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macrumors 65816
Jan 21, 2002
One possibility no one has yet mentioned: it is illegal to drive a car or SUV or whatever if it is known to be unsafe, and might injure others. In some countries, it is illegal not to help strangers in certain situations - if they are being mugged, for example.

How about if it were made a legal requirement to take at least *some* basic preventive measures against your comp becoming a zombie or virus forwarder? On pain of being susceptble to attacks from the kind of defensive measures this thread is discussing.

I guess this would be jumped on in the US, but other countries may have a less broad definition of what constitutes invasion of privacy.

And something has to be done. Virus related problems are only going to increase.


macrumors newbie
Apr 6, 2004
Phone Number

The phone number works and has a phone system with directory. This would lead me to believe that this is not a hoax or someone has way to much money and time.


macrumors 6502
Feb 24, 2004
Given the number of references to them in various articles that I've read from various sources, I think we can consider them confirmed legit.

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