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macrumors regular
Dec 3, 2019
It is proposed that this gives Apple an "unfair advantage," since Spotify is unable to fairly compete with Apple Music's standard $9.99 per month price within the ‌‌App Store‌‌. If Spotify chooses not to collect payments via the ‌‌App Store‌‌, Apple purportedly "applies a series of technical and experience-limiting restrictions" on the company.


Spotify was required to provide financial records as part of this complaint and those records proved that Spotify was simply lying about it's competition with Apple. Less than 1% of Spotify's iOS subscribers were paying through the App Store AND those subscriptions were subject to the 15% commission.
Are you arguing that it wouldn't be a better user experience if we could sign up through the app? I have a computer so I have no issues setting up subscriptions that way, but a lot of people only have smartphones these days, and interacting with web applications can be really good but it can't beat a native app done right.

My opinion is that Apple should be allowed to decide these rules for their App Store, but they can't force app developers to distribute apps through their store. Allowing installation of software outside the App Store, solves all of these issues, Apple can just say "look, if you don't like these rules then do distribution yourself". Basically, drop the requirement that apps must be downloaded from the App Store and they can make whatever rules they want.


macrumors 68020
May 2, 2021
They take a 30% cut of whatever Spotify charges.

What you're showing is a 30% price increase on $9.99, not what you'd have to charge to have $9.99 remaining after a 30% cut.

Because they're not taking a fixed amount but rather a percentage, the absolute amount they take increases with the cost of the product/service.

If I can't explain this well, just try subtracting 30% from 12.99 and see what you end up with.

It's not $9.99.
I thought you as a developer setts the price then apple adds their 30% cut on top.

I honestly tought you entered the price you wanted before costs was added on top


macrumors 6502
Jul 19, 2008
The eu common market is the largest trading block in the world to my knowledge. If things have changed recently might be the second (or let’s say even the third), but it doesn’t change the general concept that apple might not want to leave it unless they fancy losing a ton of money.
Well that's what the EU says,but it's not true.
I agree Apple won't leave the EU. They might try to recuperate the loss by increasing prices in the EU.
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macrumors P6
Jul 4, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Spotify is upset because people are too lazy to go to their website. LOL

Remember when Spotify was offering free music when the alternative was purchasing music. But sure Apple's pricing is unfair. LOL
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macrumors 6502
Jul 19, 2008
Enough with this nonsense

Listen to the wisdom and courage on Macrumors, PULL OUT OF THE EU.
This reminds me of the economic doom and gloom that was awaiting the UK if they dared to leave the EU.
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macrumors 65816
Jan 5, 2017
Melbourne, FL
Maybe Spotify should invest in billions of dollars and create their own phones, laptops and speakers……… as well as software design.
Actually they could form a consortium with other large companies and create a variant of Android with a store where each member exclusively sells the premium versions of their apps on and only sell watered down versions through the App Store and Google Play.


macrumors 6502
Jan 12, 2013
Central PA
Maybe Spotify should invest in billions of dollars and create their own phones, laptops and speakers……… as well as software design.
I see this comment attached to every one of this type of article. It sounds silly in every one of them.

Maybe Netscape should’ve created their own operating system instead of being windows compatible.

Just a really nonsense statement.


macrumors 603
Nov 7, 2004
Enough with this nonsense

Listen to the wisdom and courage on Macrumors, PULL OUT OF THE EU.
Yes. Basically this uninformative and ignorant Pavlovian dog response to whenever poor, brave, put-upon Apple gets called out for the dodgy moves it pulls, given the slightest chance. You can't even lampoon it as it is so beyond ridiculous but it doesn't stop the brainwashed simping for Cupertino's wealthy shareholders.

Black Magic

macrumors 68030
Sep 30, 2012
I find it funny that when businesses complain about high prices, investigations and changes typically happen. Now when consumers complain about high prices like gas and/or $1000 phones, nothing happens. Gas prices are very suspect when the same store will advertise a different price depending on what side of town you are on.....


macrumors 6502
Mar 16, 2020
If we are to investigate Apple Music and Spotify, can we make sharing links compatible with each other?

Can be hard to share to that friend who has a different service than you.


macrumors 68020
Oct 11, 2011
Since Spotify has it own hardware "Car Thing" (I think is what it's called). Do they have to open it up to Apple Music. It seems the argument can and should be made both ways. So Spotify would have to spend time energy and resources to open up that platform so that other streaming music services can compete on it.


macrumors 68000
May 19, 2017
Maybe Spotify should invest in billions of dollars and create their own phones, laptops and speakers……… as well as software design.
Of all the bad takes in the wide Internet world of bad takes, this takes the bad take cake.

I don't like the fact that there's only one broadband ISP in my area, so I suppose I am free to start my own broadband company and raise it to the point where it's competitive with Time Warner? Problem solved?

You should just say "I'm OK with unfair competition" - it's more direct and less intellectually dishonest.


macrumors 6502
Dec 2, 2012
I think this will happen. Whenever apple competes directly with a type of service, it has to give up the 30% or lower it to 10%
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macrumors 68030
Jan 14, 2021
United States
It’s actually 9.99* 1.3= 12.99

$3 extra (or $12.99) would be correct IF Spotify was only charging $9.99 in the app but by charging $12.99, the 30% commission is actually $3.90 and would only net them $9.09.

To make up the 30% of the higher price, they'd have to charge around $14.28 to net $9.99.


macrumors 603
Aug 14, 2009
The point is that many Apple Music subscribers might consider Spotify if its cost was the same as apple musics and if they could subscribe more easily.

Spotify deliberately decided to raise prices to create their own story.

Apple did indeed create more friction or cost for those who want to use services from other suppliers.

Apple should charge such aps per download and monthly storage fees to make up for teh lost revenue.

As for the "band width and storage is cheap" than why should Spotify get what it charges and not pay more to artists. Spotify wants Apple to pay for distribution without being compensated, pure and simple; and want the EU to make it happen.

Apple could simply drop Spotify and let them become a web app. No company has a right to be in another's store. If you think that is teh case, then Spotify should be forced to allow artists to advertise their websites and alternative platforms to gain access to their music. I think Spotify would not like that; but they are the major player in the music streaming, being as big as the next two combined at 30% vs 15/13%.

Normally, Apple has a good argument for stuff like this...Since they don't host Spotify's service, why should they get a cut for an in-app subscription? Seems like an unfair way for Apple to always have a leg-up on competing services in terms of pricing.

Access to the iPhone and place in the App Store. Perhaps Apple should institute per download fees for free apps offering in app subscriptions. Thye could offset them for any revenue from in app purchases.

Gas prices are very suspect when the same store will advertise a different price depending on what side of town you are on.....

GAs companies invented the idea of "micro markets" to price differentiate; mostly because they know most people will pay more for a name brand than a discounter and won't drive a few miles to save a few cents, thus they can segment the market very finely based on location.

Of all the bad takes in the wide Internet world of bad takes, this takes the bad take cake.

I don't like the fact that there's only one broadband ISP in my area, so I suppose I am free to start my own broadband company and raise it to the point where it's competitive with Time Warner? Problem solved?

That's often an outcome, in the US, of franchise agreements. Blame your politicians for stymieing competition.

Since Spotify has it own hardware "Car Thing" (I think is what it's called). Do they have to open it up to Apple Music. It seems the argument can and should be made both ways. So Spotify would have to spend time energy and resources to open up that platform so that other streaming music services can compete on it.

Good point. The are the major player and so should be subject to the same rules they want. Open it up, provide APIs for free access and no cut of revenue. I'm sure tehy'd love having o let competitors stream through their device for free.
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