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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple has given a public statement following the Supreme Court's decision to effectively strike down [PDF] California's voter-approved ban on gay marriage, as well as ruling that the Defense of Marriage Act was unconstitutional [PDF].

The company, which previously joined a statement filed with the Supreme Court encouraging it to strike down the laws, gave this statement to AllThingsD:
Apple strongly supports marriage equality and we consider it a civil rights issue. We applaud the Supreme Court for its decisions today.
A number of other tech companies have expressed support for the ruling, as well. Google put an easter egg in the search results for 'gay', while Instagram featured pictures of celebrations about the rulings on its blog.

Apple has long been in favor of gay rights, frequently saying it was a 'civil rights issue'. The company donated $100,000 to the 'No on 8' campaign in California and has long given health benefits to same-sex couples, even where it is not required by law.

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Article Link: Apple Issues Statement in Support of Supreme Court Gay Marriage Rulings


macrumors 68020
Jun 22, 2003
Apple really should keep their mouths shut on political issues, as should all businesses. Employees are free to have their opinions, but they need not project those opinions onto the brand.

Dr McKay

macrumors 68040
Aug 11, 2010
Always great to hear. Trying to subjugate people by the ruling of a 2000 year old book is maddening.

Trying to force religious rules onto people that might not of that religion is maddening full stop.


macrumors Penryn
Jul 11, 2003
Apple really should keep their mouths shut on political issues, as should all businesses. Employees are free to have their opinions, but they need not project those opinions onto the brand.

"Corporations are people, my friend."


Staff member
Jan 20, 2005
Apple really should keep their mouths shut on political issues, as should all businesses. Employees are free to have their opinions, but they need not project those opinions onto the brand.

It's not merely a political issue for Apple. It's also an employee recruitment and retention issue.


macrumors 604
Sep 23, 2003
Bravo to SCOTUS for these rulings (although it would have been better if they went even farther) and bravo for Apple taking a stand on it. I remember hearing about Apple contributing to No on 8 - I was glad to hear it then and I'm glad to hear they continue to have the same values.


Contributing Editor
Jun 2, 2011
Durango, CO
"Corporations are people, my friend."
I think his point was more that Apple could alienate potential customers with this sort of stance, making it a potential bad idea from a shareholder perspective.

From a PR point of view, taking stances on political issues can backfire -- though in this case, I don't think Apple has much to worry about.

It's not merely a political issue for Apple. It's also an employee recruitment and retention issue.
This is also a significant consideration.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 30, 2001
Apple really should keep their mouths shut on political issues, as should all businesses. Employees are free to have their opinions, but they need not project those opinions onto the brand.

To the contrary. Since Apple is headquartered in California (as is Google) they have a direct interest in the California proposition 8 rulings which the Supreme Court ruled on today. Ensuring that California treats their employees with equality under the law has a direct bearing on their ability to attract and retain top talent.

Why should companies like Apple or Google not fight for change that will ensure that their employees are treated equally under the law?


macrumors 68000
Nov 3, 2010
A company whose CEO (and sizeable chunk of its workforce) is rumoured to be gay supports the SCOTUS's decision?

No. Freaking. Way. Whodathunkit.


macrumors 65816
Sep 13, 2010
Good for them! Take a stand for what you believe, corporation or not.


macrumors 601
Aug 8, 2008
Apple really should keep their mouths shut on political issues, as should all businesses. Employees are free to have their opinions, but they need not project those opinions onto the brand.

Normally I would agree, but this is a civil rights issue. Apple and other companies want to be on the right side of history. The wrong side Chik-Fil-A.


macrumors 65816
Jun 14, 2009
Good for them. Hopefully everyone will eventually see that even if you don't think it is right it is a humans rights issue and everyone deserves the same rights.


macrumors Pentium
Aug 1, 2004
St. Louis, MO
I think his point was more that Apple could alienate potential customers with this sort of stance, making it a potential bad idea from a shareholder perspective.

From a PR point of view, taking stances on political issues can backfire -- though in this case, I don't think Apple has much to worry about.

So what, are they going to go use Android instead?

That's out. Windows?

Well, guess that's out too.

The bigots are losing. If they wish to boycott companies that support marriage equality, they won't be able to buy anything. They're going to boycott themselves out of a phone, computer, car, house and food.


macrumors 601
Aug 31, 2009
in a New York State of mind
Apple really should keep their mouths shut on political issues, as should all businesses. Employees are free to have their opinions, but they need not project those opinions onto the brand.


I like knowing that my money is going to a corporation who believes in my rights. It also helps me decide what companies won't get my money.


macrumors 65816
Jun 10, 2002
Planet Earth
I am not for gay marriage but who am I and who is the US Gov to define what marriage is. Government should have no say in this. If I want 1000 wives that should be up to me.

Apple too should shut the hell up.
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macrumors 65816
Jan 18, 2008
Apple really should keep their mouths shut on political issues, as should all businesses. Employees are free to have their opinions, but they need not project those opinions onto the brand.

Brands and companies have significant public influence. This has less to do with opinions and more about spreading awareness and reshaping archaic beliefs about what people should be allowed to do.

If the big boys and entities don't support them publicly, less and less people will be exposed to the core message.

This applies to just about anything and is why celebrity endorsements are a popular vehicle for spreading awareness. People will listen when they see a company like Apple or an athlete like Michael Jordan taking a stand for something.

Apple isn't telling anyone what to do - they're adding their valuable support to a movement that, in my own opinion, could use it. I don't see anything wrong with this.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 29, 2005


macrumors 65816
Apr 26, 2005
The simple fact is that the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that DOMA is unconstitutional. End of story (yes, literally - this finally IS the end of DOMA). If you are unhappy with that, then try to dissolve our society's laws and start a new constitution. Oh, and good luck.

Apple really should keep their mouths shut on political issues, as should all businesses. Employees are free to have their opinions, but they need not project those opinions onto the brand.
It's their right to do so. You are unable to prohibit them from taking a stance.

The institution of marriage goes back much further than 2,000 years my friend, long pre-dating biblical times. How about you study up a bit?
Curious, do you have an actual point? Human are able to evolve. It's in our nature.
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macrumors 65816
Jan 18, 2008
How does a gay couple reproduce?

- They don't

Reason why it needs to be illegal^

What does the law have to do with reproduction?

This isn't the 18th century where government is ruled by religion.

So, should impotent couples (where a woman or man are unable to contribute to the reproductive process and unable to naturally have children) also be illegal, using your airtight logic?
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