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macrumors 68020
Oct 14, 2013
Unless all the movies are free to rent, I'd say this is less honouring and more cashing-in.


May 3, 2012
Sure, let's celebrate suicide with a big sale, and turn him into some kind of role model by spending weeks talking about how great he was.

Anyway, I hated Robin Williams, and thought basically all of his movies were terrible. Dead Poets Society was really the only one that's okay. That said, the man was obviously some kind of crazy genius, and even the most vehement anti-fan can admit that he was operating on a different level from most people on this planet. There was clearly something going on inside his brain that was not normal, like Beethoven or Picasso. I wouldn't be surprised if he had a very high IQ. But genius usually comes with some kind of a cost. For him it was depression and self-medication. I pitied the guy, even though I never liked him or his work.

Suicide, however, is the absolutely stupidest, most cowardly, and selfish thing a person can do. It fits every definition of evil I can think of. He should be vilified, instead of celebrated. As somebody who has suffered through repeated bouts of depression myself, I have empathy with his considering it, but no empathy for his choice to actually do it. My thoughts are with his family and the other people he utterly destroyed with his action. I can only imagine what horror they are going through now in his wake. He didn't merely take the easy way out, he strapped dynamite to his chest and blew himself up taking everyone else out around him.

I certainly hope if anyone here is considering suicide, they have the brains to realize just how ****ed up a thing it is to do their their families and friends. It doesn't matter how much you're hurting, suicide does nothing but prevent you from ever feeling better, and it will end a lot more than just your own life, it'll essentially end the lives of everyone who cared about you, and cause trauma to the first responders who have to come clean up after your mess. Call a hotline, talk to somebody, and get yourself some help. There is always hope, and it will get better. Even the worst people can be redeemed, even the most worthless of people are still worth something to somebody. Don't be stupid like Robin Williams.
You have absolutely no ****ing idea what you're talking about. I don't think you quite understand the gravitas of the mind when it shifts from severe depression to being suicidal. The space in between is not a tip over the edge, it is leagues apart. I've been there myself ... and I can tell you firsthand that it's a mind-shift ... you are a completely different human being. When you reach that point ... the point of no return ... nothing makes sense ... nothing is logical ... the mind is void of reason. It is an incredibly dark and frightening place that seems impossible to get out of. Do I think suicide is wrong? Of course I do. But categorizing it in all the bull **** manner that you just did clearly shows your vast depths of misunderstanding of what it's like to be in that state of mind. Pondering it ... and actually being at that point and attempting it ... are worlds apart. The worst part is if you succeed. I don't wish that frame of mind on anyone. I can assure you it's no "easy way out." The complexity and profundity of that situation is beyond the scope of words. It is truly one of the most terrible and horrifying things in the world.


macrumors 65816
Mar 3, 2008
classy of apple to exploit a celebrities death

Those movies were already there, already for those prices. They were there the day before he died. That didn't change. They didn't run out and add them, or jack up the price, or do anything that wasn't already there. People are going to be nostalgic and go looking for them. That's an absolute given.

Consider a real-world bricks and mortar store. People wander into the store and the staff keep having to locate various movies, shows and performances he was in. You answer the question enough times and you're going to want to make it easier - on your customers and yourself. Apple's just grouping them together, so people can more easily find the things that were already there that they're looking for. And maybe find something that they didn't know about. It doesn't change the demand, because, like Michael Jackson, it's going to be there for a little while until the reverberation settles.
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macrumors member
Dec 19, 2007
Yeah, its about the money. A company that sold $170 billion in products and services last year is jumping all over this opportunity to make a few thousand dollars.

Next, they will be ripping off little kids at the lemonade stand.


So answer the question.... of why are they not giving away the RW media and donating the money of sale to charity....

The bleeding heart bs you speak is just ridiculous. They are in business, get over it, grow up and stop pretending they are more than that.


macrumors 68040
Feb 25, 2014
New Zealand
You have absolutely no ****ing idea what you're talking about. I don't think you quite understand the gravitas of the mind when it shifts from severe depression to being suicidal. The space in between is not a tip over the edge, it is leagues apart. I've been there myself ... and I can tell you firsthand that it's a mind-shift ... you are a completely different human being. When you reach that point ... the point of no return ... nothing makes sense ... nothing is logical ... the mind is void of reason. It is an incredibly dark and frightening place that seems impossible to get out of. Do I think suicide is wrong? Of course I do. But categorizing it in all the bull **** manner that you just did clearly shows your vast depths of misunderstanding of what it's like to be in that state of mind. Pondering it ... and actually being at that point and attempting it ... are worlds apart. The worst part is if you succeed. I don't wish that frame of mind on anyone. I can assure you it's no "easy way out." The complexity and profundity of that situation is beyond the scope of words. It is truly one of the most terrible and horrifying things in the world.
Maybe you should look at his post objectively.

I've been to that state, I had the ****ing knife in hand but you have no idea how difficult it was for me to text to my friend "I'm gonna do it" He was aware of that before and thankfully managed to stop me. I see his point and I also see yours.


May 3, 2012
Maybe you should look at his post objectively.

I've been to that state, I had the ****ing knife in hand but you have no idea how difficult it was for me to text to my friend "I'm gonna do it" He was aware of that before and thankfully managed to stop me. I see his point and I also see yours.
His point was it hurts other people. And it does. What he thinks of people that are in that situation is utter tripe.

Also, I'm glad your friend helped you there.


macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
So basically Apple made it easy to find Robin Williams content on iTunes knowing that people would probably be searching for it. I'm struggling understand what the issue is. :confused:


Feb 11, 2008
A page dedicated to Robin is a really nice touch .

Then iTunes section I have mixed feeling on.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 14, 2007
Sure, let's celebrate suicide with a big sale, and turn him into some kind of role model by spending weeks talking about how great he was.

Anyway, I hated Robin Williams, and thought basically all of his movies were terrible. Dead Poets Society was really the only one that's okay. That said, the man was obviously some kind of crazy genius, and even the most vehement anti-fan can admit that he was operating on a different level from most people on this planet. There was clearly something going on inside his brain that was not normal, like Beethoven or Picasso. I wouldn't be surprised if he had a very high IQ. But genius usually comes with some kind of a cost. For him it was depression and self-medication. I pitied the guy, even though I never liked him or his work.

Suicide, however, is the absolutely stupidest, most cowardly, and selfish thing a person can do. It fits every definition of evil I can think of. He should be vilified, instead of celebrated. As somebody who has suffered through repeated bouts of depression myself, I have empathy with his considering it, but no empathy for his choice to actually do it. My thoughts are with his family and the other people he utterly destroyed with his action. I can only imagine what horror they are going through now in his wake. He didn't merely take the easy way out, he strapped dynamite to his chest and blew himself up taking everyone else out around him.

I certainly hope if anyone here is considering suicide, they have the brains to realize just how ****ed up a thing it is to do their their families and friends. It doesn't matter how much you're hurting, suicide does nothing but prevent you from ever feeling better, and it will end a lot more than just your own life, it'll essentially end the lives of everyone who cared about you, and cause trauma to the first responders who have to come clean up after your mess. Call a hotline, talk to somebody, and get yourself some help. There is always hope, and it will get better. Even the worst people can be redeemed, even the most worthless of people are still worth something to somebody. Don't be stupid like Robin Williams.

In case you are wondering why some people don't agree with you (to the point of vilifying you), you might want to actually read your post.

Some tips:

1) Saying you always hated someone who just passed, no matter the method, is almost always considered bad form. Tasteless, even.

2) Talking about vilifying someone that just took their own life because they hurt their family in the process... wow! If you ever actually lost anyone to suicide, you should realize that the family wouldn't want their loved one vilified; that vilifying them only hurts the family further.

And you later called someone "pro-suicide"? Seriously? You have that little empathy for someone who lost a family member, yet you claim to be worried about the impact suicide has on a family?!? Nobody here is pro-suicide... everybody in this thread seems to be a fan of Robin Williams that wishes he were still with us (except you, of course.)

It is one thing to think that suicide is wrong, it is quite another to belittle someone that reached the state to commit it and those people that are sympathetic with that person. And to even create the word "pro-suicide" smacks of the insanity of "you're either with us, or against us."

It is nice that things worked out for you, but it is a shame the experience didn't make you more sympathetic. If you have extra days on this earth after coming back from the precipice, the last thing you should want to do is insult people that weren't so lucky (as much as you may think it wasn't luck.)


Jul 1, 2011
What percentage of these iTunes store sales are going to Comic Relief?

"Percentage"? I'd expect 100%! To any charity! Split it up, give it to several charities, for ****'s sake! Every single penny you earn with those movies!

But this Apple cashing in just makes me want to vomit :eek:


macrumors 68020
Aug 15, 2010
So basically Apple made it easy to find Robin Williams content on iTunes knowing that people would probably be searching for it. I'm struggling understand what the issue is. :confused:

Maybe the issue is that they also included a nice picture and some fond words?

Nope, that's not it. The problem is that people like to get free stuff and are exceptionally good at rationalising why they are entitled to it. For some reason RW's sad death seems to be an excuse for a iTunes give-away party, where millions of people worldwide can flock to iTunes, grab some freebies, and never watch them because they weren't that interested anyway. Apparently that is a great way to mourn the guy. Give away his life's work, to people that barely want it, so they can say, meh, this is kinda dated, I didn't pay for it, I'll just delete it.


macrumors 601
Apr 18, 2011
Lauren Bacall also died recently. Will her movies be showcased on iTunes?
Of cause not. Golden children always get special treatment. Not fair but that's life.

No different to Apple's unhealthy obsession with the Beatles. Apple just cherry pick who they want to promote.


macrumors G3
Feb 23, 2010
Let's be honest here for a moment.

What would of been nice of Apple, would have been to do what they have done, brought together the full collection of Robin Williams movies, and follow that up by saying over the next month 50% (or anything between 50% and 100%) of the "profits" from these downloads will go to XXX charity.

Would have been a nice gesture, and when the person who dreamt this up for iTune gets some feedback from others, and after a few meetings, we may even see Apple change their mind and come out with some PR statement like this in a while.


macrumors 603
Apr 13, 2010
Bedfordshire, UK
Someone at Apple obviously thought some easy money could be made with all the publicity surrounding his death at the moment.

This is low from Apple. Actually, it's worse than that, it's ****** outrageous.

As for people suddenly buying his movies, digital or otherwise, where were you the last 30+ years? I guess your morbid curiosity with someone you know little about got the better of you.

Silver Box

macrumors member
Jul 20, 2011
A dedicated section, but no discounts. Looks like Apple is just trying to cash in on this marketing "opportunity". Makes me feel kind of off about it...

Yeah because NOTHING speaks sincerity like a discounted video. :( Please.

They're damned if they do something, damned if they dont.

They do something: Its all Apple are cheap, they're out to make money blah blah (of course, they desperately need the short term quick fix money those extra Williams movies would provide).

They dont do something: Apple appear like any other corporate, and someone chimes in with "Why didnt you do a section for Robin Williams?". I thought you guys LIKED creativity, someone else with a string of expletives that include a reference to Apples "moral compass".

So they might as well do what THEY feel is right, because to hell with your opinion anyway?
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macrumors 604
Jul 29, 2002
Vancouver, BC
I was waiting for Apple to add a dedication page. Done with respect and good taste. Thank you Apple. And thank you Robin. As each day passes, the sorrow grows deeper. I hope you have found your peace.


Anyway, I hated Robin Williams, and thought basically all of his movies were terrible. Dead Poets Society was really the only one that's okay. That said, the man was obviously some kind of crazy genius


Suicide, however, is the absolutely stupidest, most cowardly, and selfish thing a person can do. It fits every definition of evil I can think of. He should be vilified, instead of celebrated. As somebody who has suffered through repeated bouts of depression myself, I have empathy with his considering it, but no empathy for his choice to actually do it.


Don't be stupid like Robin Williams.

After reading your post, I come away with one conclusion. You are feeling hurt. You are angry. You are expressing this very colourfully. Let me give you a (hug).


macrumors 6502a
Mar 14, 2010
Tel Aviv
Someone at Apple obviously thought some easy money could be made with all the publicity surrounding his death at the moment.

This is low from Apple. Actually, it's worse than that, it's ****** outrageous.

As for people suddenly buying his movies, digital or otherwise, where were you the last 30+ years? I guess your morbid curiosity with someone you know little about got the better of you.
In 10 minutes, macrumors wil delete your comments against the apple 's sincere behaviour towards Robin Williams :D
So disgusting and amusing in the same time :D


macrumors 6502
Jun 7, 2014
Nice way to cash in on his death, if they respected him so much why not out a front banner with a few words? Instead of using his death as a catalyst for more sales.

Oh well enjoy the cash apple !!

Let's how some of the cash goes to he children and not strait to the share holders coffers....

Rip robin you seemed like a great, fun guy who a lot of people loved dearly.
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macrumors 68020
Dec 3, 2001
Correction: Apple capitalises on the death of a much loved celebrity who's amused 3 generations of us since the 1970s.

I'm shocked they didn't do a special on disaster and Tom Clancy movies after 9/11 ;)


macrumors 65816
Mar 19, 2014
Heres the google play store...its disgusting that google would do this! Exploiting death to get some sales. Its not a tribute to an awesome actor or anything, its straight up exploitation! Disgusting!!


Relax, people.
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Staff member
Apr 18, 2004
Somewhere over the rainbow

Out of respect to the man, we suggest that while discussions of suicide are not completely out of place in this thread, members should refrain from insulting and bickering in such discussions.

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