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macrumors member
Nov 20, 2020
I feel like cancel culture is giving uneducated, uninformed masses out there in the U.S. all the more reason to hate the people who bring about such calls for justice. And they get so mad that they elect Presidents who test the limits of our democracy and only seek to divide this country further.

Stop dragging people over the coals for something stupid and immature they said when they were younger. Stop making mistakes rolled off the lips or the pen of a person the sole definition of what they are.
In my experience the people who love cancel culture tend to be the absolute worst people. It's as if they know they are going to get caught one day, so they are constantly pointing their finger at others in the hope the attention will stay off of themselves.


macrumors 68040
Jul 1, 2008
Bostonian exiled in SoCal
I don't understand how slightly offending some people is now a life destroying offence. Especially when most of the offensive is fake.
Not being hired by Apple isn’t the end of his life. Sounds like you’re prone to the same hyperbole and exaggeration you’re excusing in him.

No one is entitled to a particular job. His rights aren’t being violated. I would argue that the people Apple already employs are due Apple’s loyalty and commitment more than he is. He has shown himself to be a racist misogynist and a jerk, who felt like the best response to any negative reaction to his book and quotes was to say that others were worse than he. Not exactly someone I’d want to work with.

Apple shouldn’t have hired him in the first place, but the second-best thing option was to fire him now.

archi penko

macrumors regular
Nov 6, 2007
So what things has he said? It’s a bit hard to take side if I have no information about his statements.

Additional comments about context from the Verge

Quotes from the book

Most women in the Bay Area are soft and weak, cosseted and naive despite their claims of worldliness, and generally full of ****. They have their self-regarding entitlement feminism, and ceaselessly vaunt their independence, but the reality is, come the epidemic plague or foreign invasion, they’d become precisely the sort of useless baggage you’d trade for a box of shotgun shells or a jerry can of diesel.
García Martínez, Antonio. Chaos Monkeys (p. 57). Harper Paperbacks. Kindle Edition.

We tried to contextualize the above quote further with additional text from his book, but there was no context that made the language used and views expressed acceptable.

They continue in the linked article with other excerpts & context from the book.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 25, 2019
Yay, welcome to woke'ism era, the force of virtue signaling is strong with this one(Apple).
I'm not surprised comrades, oops, I mean, employees wrote petition and got someone canceled somewhere, again, because someone disagrees with something, somebody...
Tired of this bull degradation of society.
And no, before some sparkling snowflake accuses me of being protective of someone whos current or past behavior might be or might have been unacceptable to some, I'm not.
But it looks like 1984 is slowly turning into reality in the west.


macrumors regular
Mar 18, 2021
Yeah, lets all feel sorry about the mysogynist being held accountable for things they've willingly said and published to the public. My heart goes out to them, and certainly not to the women who spoke out that had to work with them and deal with their ****.

The fact you think "getting caught" is the issue here and not the actual misogyny should be concerning to you and you should probably evaluate why that concerned you more than the actual misogyny.
I think you’ve misunderstood. Regardless, we should be considerate of misogynists too, don’t you think? What if the harm that’s being done is not sufficiently favoring for it to be worth it?

Edit: It seems that it’s worth it.


macrumors 68030
Oct 2, 2012
So Apple is filled with woke cancel culture maniacs too huh?

Something really needs to be done with this BS that is happening nowadays, getting fired from your job that is not even related to your job performance and is outside of work and is 100% legal (freedom of speech).


macrumors 6502a
Jun 9, 2017
Given that the book’s content is meant in a humorous way, I wonder if we are all condemning comedians now for their jokes. No? Why not? Why is it ok for Dave Chapelle to talk about “bitches” the way he does and we laugh but this guy gets the firing squad? Double standards, that’s why. This guy isn’t as famous.

Everyone needs to stop being offended by humor, it’s getting old. We need to be able to take a step back and laugh at ourselves. It’s healthy and promotes change for the better.

That said, I do understand Apple’s move here since the company is very heavily image and principle focused. Note that I didn’t say I agree with it.


macrumors 603
Nov 4, 2008
This isn’t in the PRSI section so I can’t mention his name but if a single one of you that supports this firing supports also a recently ousted bitter, banned prominent I suppose ‘x’ politician you are hypocrites.
I think I’ll have to check the book to see what it says.


macrumors regular
Mar 18, 2021
Given the further replies in this thread by the quoted poster, I think I understood perfectly well.
You seem to think they’re in opposition to getting caught. I’m fairly certain they meant there was incentive not to get caught.

You’re also excessively passionate. I’m sure no grave harm was made.
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Aug 17, 2016
I half-agree, but if you look at his book, it's clearly quite tongue in cheek and not to be taken literally.

I don't understand how slightly offending some people is now a life destroying offence. Especially when most of the offensive is fake.

What is happening to society...
Because of power. Rights, when decoupled with responsibilities, is power. Power to silence the opposition. Power to manufacture consent. Power to establish rules and norms. Power to coin the narrative. Power to financially decimate and reputationally discredit anyone who doesn’t play into your tune.


macrumors 68030
Oct 2, 2012
Given that the book’s content is meant in a humorous way, I wonder if we are all condemning comedians now for their jokes. No? Why not? Why is it ok for Dave Chapelle to talk about “bitches” the way he does and we laugh but this guy gets the firing squad? Double standards, that’s why. This guy isn’t as famous.

Everyone needs to stop being offended by humor, it’s getting old. We need to be able to take a step back and laugh at ourselves. It’s healthy and promotes change for the better.

That said, I do understand Apple’s move here since the company is very heavily image and principle focused. Note that I didn’t say I agree with it.

If Dave Chapelle would do his show in 2021, he would be cancelled too. That is how bad our society is in 2021.


macrumors 6502
Nov 8, 2008
I bet very few of those 2000 employee's ever read his book. They just banded together to get pissed about something as is common nowadays.

I love how they are always saying inclusion and diversity, but they lack so much diversity when it comes to the other brown people, Latinos/Hispanics. You know, the largest minority in the Country. Whatever, though.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 1, 2008
I half-agree, but if you look at his book, it's clearly quite tongue in cheek and not to be taken literally.

I don't understand how slightly offending some people is now a life destroying offence. Especially when most of the offensive is fake.

What is happening to society...
Giving him the absolute most benefit of the doubt possible, it was done in bad taste and shows bad judgement. The bad judgement is a good reason to not want to have someone working for you.

But that’s giving him the absolute most leeway possible. Ultimately, large numbers of apples employees were not happy with him being part of the company. That’s a major consideration too.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 28, 2015
I'm not sure I agree with this.

Haven't we all said things in the past we regret?

The rule seems to be don't get caught. I'm not a fan of that.

There should be some way for people to be forgiven. Why destroy a man's life because he once said a few rude comments about the women around him?
I'm pretty sure he can find other jobs, worse ones, but he won't be starving. If we keep on putting people who think it's normal to make "rude comments" of that kind in important positions, it will always be normal. We decided it shouldn't be, so we are getting more severe until the lesson is learnt, not to punish some people but to let other people work in a safe environment.
Also, we are talking about incredibly skilled people who get insane amounts of money. I don't think the ability to consistently be a decent human being is too much to ask to get that close to the top.
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