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macrumors 603
Jun 16, 2008
This whole mess is why I think we should follow the model of several European countries, where the government performs civil unions, which grants all the legal rights, but marriage is left to the church.


Because then you still have class separation and segregation, and separate =/= equal.

If you want equality, call a spade a spade. All gets marriage, or all gets civil unions, or all gets neither at all.

So separate but equal? For the record, not all first world countries do so, they recognize gay marriage not civil unions.

What he said.



macrumors 68030
Jul 18, 2004
The Mergui Archipelago
Its wonderful and praiseworthy when Apple releases a statement in support of gay rights, but when Chik-Fil-A releases a statement supporting marriage between a man and a woman they are picketed and boycotted.
I think you'll find people reacted to the content of the respective messages. Not applauded or condemned the mere act of issuing a statement.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 20, 2009
Don't be stupid. They didn't just say they support that. They also gave cold, hard cash to people who go on TV and call gay people "filthy," "molesters," "abominations," and all kinds of other awful things. If THAT'S what you defend, Iran has a place for you.

Youtube video?
Never seen anything like that on TV, not trying to be harsh, i am actually pretty neutral on the subject.
You could actually persuade me with a video.


macrumors G4
Nov 3, 2005
I think the constitution is pretty clear on this, everyone has to be treated equally so obviously gays have to be allowed to marry.

Apple Corps

macrumors 68030
Apr 26, 2003
I am not for gay marriage but who am I and who is the US Gov to define what marriage is. Government should have no say in this. If I want 1000 wives that should be up to me.

Apple too should shut the hell up.

So does the government owe each of your 1000 wives your social security payments when you die?

If so, who pays for that?

Same question for life insurance. Ditto for health insurance, and dependents claims and many, many other legal and civil issues in our society.

Not as simple as many would like to think.


macrumors regular
Sep 10, 2009
Don't be stupid. They didn't just say they support that. They also gave cold, hard cash to people who go on TV and call gay people "filthy," "molesters," "abominations," and all kinds of other awful things. If THAT'S what you defend, Iran has a place for you.

Links? I've heard about that before, but haven't ever seen evidence of it. It would definitely be huge.


macrumors 65816
Jun 13, 2003
This isn't about reproducing. This isn't the church or the 17th century. It's about equality, love, and happiness. Everyone should be about to pursue these no matter if they're gay or straight. I'm not gay and I may not understand it fully, but I know many people who are gay, and frankly they're some of the greatest people I know. Who is anyone to intrude on their pursuit to happiness? It's about Equality. Not reproduction. Period.

You are still missing the fine point. Once you get beyond the hate-mongers, those against gay marriage generally aren't against the right to live your life they way you want, nor do they want to restrict the legal rights a couple would have. They DO object to Steve+Adam being called the same thing as Steve+Eve.

Separate the legal and "rights" issues from the religious ones.

The problem is the US gov recognizes the term "marriage" for a legal definition, which has religious meanings as well. Time to make that distinction.


macrumors regular
May 20, 2013
Apple really should keep their mouths shut on political issues, as should all businesses. Employees are free to have their opinions, but they need not project those opinions onto the brand.

So free speech for all, except for corporations? It is a valid human resources issue, and Apple refers to it as a Civil Rights issue (which it is.) It takes a lot of balls to stand up for employees and their rights when it comes to an issue such as this.

By the way, if anyone wants to picket Apple the way individuals chose to picket Chik-fil-a, they're free to do one's stopping them.

Also, how soon before someone works into this thread a complaint about the new Mac Pro?


macrumors 68030
Sep 21, 2009
This whole mess is why I think we should follow the model of several European countries, where the government performs civil unions, which grants all the legal rights, but marriage is left to the church.

That's how I suspect it will end up or there will be real trouble if the government imposes its views upon religious groups. You can already see some of the vitriol in this thread towards religion.


macrumors G4
Nov 3, 2005
Are the working conditions of Chinese factory workers also a civil rights issue?

Not in the context of the US supreme court, because they aren't US citizens.

Although I don't think working conditions in Chinese factories (or at least the ones making goods for the West) are actually that bad.


macrumors 65816
Jun 13, 2003

Because then you still have class separation and segregation, and separate =/= equal.

If you want equality, call a spade a spade. All gets marriage, or all gets civil unions, or all gets neither at all.


Everyone would have to get the civil union to be recognized. Then what you and your church do is up to you. Seems to work fine in many parts of Europe.


macrumors 603
Jan 8, 2009
Everyone would have to get the civil union to be recognized. Then what you and your church do is up to you. Seems to work fine in many parts of Europe.

Again, many parts of Europe recognize gay marriage, not civil unions.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 22, 2008
St. Louis, MO.
Always great to hear. Trying to subjugate people by the ruling of a 2000 year old book is maddening.

Trying to force religious rules onto people that might not of that religion is maddening full stop.

Actually Jesus was born about 2010 years ago. The details in the Bible date back 1000's of years before Christ. The Bible can teach you lots of things, even how to love and respect people who have a view that is not the same as yours.

Agree or disagree on these issues, there is much to consider and lots of people impacted.

From my prospective, and I am a Christian, God is in control. These events are not outside of God's will. I think you will find while many people don't approve or agree with someones actions, they do know and agree that God is in control. It's that simple.

You don't get mad a God, but ask what should I learn from this situation and what is God teaching me.

I understand lots of people will think that is crazy, but to me it is rational and easily a core element that is part of that very old book.


macrumors regular
Sep 10, 2009
You are still missing the fine point. Once you get beyond the hate-mongers, those against gay marriage generally aren't against the right to live your life they way you want, nor do they want to restrict the legal rights a couple would have. They DO object to Steve+Adam being called the same thing as Steve+Eve.

Separate the legal and "rights" issues from the religious ones.

The problem is the US gov recognizes the term "marriage" for a legal definition, which has religious meanings as well. Time to make that distinction.

This. Christians' definition of marriage is that its between a man, woman, and God. It has nothing to do with being bigoted, hateful or homophobic. Too bad its all drowned out amongst the screams of "bigot".


macrumors 68000
Nov 3, 2010
Not everyone who is against gay marriage is automatically a homophobic, hatred filled bigot, nor are they against gay rights.


macrumors Penryn
Jul 11, 2003
Let me get this straight.

Its wonderful and praiseworthy when Apple releases a statement in support of gay rights, but when Chik-Fil-A releases a statement supporting marriage between a man and a woman they are picketed and boycotted.

Before I get quoted and bashed, I believe that "rights" should not be associated to the institution of marriage in the first place.

Are you really having a hard time differentiating companies who support equal rights with those who oppose them?


macrumors 65816
Jun 13, 2003
So separate but equal? For the record, not all first world countries do so, they recognize gay marriage not civil unions.

When can I have a say on who you can marry and what rights should be given to you? Marriage isn't just a name, it provides benefits to couples that civil unions lack. Stop playing the victim.

Do some reading before commenting if you are not informed.

In the European model (it does vary by country), the gov recognizes ONLY the civil unions as legally binding, granting rights, etc. "Marriage" is only recognized by the church.

That model would help a lot.


macrumors 65816
Jun 10, 2002
Planet Earth
So does the government owe each of your 1000 wives your social security payments when you die?

If so, who pays for that?

Same question for life insurance. Ditto for health insurance, and dependents claims and many, many other legal and civil issues in our society.

Not as simple as many would like to think.

What came first? Marriage or social security and insurance? I say eff social security and ins.


macrumors 68000
Sep 10, 2010
Orange County CA
As long as everyone stops fighting about this, then I'm happy. But for some reason I know both sides we'll continue to go out at till the end of time..

Churches should continue to practice what they deem permissible and not have the gay community tell them other wise and visa versa.

For the love of god, let's move on people.

Off topic a bit, but I always think about this when anything "heated" gets brought up.

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