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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the United States, an annual federal holiday commemorating the American civil rights movement leader.


Apple today honored the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with a full-page tribute on its website. A photo of Dr. King is accompanied by an iconic quote of his: "True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice."

On Monday, Apple CEO Tim Cook commemorated Martin Luther King Jr. Day in a follow-up tweet.

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Article Link: Apple and Tim Cook Commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 8, 2002
MLK promulgated the belief that bigotry and racism are learned. He would blanch at the newfangled concepts of "structural racism" and "white privilege". RIP MLK.
It's a different world now; same, but different. We have an evolved language that better describe things we not always easily could conceptualise in simple words and sentences.

He definitely would have been onboard with the concepts that we now talk about as white privilege, structural racism, environmental racism etc; because they're simply facts, easy to measure facts.


Oct 15, 2017
Really getting tired of Tim Cook’s hypocrisy!! Hey Tim tell everyone Apple condones China’s slave labor of
There is no such "slave labor" in Xinjiang. The reforms are about deradicalizing marginalized people, giving them education and vocational training to fit in society and on the labor market.

And whatever China is doing is not your or Tim Apple's concern. Mind your own friggin business. Fix your own s-hole country before pointing finger at others.

Congrats on more covid deaths than losses under four years of world war… the USA is truly exceptional, the undisputed "leader" in effing up…


macrumors regular
Jun 15, 2010
It's a different world now; same, but different. We have an evolved language that better describe things we not always easily could conceptualise in simple words and sentences.

He definitely would have been onboard with the concepts that we now talk about as white privilege, structural racism, environmental racism etc; because they're simply facts, easy to measure facts.
"Facts" You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 1, 2020
It's so tragic how his life was cut short. There was so much more American's needed from him.

Edit: And there is so much change that America still needs, especially with race:
Three major evils—the evil of racism, the evil of poverty, and the evil of war. These are the three things that I want to deal with today.

Now let us turn first to the evil of racism. There can be no gainsaying of the fact that racism is still alive all over America. Racial injustice is still the Negro’s burden and America’s shame. And we must face the hard fact that many Americans would like to have a nation which is a democracy for white Americans but simultaneously a dictatorship over black Americans. We must face the fact that we still have much to do in the area of race relations.”


macrumors regular
There is no such "slave labor" in Xinjiang. The reforms are about deradicalizing marginalized people, giving them education and vocational training to fit in society and on the labor market.

And whatever China is doing is not your or Tim Apple's concern. Mind your own friggin business. Fix your own s-hole country before pointing finger at others.

Congrats on more covid deaths than losses under four years of world war… the USA is truly exceptional, the undisputed "leader" in effing up…
I’m sorry you feel that way. Please look at the Human rights website and educate yourself.


macrumors regular
There is no such "slave labor" in Xinjiang. The reforms are about deradicalizing marginalized people, giving them education and vocational training to fit in society and on the labor market.

And whatever China is doing is not your or Tim Apple's concern. Mind your own friggin business. Fix your own s-hole country before pointing finger at others.

Congrats on more covid deaths than losses under four years of world war… the USA is truly exceptional, the undisputed "leader" in effing up…


Oct 15, 2017
I’m sorry you feel that way. Please look at the Human rights website and educate yourself.
Yeah, you do that. I fail to grasp how murdering 400 000 people can in any way be compatible with human rights? But that is what your country did, what your politicians did, what your great leader Trump did. And we are far from done yet.

As for China, I recommend that you read articles 22, 23, 25, 26, 27 and 29 of the aformentioned human rights. They take precedence over religious "rights" to discriminate against women and radicalize the poor.

As I said, fix your own problems with rampant racism, discrimination, violence and what have you not, before pointing fingers at others. You are the nation that eradicated ten million native Americans when you colonized their lands. You are the nation that never had any peace, except for a few years, in your entire history. You are the nation that has intervened with wars, invasions, coups and other means in the world, and caused more destruction than any nation in history.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 8, 2002
Yeah, you do that. I fail to grasp how murdering 400 000 people can in any way be compatible with human rights? But that is what your country did, what your politicians did, what your great leader Trump did. And we are far from done yet.

As for China, I recommend that you read articles 22, 23, 25, 26, 27 and 29 of the aformentioned human rights. They take precedence over religious "rights" to discriminate against women and radicalize the poor.

As I said, fix your own problems with rampant racism, discrimination, violence and what have you not, before pointing fingers at others. You are the nation that eradicated ten million native Americans when you colonized their lands. You are the nation that never had any peace, except for a few years, in your entire history. You are the nation that has intervened with wars, invasions, coups and other means in the world, and caused more destruction than any nation in history.
Whataboutism doesn't cancel out what's going on in China, though.


macrumors 604
Oct 23, 2010
Really getting tired of Tim Cook’s hypocrisy!! Hey Tim tell everyone Apple condones China’s slave labor of
Im not sure what to believe on this. So I would just caution people about being this presumptuous. We have our own issues with racism and thats what Tim Cook is focused on. That is what he should be focused on. America first.

Secondly the issue with Apple is that they dont manufacture in the US at all. Thats my big gripe with them. We buy Apple products the most and get almost none of the manufacturing jobs. We do get software jobs but we should get manufacturing jobs too. Apple should get better at creating talent by investing in the American people instead of just taking our money killing off jobs and then not adequately investing in America.
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macrumors 6502a
Feb 8, 2002
Exactly. This article is about MLK and America's systemic problem with racism, violence and an ever increasingly fractionalized society, not about China.
The tangent that brought China into it was that Apple is celebrating a local leader that fought suppression, while financially (indirectly) actively supporting it as it's happening in another country; so the primary subject was not China, but how Apple/Tim Cook is (or not) hypocrites.

So to be fair, you're the one that full on committed to making China the main focus; and went way off trying to both justify the actions of the CCP as well as dragging all kinds of random (disgraceful) facts from USA history.
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