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Aug 28, 2019
Must be true of every other CEO that is doing the same thing then? Correct?
It’s unfortunate, but this is happening with 90+ percent of large corporations. Ethics have all but gone out the window. But the close to 300 billion number from Apple is incredibly unsettling.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 15, 2012
Must be true of every other CEO that is doing the same thing then? Correct?
Yup. I specifically said: "Cook and [h]is ilk are following a modified strategy from the socialist playbook" ('is' corrected to '[h]is').

Why do you think Cook and his ilk live in the Communist State of California? Funny when you consider Apple are incorporated in Delaware - more evidence of idiocy.

"Designed in California, Made in China" should be truthful:

"Incorporated in Delaware, Partially designed in California and China. Made in China".

This leaks confirms Apple is now using additional offshore development resources. Their "Designed in.." claims are lies.

Congress should enact a proper labeling law requiring specification of where products are designed, not just physically manufactured".
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 15, 2012
I’m running out of companies to boycott. This is disheartening.
Most firearms companies are USA based or have USA manufacturing. Supporting such industries supports American jobs! The U.S. government does a decent job protecting the firearm industry, too bad it has failed so many other industries.
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 15, 2012
It’s unfortunate, but this is happening with 90+ percent of large corporations. Ethics have all but gone out the window. But the close to 300 billion number from Apple is incredibly unsettling.
I have no problem with free and FAIR trade. China has NEVER played by any rules.

This is yet another example of the serious corruption that is destroying the USA. Many of China’s hostile actions are directed toward individuals. This is the very definition of total war. Use of nuclear weapons to end World War 2 was justified due the Imperial Japanese Army’s use of total war tactics. We have entered a period where extreme measures may be justified to save the USA.

The US Government is complacent in the destruction caused by China’s war against the American people. In the USA people are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

When a government willfully neglects its duty to defend its people it commits “tyranny by proxy”, and thereby directly engages in tyranny against its own people.

This has NOTHING to do with the United States Constitution, but rather the very essence of the country’s existence, as defined by the Declaration of Independence. The USA is a REPUBLIC, NOT a Democracy,

This surpasses the Constitution, including ALL branches (Judicial, Executive, Legislative) of government. The 2nd amendment attempts to address this, but as we’ve seen does so inadequately. But the 2nd amendment’s impotence does not undermine the core fact that the USA is a Republic, by and for THE PEOPLE!

This means it is “Open Season” on ANY and ALL CCP interests operating in the USA, specifically because the US government fails to defend against such malign interests. Apple and Cook are now unquestionably aligned with CCP interests.

Fact: you only have to convince a Jury in the USA. Ask yourself how many people on that jury have (or know someone who has) been screwed by the CCP? Odds are likely in a defendant’s favor. Don’t think any judiciary within the USA isn’t scared of this. Justice can be “flexible” in the hands of a jury. Happy hunting!
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 15, 2012
Most US people don't care products that are manufactured/assembled in China, or else you'll have far more South Korean or Malaysian made phones in the US Market share, and that's just one product segment
Look at Sony. No one is more paranoid about the CCP than Japan. I run LineageOS on Sony Xperia Hardware. Google, Apple, et. al. can go F themselves.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 17, 2013
Look at Sony. No one is more paranoid about the CCP than Japan. I run LineageOS on Sony Xperia Hardware. Google, Apple, et. al. can go F themselves.

Unfortunately you’re only in the minority. Even if Apple or any giant corporations literally put their workers working to death in the most inhumane conditions, majority in the US will just keep buying them.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 15, 2012
Unfortunately you’re only in the minority. Even if Apple or any giant corporations literally put their workers working to death in the most inhumane conditions, majority in the US will just keep buying them.
Not worried about who else is falling for the BS. I'm not. Now that Crook has been discovered to be in bed with the CCP Apple's credibility regarding privacy just went in the crapper.


macrumors 68000
Jun 16, 2008
On a side note. Anyone using Google look out it does some really gonzo things with its results:

May 15, 2016? What?! Google what is wrong with you?


Sep 25, 2021
Apple is now one of the biggest tech companies in the world. I am not sure why you think Apple or Tim Cook will face any sort of backlash or repercussions whatsoever.

Second, the US doesn’t speak for the entire world. I live in Asia and really couldn’t care less whether Apple chooses to invest China or US.

The only outcome I can think in light of all this is that - wow, I think Tim Cook deserves a bigger pay check! Personally negotiating with governments of entire nations?!?
This isn’t his job. Almost seems like he sold his soul to the devil. Tim Cook no longer runs apple. China does.


Sep 25, 2021
Apple is still Apple, regardless of where their products are manufactured.
Way to ignore what’s in front of your eyes

It’s just sad that a iconic American based company is now basically a Chinese run company. Tim should really just move apple hq to China too. China is Tim’s boss.


Jul 18, 2011
Way to ignore what’s in front of your eyes

It’s just sad that a iconic American based company is now basically a Chinese run company. Tim should really just move apple hq to China too. China is Tim’s boss.
Personally, I really couldn't care less where Apple HQ is situated. I like to use their products, I buy them with my hard-earned money, it's purely transactional. I didn't sign up to be part of a proxy war between China and the US, nor do I have any desire to. But a lot of the irrational criticism I see surrounding Apple’s relationship with China strikes me as just that - irrational.

For one, it's no small secret that Apple has been fairly reliant on China for their manufacturing needs since 2016, so there is certainly no "woah" factor to me. My response is more of a "Yeah so? What's your point?"

The press makes a lot out of Apple's supposed dependency on China, but I think not enough attention is paid to China's dependency on Apple. Knowing very well that Apple intends to have a huge business presence in China (evidenced by all the numerous Apple stores they have opened), of course Apple is going to pull out all the stops when it comes to negotiating with Chinese officials on business dealings involving the employment of millions of Chinese workers.

Second, it stands to reason that Apple is willing to invest so heavily in China because Apple itself stands to be a major beneficiary from such investments. Do you really think Apple is just throwing around billion-dollar bribes to various governmental officials on a whim and fancy? More likely, the money comprises of Apple’s multi-year contracts with Foxconn and other contract manufacturers to build Apple products in China. It’s not so much an investment in China as it is an investment in Apple in China. In other words, Apple is investing in its manufacturing capabilities in China.

Third, even Apple's billion-dollar investment in Didi makes sense when you consider Apple's own self-driving car initiatives. The deal is all about getting a better footing in the Chinese market and the benefit in getting a board seat at a company well-positioned to become the largest ride-sharing company in China, if not the world. If and when Apple releases their own smart-car, of course China is going to be one of their major launch markets. Why not start laying the groundwork now?

Moving forward, as Apple looks to diversify its manufacturing to India and Vietnam, I see Apple standing to be one of the largest beneficiaries when it comes to increased economic rivalry between these nations in terms of more favourable contractual terms.

Apple continues to be misunderstood. Or maybe the opposition has little interest in understanding Apple.
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Sep 25, 2021
Personally, I really couldn't care less where Apple HQ is situated. I like to use their products, I buy them with my hard-earned money, it's purely transactional. I didn't sign up to be part of a proxy war between China and the US, nor do I have any desire to. But a lot of the irrational criticism I see surrounding Apple’s relationship with China strikes me as just that - irrational.

For one, it's no small secret that Apple has been fairly reliant on China for their manufacturing needs since 2016, so there is certainly no "woah" factor to me. My response is more of a "Yeah so? What's your point?"

The press makes a lot out of Apple's supposed dependency on China, but I think not enough attention is paid to China's dependency on Apple. Knowing very well that Apple intends to have a huge business presence in China (evidenced by all the numerous Apple stores they have opened), of course Apple is going to pull out all the stops when it comes to negotiating with Chinese officials on business dealings involving the employment of millions of Chinese workers.

Second, it stands to reason that Apple is willing to invest so heavily in China because Apple itself stands to be a major beneficiary from such investments. Do you really think Apple is just throwing around billion-dollar bribes to various governmental officials on a whim and fancy? More likely, the money comprises of Apple’s multi-year contracts with Foxconn and other contract manufacturers to build Apple products in China. It’s not so much an investment in China as it is an investment in Apple in China. In other words, Apple is investing in its manufacturing capabilities in China.

Third, even Apple's billion-dollar investment in Didi makes sense when you consider Apple's own self-driving car initiatives. The deal is all about getting a better footing in the Chinese market and the benefit in getting a board seat at a company well-positioned to become the largest ride-sharing company in China, if not the world. If and when Apple releases their own smart-car, of course China is going to be one of their major launch markets. Why not start laying the groundwork now?

Moving forward, as Apple looks to diversify its manufacturing to India and Vietnam, I see Apple standing to be one of the largest beneficiaries when it comes to increased economic rivalry between these nations in terms of more favourable contractual terms.

Apple continues to be misunderstood. Or maybe the opposition has little interest in understanding Apple.
All I can say is WOW. China has zero dependence on apple. Completely the other way, and apple knows this. If China made apple pull out. Apple would be doa in weeks.

It’s kinda humerus that you basically admit to apple bribing governments.


macrumors G4
Apr 24, 2016
This isn’t his job. Almost seems like he sold his soul to the devil. Tim Cook no longer runs apple. China does.

Of course growing Apple as much as possible is his job. Yet here you are, two decades after the iPod and trying to be upset that the stuff is all made in China and making weird accusations about who runs what.


Sep 25, 2021
Of course growing Apple as much as possible is his job. Yet here you are, two decades after the iPod and trying to be upset that the stuff is all made in China and making weird accusations about who runs what.
Continue to wear the blinders.


Jul 18, 2011
If China made apple pull out. Apple would be doa in weeks.
I am not saying that Apple would be able to make do without China. I am saying that if China would not be able to do this without bearing the consequences on their economy and employment rates as well. While I agree that China could in theory kick Apple out any time, I am also confident that the chances of China actually doing so is fairly slim due to the role that Apple plays in propping up their economy.

As such, the dynamics between the two of them is less servant and master and more mutual business partners.


Oct 15, 2017
due to the role that Apple plays in propping up their economy.
Dude, you need to stop smoking that stuff… Apple accounts for 0.00001% of China's economy, basically employing a few thousand people at a Taiwanese company in Shenzhen.


Oct 15, 2017
Communist China has been at war with the USA for decades
Confucianist China doesn't do anything Japan didn't do, like setting up joint venture cooperations with tech transfer as a given component.

Confucianist China never initiated a trade war with America, fascist America initiated a trade war with China.

Confucianist China never applied export control over rare earths or any other commodity or product, whereas fascist America tries to squeeze China from every angle with chips and semiconductors.

Fascist America started a war with confucianist China, because they realized they are losing out.


macrumors G4
Apr 24, 2016
Dude, you need to stop smoking that stuff… Apple accounts for 0.00001% of China's economy, basically employing a few thousand people at a Taiwanese company in Shenzhen.

Citation needed for that number please.


macrumors G4
Apr 24, 2016
Well, no companies actually care about civil rights, Black Lives Matter etc… No companies. It's just a strategy to sell more products.

Because of one’s sympathy for the cause you’re not going to buy another iPhone just because. You’re simply downplaying values to suit your agenda.
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