a java clock counts as the "ability to install 3rd party apps", like if we are talking about "app stores"? You are bragging about stuff like if the multitouch capabilities that we have now (post iPhone), data management, apps, etc. were the same. They aren't.

Those phones were crappy, unresponsive, slow, without any sort of support, they had 3g but didn't had a proper browser with "proper" internet, etc. The Iphone, ALONE, changed all that. Those phones, just like those companies, are nothing more than crap and deserve their place in history as a lesson of what can happen in a world/business where everybody is doing a lot of money at the same time: No innovation, milking costumers by agreements.


macrumors 65816
Mar 19, 2014
That is how I decided to raise my son. "Don't do anything illegal or morally wrong, son. Until enough people are doing it. Then it is okay." :confused:

Oh there's a lot of people like that here. There's also people who say apple is at fault for kids spending money on iTunes.

Parental responsibility has taken a backseat to entitlement.


Feb 11, 2008
Yes, but I think there is a bit difference between borrowing and blatantly copying.


I been using galaxy s5 for few months and it doesn't look like that. The plastic frame around is not like that either. And these speaker dots on the bottom? Comm on now....if it wasn't for the home button I would have said it's the iPhone 5/5s

Let me guess that difference is weather its Apple who is doing the "borrowing" ?

so are you saying some blatant Android features in iOS were "borrowed"?

If you referring to Samsung only, I agree they have no shame, and thier earlier efforts were pathetic. Thier latest offerings have improved on the copycat production line.

For the the Alpha.

Im not seeing an Iphone 5S here. Its looks like a variation of the S5.

Noone is going to mistake the Alpha for an iphone. Whats the big deal, the S5 got some metal.


Even if Samsung lose out to Apple on the smartphone market...


...they're still not going anywhere. Get real and believe me when I say that Apple has more chance of going bankrupt than Samsung.

Very very true. South Korea would have to go bankrupt for Samsung to fail.

Even using that logic, US is probably more likely to achieve that goal :)


macrumors 68000
Oct 31, 2005
Well. It is about time.

Maybe some of that money can go to R&D

Apple R&D has been adequately funded for many years. Only in government do they think that throwing money at it is the solution to every problem.

My grandpa always used to say, if you need 5 coats of varnish on the floor, paying for more painters, brushes, or varnish won't get it done any faster.


Sep 7, 2011
Samsung Electronics makes up 76% of the company's revenues.


Samsung Electronics is singificantly more than just their phones.

a list of products
Display Technologies for Mobile and Television. Worlds largest AMOLED display manufacturer. First flexible display manufacturer. Also provides display technologies to a giant marketshare of the laptop and PC industry. They are also believe it or not, one of the primary display manufacturers of Apple products

Mobile Phone devision... we all know about it.

SemiConductors - From RAM, CPUs, Chipsets, Flash drives, SSD drives, NAND storage.

Televisions - Not just the display panels, but the entire electronics and workings.

Cameras - A wide range of point and shoot and entry level SLR's

When it comes to Market Share of their products? They lead in DRAM, NAND Flash, Large size LCD panels. AMOLED, LCD monitors, Televisions, Mobile phones.

If Apple left completely from using Samsung, besides the hurt it would do us as apple consumers from using sub-quality parts, Samsung would only lose an estimated 2.6% of their revenues in this division.

Their electronics division is only one of dozens of divisions, not including other subsidiaries.

So? mind providing a citation to your "76%".

Apple is a small player in comparison to Samsung as a whole, nevermind Electronics.

PBG4 Dude

macrumors 601
Jul 6, 2007
Apple invested $150 million in Samsung in 1997 in order to get cheaper LCDs into their computers. That's how Samsung came to be Apple's primary display provider.

As for 76%, that poster may have meant profits, not revenues, as Samsung Mobile makes most of Samsung's profits.


macrumors 6502
Aug 6, 2008
You sound like the forum member, dumastudetto. :p

As a consumer, why do you care if Samsung goes under? It's not going to do you any good. You probably don't work for Apple or have stock in them. So why?

Because some people would prefer to see the most disgusting business ethics lead to failure instead of success.


Another one who has no clue how big Samsung actually are.

Apple wil not and cannot take fab away from Samsung. They are the only company that can deliver on price and volume required.

Oh really?


Mar 21, 2011
But at lease someone saw the light.

I remember when Microsoft settled back in the day to agree not to sue Apple..

Bit late for Samsung, but better late than never..

However, why is NOT settled in the U.S, but we get the this benefit first ?

You would think the most damage, being in the U.S, that would get it done as quickly as possible, rather than outside where it's not really happening as bad..

Next, we'll see Samsung go back with the iPhone 6 later this year.... :)
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