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macrumors 65816
Oct 23, 2007
Columbus, OH
I am referencing that in that video that was posted that they described that the universe itself was eternal, and that there was a "singularity", also called the Big Bang, where the universe heated. That being said, it is possible that life existed before the big bang according to that video. Now if I misunderstood it please correct me.

I agree that natural selection takes place. There is no denying that a bird with this style beak will survive better in place X due to the food supply. That actually aligns with Biblical principles.

Actually, most schools of thought believe there was no time before the Big Bang, that without space, there was no time. But, with gravity's ability to mess with time, there may have been extreme time dilation just prior to the Big Bang.

There are also hypotheses that our Big Bang was created when a previous multiverse collapsed on itself (kinda common among string theory stuff).


macrumors regular
Oct 18, 2010
I am referencing that in that video that was posted that they described that the universe itself was eternal, and that there was a "singularity", also called the Big Bang, where the universe heated. That being said, it is possible that life existed before the big bang according to that video. Now if I misunderstood it please correct me.

By that, they mean that the universe expands and retracts to basically to a singularity. In that point of being a singularity, the universe does not exist. Think of the universe like a balloon, when the balloon is blown up, the universe is in existence, everything inside the balloon is space and time. As you let the air out of the balloon, it starts to contract. For our example it contracts to a single point or singularity. Nothing can exist in the singularity cause it's infinitely small, there is no space and time that can exist in it. Hence there is no universe existing and no life can exist without a universe for it to exist in. It's only after the expansion again can anything exist, space, time and matter (matter being everything you see, including life). What ever life existed in the previous universe is long gone.



That's not a universe! That's a rave! Buh-da-bum-bum buh-da-bum-bum buh-da-bum-bum.

Also, you're going by a slightly outdated model of the universe. These days, people are leaning more towards a maximum entropy heat-death end scenario than they are a big crunch.


Oct 10, 2013
By that, they mean that the universe expands and retracts to basically to a singularity. In that point of being a singularity, the universe does not exist. Think of the universe like a balloon, when the balloon is blown up, the universe is in existence, everything inside the balloon is space and time. As you let the air out of the balloon, it starts to contract. For our example it contracts to a single point or singularity. Nothing can exist in the singularity cause it's infinitely small, there is no space and time that can exist in it. Hence there is no universe existing and no life can exist without a universe for it to exist in. It's only after the expansion again can anything exist, space, time and matter (matter being everything you see, including life). What ever life existed in the previous universe is long gone.

The only thing related to the thread topic are the rainbow colors.


macrumors G3
Mar 26, 2013
Elkton, Maryland
There is no mention in Genesis of species adapting over time. What "Biblical principle" are you referring to?

There is a difference between natural selection and evolution as evidenced by this article by Answers In Genesis.

Actually, most schools of thought believe there was no time before the Big Bang, that without space, there was no time. But, with gravity's ability to mess with time, there may have been extreme time dilation just prior to the Big Bang.

There are also hypotheses that our Big Bang was created when a previous multiverse collapsed on itself (kinda common among string theory stuff).

There is also the distinct possibility that the Big Bang theory is just a wrongful theory that many are suckered into believing until another scientist in years to come provides a different theory.

By that, they mean that the universe expands and retracts to basically to a singularity. In that point of being a singularity, the universe does not exist. Think of the universe like a balloon, when the balloon is blown up, the universe is in existence, everything inside the balloon is space and time. As you let the air out of the balloon, it starts to contract. For our example it contracts to a single point or singularity. Nothing can exist in the singularity cause it's infinitely small, there is no space and time that can exist in it. Hence there is no universe existing and no life can exist without a universe for it to exist in. It's only after the expansion again can anything exist, space, time and matter (matter being everything you see, including life). What ever life existed in the previous universe is long gone.


I agree that if there was life before the supposed "big bang" that it would be wiped out. That being said, since we cannot test before the singularity, how do you know the singularity existed, after all it is just a theory developed by fallible men.


Oct 10, 2013
There is a difference between natural selection and evolution as evidenced by this article by Answers In Genesis.

There is also the distinct possibility that the Big Bang theory is just a wrongful theory that many are suckered into believing until another scientist in years to come provides a different theory.

I agree that if there was life before the supposed "big bang" that it would be wiped out. That being said, since we cannot test before the singularity, how do you know the singularity existed, after all it is just a theory developed by fallible men.
I, too have no idea what the big bang theory has to do with religion or Tim being fabolous. :eek:



There's so much evidence for both the Big Bang and evolution, it can't be ignored.

Remember, a theory isn't something that a bunch of random scientists believe on consensus. It's not like Darwin one day walked into a classroom and said...

"Hey guys! I got an idea! Slugs changed into birds over time!"

"That's awesome, Charlie! Brilliant, even! Now let's get out there find proof that supports that claim!"

...then rolled on from there until they cobbled a bunch of pieces together into a loose framework they now call evolution. For a theory to be called a theory in the scientific community, it has to be rigorously tested and repeatedly confirmed to the point that a bunch of people can say "yes, this accurately explains this phenomenon we've been observing".

Now that's not to say the theory of evolution is perfect, and the body of work we have now is the perpetually perfect example thereof. But if someone pops out a new theory of evolution some time in the future, it will have used the previous theory as its foundation, and built on it from there.

edit: I love that link...

Evolutionists often look at a characteristic of an organism and assume that it was produced through a gradual series of changes and call it an adaptation to a given environment. To an evolutionist, legs on tetrapods are an adaptation that arose as a fish’s fins became adapted to crawling in a shallow stream, providing some form of advantage. The fins with more bones were better adapted to a life partially lived on the land. Fins that developed bones attached to a pectoral girdle (another set of bones that had to develop) gave an advantage to those individuals that wandered onto land to find food or avoid predators. The problems with this scenario are in the amount of time such a change would require and the lack of a mechanism to cause the change.

Evolutionary biologists assume, based on geologic interpretations, that there have been billions of years for this process to occur. But if long ages did not exist, the hypothesis cannot be true.

I can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is no such thing as cinnamon bread. Because without cinnamon, you can't have cinnamon bread. A true cinnamon bread would not need a prerequisite. It'd merely be cinnamon bread as part of a logical whole.
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macrumors G3
Mar 26, 2013
Elkton, Maryland
So was the Bible account.

You are right. You cannot scientifically test before the Bible account of roughly 6,000-8,000 years ago because it was nothing. The earth did not exist yet.

There's so much evidence for both the Big Bang and evolution, it can't be ignored.

Remember, a theory isn't something that a bunch of random scientists believe on consensus. It's not like Darwin one day walked into a classroom and said...

"Hey guys! I got an idea! Slugs changed into birds over time!"

"That's awesome, Charlie! Brilliant, even! Now let's get out there find proof that supports that claim!"

...then rolled on from there until they cobbled a bunch of pieces together into a loose framework they now call evolution. For a theory to be called a theory in the scientific community, it has to be rigorously tested and repeatedly confirmed to the point that a bunch of people can say "yes, this accurately explains this phenomenon we've been observing".

Now that's not to say the theory of evolution is perfect, and the body of work we have now is the perpetually perfect example thereof. But if someone pops out a new theory of evolution some time in the future, it will have used the previous theory as its foundation, and built on it from there.

edit: I love that link...

I can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is no such thing as cinnamon bread. Because without cinnamon, you can't have cinnamon bread. A true cinnamon bread would not need a prerequisite. It'd merely be cinnamon bread as part of a logical whole.

I agree that scientists will build upon the theory of evolution for years to come before they reach their "final verdict". I still fully believe and fully support the Biblical answer as it fits perfectly. 6,000-8,000 years ago God created the heavens and the earth. You may argue that we came from abiogenesis, where the Bible says that we were created ex nihilo (created out of nothing) only by God.

Dinosaurs were made on the sixth day of Creation. A quick skim through of that article does not state that they were in the actual Garden of Eden but rather on the earth simultaneously. Dinosaurs perished in the Flood.


macrumors 68040
Sep 3, 2011
Dinosaurs were made on the sixth day of Creation. A quick skim through of that article does not state that they were in the actual Garden of Eden but rather on the earth simultaneously. Dinosaurs perished in the Flood.

Actually the article states that dinosaurs were on Noah's Ark:

"Representatives of all the kinds of air-breathing land animals, including the dinosaur kinds, went aboard Noah’s Ark. "

And regardless of where they were supposed to be, it does state that they were all vegetarians at the time:

"Originally, before sin, all animals, including the dinosaurs, were vegetarian. Genesis 1:30 states, 'And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to every thing that creeps upon the earth, which has life, I have given every green herb for food: and it was so.'"

Of course a flood does NOT fit with the geological evidence anyway.
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You are right. You cannot scientifically test before the Bible account of roughly 6,000-8,000 years ago because it was nothing. The earth did not exist yet.

You do know that the Bible says absolutely nothing about the age of the Earth or the universe, correct? That number was guessed up by a guy who counted backwards through the Begats back in the 18th or 19th century.

Did you also know that quoting Genesis as a historical truth is only a fairly recent thing? The ancient Jews about 3000 years back (give or take a few hundred years) thought of it as a parable, much like most of the Torah. The truth was in the meaning of the story, and the meaning within the meaning, rather than the literal words on the page.


macrumors G3
Mar 26, 2013
Elkton, Maryland
Actually the article states that dinosaurs were on Noah's Ark:

"Representatives of all the kinds of air-breathing land animals, including the dinosaur kinds, went aboard Noah’s Ark. "

And regardless of where they were supposed to be, it does state that they were all vegetarians at the time:

"Originally, before sin, all animals, including the dinosaurs, were vegetarian. Genesis 1:30 states, 'And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to every thing that creeps upon the earth, which has life, I have given every green herb for food: and it was so.'"

Of course a flood does NOT fit with the geological evidence anyway.

In which case some dinosaurs perished in the flood and some survived but died out in the post-diluvian world.


macrumors 68040
Sep 3, 2011
In which case some dinosaurs perished in the flood and some survived but died out in the post-diluvian world.

Actually the article claims that Dinosaurs could still exist today (and not in the avian sense). Heck, the writer practically begs for them to still exist, just so they can show how wrong "evolutionists" are.

And you're ignoring my point about geology.
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macrumors regular
Oct 18, 2010
You are right. You cannot scientifically test before the Bible account of roughly 6,000-8,000 years ago because it was nothing. The earth did not exist yet.

I agree that scientists will build upon the theory of evolution for years to come before they reach their "final verdict". I still fully believe and fully support the Biblical answer as it fits perfectly. 6,000-8,000 years ago God created the heavens and the earth. You may argue that we came from abiogenesis, where the Bible says that we were created ex nihilo (created out of nothing) only by God.

Dinosaurs were made on the sixth day of Creation. A quick skim through of that article does not state that they were in the actual Garden of Eden but rather on the earth simultaneously. Dinosaurs perished in the Flood.

In which case some dinosaurs perished in the flood and some survived but died out in the post-diluvian world.

I see you have drifted off into la la land with this talk. Id ask for evidence but we all know you have one source and that source is not factually relevant. Everything you said here goes against basic simple logic, for someone that claims to use logic and weren't told what to believe, you sure are gullible enough to take these stories for face value.
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