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Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
All in all, its still a deal and should get many people to consider buying an Apple from Apple. But I'm more curious as to why they're doing it - trying to get rid of stock? Or is it more of a holiday special?

macrumors member
Oct 1, 2002
same computer, more ram

So WHAT it's double the RAM? they're trying to tell you something - we have too much RAM sitting in the warehouse and we need to get rid of it. We've been overcharging for RAM for years and now we just need to get rid of these chips before they're completely obsolete.

This also is true for any new computer they may be selling right now with the double-ram -- just trying to get rid of computers in a hurry before they're obsolete.

I sure hope that this is NOT apple's idea of a Christmas promotion, because Santa's not buying this one.



macrumors regular
Aug 21, 2002
Originally posted by MikeH
Ok Backtothemac,

Fair point, I'm probably being bit extreme, and I certainly don't want to start a flame war - but you see what I'm getting at.

I'm sure the new DP 867 Macs are wonderful - in fact I think all the current hardware range is great. It's just that Uncle Steve wants everyone over to OSX, yet some of the machines are still coming with only 128mb (iBooks) which only just enough for OSX let alone any serious software (Warcraft 3 would choke). And 256mb in a professional level DP tower is just daft, Photoshop will eat that just by starting up.

What I don't like is the fact that it's made out to be some sort of favour, when you should not really have to upgrade something as fundemantal as RAM the moment you buy the machine.

The offers not even available in UK (where I am) anyway.

If you're in the UK, look at for your RAM - that's where I got an extra 1GB for not very much. PC2700 DDR if you've got 1GHz or 1.25GHz. And I'd say 256Mb is too small for Jaguar. But 1.25GB is probably a little excessive as well :D


macrumors 68000
Apr 12, 2002
Re: Re: macmall still triples RAM (in some instances)

Originally posted by Hawthorne

Educational discounts combined with the Apple loan for education, that's why. And while you can get good prices from, the convenience is killer. And I've annoyed the MacGenius at my local store so much I feel compelled to buy something there once in a while in return for his services.

Last time I looked the edu discounts were at best 10% off. I can save around that just buying from macmall and saving the sales tax.

Also, imho the stores are just a big billboard for apple. They don't actually expect them to turn a profit. After all, it doesn't matter to apple where you buy their stuff. Just buy it. So the stores may lose money, but if they increase sales elsewhere (over the loss of the stores of course) then they are a win win.

I had a drive that came out of a G4, and wouldn't format on either of my 2 G4s after i put it in a pyro enclosure. i told this to the genius here in Atlanta, and he said "Well, it's fifty bucks if we touch your hardware." Needless to say I wasn't impressed. i thought the idea was to draw people into the store to help them out any which way they can (as long as it pertains to a mac somehow) and here I was telling this guy I owned 2 G4s and he wouldn't even try to format a firewire drive just to see what the problem was. My guess is they would've recommended I walk over to the shelf and buy disk warrior - but his attitude just sent me walking.


macrumors 603
Original poster
Jul 27, 2001
Santa Cruz CA, Silicon Beach
Apple Stores 95% Glitz 5% Substance

Those stores are mostly for newbies. The majority of their employees came from Target and the Gap and never even touched a Mac before they got their jobs there. The geniuses are clockwatchers who don't really have a lot of enthusiasm for really trying to solve a customer's challenging problem. They lack curiosity and are quite full of themselves in a condesending sort of way Ñ leaving long term Mac fanatics feeling unwanted and unwelcome. Sort of unfriendly has been my experience. IMHO.

I'd rather develop a friendship with Alabama (Backtothemac) who I know really cares about the little guy than those pompous "Geniuses" at the Apple Stores. They always strike me as intimidating and smug. I have been on the Mac since some of them were falling out of their cradle (1984). It's not pleasant to have to look at their young eyes not respecting long term Mac experience Ñ misjudging change difficulties for ignorance.


macrumors 603
Original poster
Jul 27, 2001
Santa Cruz CA, Silicon Beach
Confirmed: Apple Won't Guarantee 512 MB Sticks

Back On Topic:

Called the Apple Store 800-MY-APPLE line and got confirmation that Apple will use that loophole whenever it wants to and that we can't be assured that a 512MB double order will yield two 512 MB sticks every time. We can't even specify that is the only way we'll exercise that option.



macrumors newbie
Jul 26, 2002
ok look. you're still getting two 256 chips for 40 bucks. Stop bitching about the fact that its in two chips. If it doesn't work out and you get 2 256's, then sell them on ebay for a profit and get your single 512 for free. lol. I'd recommend just grabbing the extra ram for 40 bucks. simply because of the price its not a big deal. But when apple is selling @ their normal price, don't upgrade your ram w/ them, just get the base and order ram from somewhere else... you don't have to order memory from mac club or any lame catalogue like that. Its the same **** the pc's use. heh.


macrumors 603
Original poster
Jul 27, 2001
Santa Cruz CA, Silicon Beach
Pardon Me? This Is Not A Trivial Matter.

I am not bitching about two sticks instead of one. I am reporting that they may not come as one. This mornig I reported they would. This is not a trivial difference. I certainly would tell everyone NOT to accept Apple's offer if your system could come back with two 256 MB sticks instead of one 512 MB stick or two 128 MB sticks instead of one 256 MB stick. You think that's trivial? You think everyone has time to learn how to use EBay (I still don't know how) to sell a couple of underpopulated sticks that nobody wants? There are only 4 RAM slots. You think 2 GBs is a lot of RAM? I don't.

Sorry about the turnaround, but the devil is in the details.

UPDATE 3:12 PDT 10.10.02 Apple New Mac Double Base RAM Offer A Hoax. Loophole Makes Offer Bogus!

Upon further investigation by reading the FINE PRINT in the Terms and Conditions:

"...Additional RAM may be installed as either a single larger capacity replacement RAM DIMM chip or by adding additional RAM DIMM chip(s) as required, exact method to be determined at Apple's discretion..."

Called the Apple Store 800-MY-APPLE line and got confirmation that Apple will use that loophole whenever it wants to and that we can't be assured that a 512MB double order will yield two 512 MB sticks every time. We can't even specify that is the only way we'll exercise that option.



macrumors 603
Original poster
Jul 27, 2001
Santa Cruz CA, Silicon Beach
Originally posted by Arcady

No, you are not. You are getting one 256 for $40. It is a ripoff.

No, he's right Arcady, you might get two 256 sticks for the $40 if you're doubling a 1.25 GHz MDD PM's 512MB base, but you would have to compromise your maximum capacity from 2GB down to 1.5 GB if you got the extra RAM that way.


macrumors member
Jan 13, 2002
Originally posted by Backtothemac
They don't make money on eMac's 15" iMacs, and iBooks.

There is no margin on those systems.

Huh? Of course they do. Those are their cash cows. They are not as high margin at 1.25s and 800Mhz TiBooks, but they make plenty on those machines. Apple buys components in huge volumes and while you pay $75 for 512MB of iMac RAM, Apple pays nothing near that. How much is a 32X internal CDRW? 20-30 bucks at most for Apple. All those machines you mention are drastically overpriced and underpowered. Apple exists and is profitable precisely because of those machines you claim it makes no profit margin on. Get real.


macrumors member
Jan 13, 2002
512MB is minimum for OSX if you use Classic. 1GB is minimum for power users unless you enjoy running one program at a time and never running Classic. Actually the 2GB max on the new towers is their biggest drawback. In 3 years 2GB will seem like nothing. I'm at 768MB in my new DP867, but I'm sure that will be limiting a year from now. I absolutely agree with those that say Apple needs to beef up the RAM in their systems. How can they ship pro towers with 256MB and a $3300 powerbook with 512MB that require that you sacrifice both chips to move to 1GB?


macrumors 68000
May 24, 2002
'Toba, Canada
Re: Re: Apple Doubles RAM In New Macs For $40

Originally posted by PGant
Now THAT would be a great deal! A *gig* of RAM...just mind boggling.
lol true..
lol whoa, u the actual Patrick Gant? :eek:
a fellow canadian who was on one of the switch adds :D


macrumors 68000
Apr 12, 2002
mac mall tripled my ram, only 2 sticks total

So I looked in my brand new (as of today) dual gig from macmall - who triples your ram on that model btw.

I had the 256 chip that came with the mac, and the 512 that macmall installed.

Go buy your machines from a third party already!

Kid Red

macrumors 65816
Dec 14, 2001
Originally posted by Arcady

No, you are not. You are getting one 256 for $40. It is a ripoff.

256 for $40 is a rip off? Damn, where do you get your memory? Let me know so i can buy some as soon as the new PBs come out.


macrumors 65816
Jul 15, 2001
Originally posted by Backtothemac

Hell yea there is a difference. :D

BackToTheMac - Q. Before all of us here in the UK continue on our aging systems for a minute more, what kinds on International Orders do GC offer? I'm thinking perihperals like input devices and videa cards etc, light stuff, not DP PMs!

I'm sure there's enough UK Mac users on this board (Me included) who are tempted to order from the states (SO much cheaper) but are a little worried about after sales/warranties etc?



macrumors member
Sep 26, 2002
Originally posted by dukestreet
All in all, its still a deal and should get many people to consider buying an Apple from Apple. But I'm more curious as to why they're doing it - trying to get rid of stock? Or is it more of a holiday special?

It's the only incentive they can come up with that doesn't end up putting a dent in profits. Ram is the cheapest component of the PC right now, so they figure an incentive that doesn't cost them hardly anything is the way to go. I can't say I blame them.


macrumors regular
Jul 23, 2002
Berkeley, CA
memory + display = YAY

Ok, so the memory thing wasn't exactly doing it for me. I'm looking at getting a 1.25 dualie but I need a little help in motivation. I know the 19" display is going to be coming, at the latest by Jan. But now Apple's finally given me something to bite on. I don't know if you all have seen this yet, but Apple's got a new "Power Couple" rebate offer. I haven't read the fine print yet, but it looks like I get $400 back if I buy my 1.25 and ANY display. That means the 17" looks mighty good....
Add in the memory offer (even if it is 2 256 sticks) and that's not a bad deal. I think the two offers can be combined. Not bad...what do you all think?

This offer starts today and ends Dec. 31, which may mean no 19" before Jan. It seemed to come so quietly....


macrumors 603
Original poster
Jul 27, 2001
Santa Cruz CA, Silicon Beach
Meandering Further Off Topic

What I get out of this new "Power Couple" offer is that Apple has pulled the trigger on wiether to begin selling the next PowerBook refresh before MWSF 2003 and that decision is NO. Bummer for those who were hoping to have GHz portability for Christmas. I hope I'm wrong. Anyone else draw a different conclusion? Could they still sell faster PowerBooks in the face of this offer out there? I don't think so. Do you?


macrumors 601
Jan 3, 2002
San Destin Florida
Originally posted by gotohamish

BackToTheMac - Q. Before all of us here in the UK continue on our aging systems for a minute more, what kinds on International Orders do GC offer? I'm thinking perihperals like input devices and videa cards etc, light stuff, not DP PMs!

I'm sure there's enough UK Mac users on this board (Me included) who are tempted to order from the states (SO much cheaper) but are a little worried about after sales/warranties etc?


Yea, we can sell accessories. That is not a problem. Just not systems. We cannot export systems at all. That would cost us our reseller license.


macrumors 6502
Oct 1, 2002
Phoenix, AZ
I dare say, a Britt that wants a high end Mac, say a DP 1.25 or a G4PB would be better off to buy a ticket on Virgin Atlantic and go spend a day in NY, buy their dream rig for 1/2 of UK prices (usery in my opinion) and then ship it back with their luggage and may the ridiculous VAT or what ever else. Based on what I've seen of UK pricing, I'm willing to bet it would be almost a wash between that and buying at your local Mac store (UK that is).


macrumors 68000
May 24, 2002
'Toba, Canada
double your memory deal now in canada

the deal is now available up here in canada but upgrading it to half a gig (plus $64 cdn) would equal $3000...a lil too much :( but then again if i bought 2 half gigs of ram, it would cost $600 CDN approx, while the the double ram deal sounds like a better deal...
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