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macrumors regular
May 9, 2012
While I fully believe this, it can also be used for the worse. Smartphones directly lead to the social media revolution and enhanced 24/7 news cycle which is rapidly destorying the fabric of our society.

On the other hand, it was a game changer during the panedmic. The panemidc would have been so much harder without the virtual ability to see family/work/etc.

That all said, I'd glady go back in time to a pre-smartphone era. Give me my iPod and my flip phone back with maybe just google maps.
Well, that and the cameras... flip phone cameras were absolute trash.

The thing I miss is being able to sit down at a restaurant and actually being able to talk to people at your table without their heads buried in their phones.


macrumors 6502
Dec 21, 2003
From a Christian perspective (for anyone interested), I immediately thought of two recent works: From the Garden to the City by John Dyer & God, Technology, and the Christian Life by Tony Reinke.

I wrote a tiny paper for my Master's degree called "A Biblical Theology of Technology" that was probably my most favorite thing I have written. I love tech (have been on these forums since 2003), but I don't have near the mind to come close to what Dyer and Reinke have written.


macrumors 68040
Apr 7, 2008
Flea Bottom, King's Landing
When our ethical capacity catches up with our technological advancements, then technological advancements would be a good thing. For now, the powers that be are weaponizing any technology they can to keep the status quo, ie. keeping themselves in power.

Robert Oppenheimer is an extreme example of Malcom's quote.


macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
Hmm perhaps it would change things for the better, if he didn’t have them all made in a country that doesn’t care about human rights and supports others like Russia. Just remember that when you read these billionaires stating these things.
I mean I do and I still buy the goods, but I appreciate how hypocritical the West can be.


macrumors regular
Jan 12, 2017
Irvine, California
Was there a giant asterisk at the end of his note... and at the bottom says, "as long as it's profitable to apple".

He's such a two-face it's embaressing. He talks up security and privacy but then continues to not make imessage open to all platforms so that it's precious users have to fall back on an open unencrypted format of SMS everytime they message the 90% of the mobile market that doesn't use an iphone.
90%? LOL! Everyone I associate with has an iPhone. Are you living in a third world country or something? I do get green bubble messages but they are usually spam or short-code messages from advertisers or two factor verification codes. Most people these days can afford an iPhone, especially on monthly installments, with the wide array of price points Apple offers. Instead of hating on Tim because you can’t have iMessage, just spend the extra $1-2 per month and get an iPhone SE. Hell the iPhone 12/13 Pro were both free at launch with carrier promotions, if you know how to play the game.
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Jan 15, 2021
Tim Cook is a modern day book burner.

Information should be free; not suppressed because it is "dangerous."

Let people do their own research.

Funny, nobody was burning books and banishing what Tim Cook calls "disinformation" before November of 2016 ?
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Was there a giant asterisk at the end of his note... and at the bottom says, "as long as it's profitable to apple".

He's such a two-face it's embaressing. He talks up security and privacy but then continues to not make imessage open to all platforms so that it's precious users have to fall back on an open unencrypted format of SMS everytime they message the 90% of the mobile market that doesn't use an iphone.
Logical fallacy. Tim Cook is not responsible for your green bubbles. You are. There are a number of alternate apps to communicate with green bubble people. Just use one.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 10, 2022
yep. they are developing robots to take human jobs. up to 50 percent of human jobs.

While I agree that it is a shame, humanity needs to progress also in the workforce. Technology and others have exploded with changes and there is no reason for some jobs to just stay put and stagnate when it can be done but a robot.

My personal example is most fast food cashiers... you get to the drive thru and you usually have to repeat yourself and wait for them to be ready because they are busy taking cards/cash. A robot or similar would ease that for the customer and other employees and I know they are working on robots to make the food also, but humanity as a whole needs to adapt and change also. Why should the world hold back possibilities because people are basically fine being a robot day in and day out. All of these machines will need to be repaired either by a mechanic or electrician not everyone needs to go out and get mechanical/electrical engineering jobs because the mechanics and electricians will be high demand.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Just like anything it can be used for good or bad. Right now it’s being weaponized by governments around the world against their own citizens.

“Privacy is a fundamental right but we’d like to use the hardware you just purchased to check for data on your phone that we think makes you a criminal.”
If you are going to be snarky at least be accurate. There is no “we think”.
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 25, 2001
Lund, Sweden
Logical fallacy. Tim Cook is not responsible for your green bubbles. You are. There are a number of alternate apps to communicate with green bubble people. Just use one.
This is still totally baffling. Who uses iMessages? Not even my friends that have iPhones use iMessages. If I send them one, I get no reply.


macrumors 68030
Sep 21, 2009
Technology has achieved many things good and bad. It has opened horizons, doors, and ability to see and do amazing things. It has also devastated the ecology of the world, promoted social discord, and been used as a weapon. In other words, it is like anything else people create. It's just another tool and what's done with it reflects the people using it.


macrumors 603
Apr 8, 2009
So much criticism. Yet people will still refuse to vote with their wallets.

If what people were saying above was true, that would make them complicit by rewarding Apple with their currency.
Apple can make good products while still not living up to the things in this press release. I don't know why you think they're mutually exclusive.
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macrumors 65816
Jan 6, 2004
Technology, assisted by humans, does change the world, but it can also end the world, assisted by humans.


macrumors 68040
Jun 6, 2005
I think we learned technology can change the future for the better sometime around 200,000 BC. But its still true. Not very unique sentiment though.

Mr. Dee

macrumors 603
Dec 4, 2003
Tim is up there where there is a sense of being out of touch. Don’t get me wrong, he is managing Apple well and I honestly don’t know what the company is gonna be like post Cook. I just think with what he is saying here, the App store land grab is over, it’s over saturated. When someone develops an app that can pick the right lottery numbers, provide free food, cure diseases, stop inequality. But for now there is really not that much innovation.


macrumors regular
Sep 1, 2013
Midland, TX
This is horse hockey. Apple just opened their "representative office" under Russian demands for more control (ie - arresting Apple employees), and they curate the Apple Stores in authoritarian countries to serve the oppression demands of their Russian and Chinese overlords. As long as there is a buck to be made, they pay lip service to personal freedoms and toe the line for those overlords.
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