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macrumors 601
Jun 19, 2013
So you admit you have no point!

Comparing MLK and Columbus is asinine at best. And When people make asinine statements like yours and continue to make the after they are told they are asinine. Then you just don't bother anymore.

It was my fault for reeding the troll.


Feb 17, 2013
New York, New York
You're comparing MLK to Columbus?


The holidays, not the people.

Clearly :rolleyes:

And the problem is? I'm sure Apple had resumes from women or others they just threw in the trash, right?


macrumors 65816
Dec 7, 2010
Who cares!!! I have no sympathy for a white man that complains about affirmative action... I'm not gonna go into the ole 400 odd years part cause way back then the slave trade was pretty diverse.. The irony at the lol

But here in a America, white men has oppressed Blacks and lessor minority's in this country for CENTURIES!!! Who really gives a **** about what white people have to say on affirmative action for the last few decades.. You guys bought it on yourselves plain in simple

It's a sensitive topic... Let not beat around the bush

Whilst your sentiment is good, you may want to think about the way you describe these, considering the argument you're making.
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Mar 8, 2009
Comparing MLK and Columbus is asinine at best. And When people make asinine statements like yours and continue to make the after they are told they are asinine. Then you just don't bother anymore.

It was my fault for reeding the troll.

Considering Columbus day is celebrated in many countries around the world, I guess you are correct. It would be like comparing a little city hick town holiday to the fourth of July.

I stand corrected.


macrumors 65816
Feb 24, 2008
Excuse me but Pfizer doesn't put up ads on their front page of Martin Luther King Jr. with quotes about being generous to others. If Apple is going to put an ad like that on their front page, they should back it up with some information on philanthropy that they do.

Putting an ad up like that to challenge people to do good is a little hypocritical from a company like Apple is all i'm saying.

Why is tax avoidance be related to being philanthropy or not? Hey, in that direction, you could also claim, the more you donate to CIA or all other armies only stay on other countries' land, the more philanthropy you are.

Why is Apple not philanthropy by offering a lot of work opportunities to the poor people? On the contrary, it's exactly philanthropy.


macrumors 6502
Good question Apple. Here I'll answer for you.

Running tax avoidance havens out of Ireland while hiring the cheapest labor I can source from China while selling products at the highest possible point in the U.S. Oh wait, you meant to ask what we're doing for other people that aren't shareholders?

Just wanted to let you know that I logged in for the sole purpose of up-voting you. I like Apple products and all but there is nothing about what you said that is wrong! The others saying that Apple is "better than most corporations" is a little like saying Fidel Castro is "better than most dictators." He was still a dictator.

Edit: Apologies for the double post! :oops:
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 15, 2012

We can't ask King, but ask anyone who has earned the title 'Reverend', and they will agree that by excluding it Apple is not using his proper title.

It simply does not matter if you don't agree with what his 'Reverend' title stands for (that's your opinion), but you cannot deny what it meant to him -AND- that it was the inspiration for his good works.


May 3, 2012
We can't ask King, but ask anyone who has earned the title 'Reverend', and they will agree that by excluding it Apple is not using his proper title.

It simply does not matter if you don't agree with what his 'Reverend' title stands for (that's your opinion), but you cannot deny what it meant to him -AND- that it was the inspiration for his good works.
You're making an issue where there is none.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 15, 2012
You're making an issue where there is none.

Wrong, dropping his 'Reverend' title is an issue, especially to him (although he doesn't have to worry about that now). Apple included his 'Dr.' title to honor him, which is proper, but fails to honor his calling, which most certainly was most important to him. In fact, his only purpose of education (in Systematic theology BTW) was to be called as a Reverend.

And actually we don't even have to ask him. He most certainly would have insisted that history refer to him as 'Reverend' BECAUSE he believed that his good works were accomplished through him merely as a vessel of his faith. He would not have pursued that calling as a Reverend if that were not true. If you don't agree with this YOU are calling him a hypocrite, and really don't understand the first thing about the man.

Again, it does not matter if you don't agree with his believes, but these are his beliefs. You cannot deny this.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 15, 2012
I'm not denying anything I just think you're being silly.

Then you are calling him silly. It's just that simple. Sorry you don't understand this, but it is fact.
Honoring his works over his calling is an affront to everything he believed in. He would be saddened to know his name is being maligned for marketing purposes.


May 3, 2012
Then you are calling him silly. It's just that simple. Sorry you don't understand this, but it is fact.
Honoring his works over his calling is an affront to everything he believed in. He would be saddened to know his name is being maligned for marketing purposes.
Lol what? Because I don't agree with your unnecessary rant and ridiculous claim that Apple is besmirching the good Reverend's name, I am somehow now insulting MLK? Okay then. o_O

Sounds like some people just choose to find misery in anything.
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