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macrumors 68020
Jan 6, 2004
Raleigh, NC
I don't "hate gays." I know that they honestly feel like they love each other. The problem is that I firmly believe that this has come about because of our warped society. In my opinion, marriage is not marriage unless it is between one man and one women.

Personally I think it is our warped society that makes it where people feel that other people loving people of the same sex is "unnatural" and therefore not capable of real love. But then again, that's my honest opinion that I firmly believe. :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502a
Please show us where anyone has tried to silence religion (in places other than gov't buildings, public schools, gov't property).

Silencing religion in government buildings is just as bad as anywhere else. Don't try to throw the separation of church and state at me as a counter argument. All the separation of church and state is supposed to do is prevent the government from setting up a state church, nothing more. If a judge wants to put a giant cross on the wall behind him, he has the right as an individual.


macrumors 603
Jun 18, 2007
A MagnusVonMagnum magnum opus

Sorry, but explaining a book that's over 1000 pages long in context in regards to one of the more controversial issues of the modern age is hard to sum up accurately in under 100 words without requiring people to do the reading and thinking on their own, which they clearly do NOT do or it wouldn't be the issue it is.


macrumors G3
Jan 26, 2008
Isla Nublar
So separate but equal? For the record, not all first world countries do so, they recognize gay marriage not civil unions.

When can I have a say on who you can marry and what rights should be given to you? Marriage isn't just a name, it provides benefits to couples that civil unions lack. Stop playing the victim.

This. ^

Not to mention "separate but equal" is not equal....ever....


macrumors 65816
Dec 5, 2012
So, YOU shouldn't marry a man. Problem solved!!! Aren't you happy I figured it out for you?

You are such a big help! Thank you! Now can you go fix global warming?


Personally I think it is our warped society that makes it where people feel that other people loving people of the same sex is "unnatural" and therefore not capable of real love. But then again, that's my honest opinion that I firmly believe. :rolleyes:

Ah, but no one ever cares about honest, firmly believed in opinions these days... do they? :rolleyes:


macrumors G4
Nov 3, 2005
If a judge wants to put a giant cross on the wall behind him, he has the right as an individual.

So you'd have no problem if he put up a giant Buddhist statue in his courtroom? Or a Hindu statue? Or some Islamic calligraphy?


Sep 25, 2009

Doesn't look like tolerance to me. "Agree with me or cease living"...hmmm....yep, was done before. Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Castro. The list is endless.

oh i'm exactly like those people, no doubt about it

finding marriage to be an exclusive right of (fertile) heterosexuals on the other hand... there's some tolerance for ya


macrumors G3
Jan 26, 2008
Isla Nublar
That's fine with me if that's the way it comes across. I don't say I believe something else just so everyone smiles at me.

So you're basically saying that I, a gay man am lying when I say I love another man?

Let me tell you something, gays have a hard enough life. None of us, not a single one chose to be gay. I never ended up liking girls as a teenager like most other guys do, I just wasn't (and am still not at age 31) attracted to females.

How is this so hard to comprehend? You're not gay, you don't know a single thing about being gay so please keep your ill informed comments to yourself.


macrumors 68000
Jul 3, 2009
This is great. DOMA illegal under the 5th amendment.

Can we also get a little attention to upholding the 2nd and 4th amendment, that'd be great as well.


macrumors 68020
Jan 26, 2008
Good, im glad they are willing to stand up and support whats right
Please define what is "right". You can't. We all have our own beliefs. What's right to you is wrong to others. Don't be so arogant in thinking you are right on this issue.


macrumors 601
Feb 12, 2010
Silencing religion in government buildings is just as bad as anywhere else. Don't try to throw the separation of church and state at me as a counter argument. All the separation of church and state is supposed to do is prevent the government from setting up a state church, nothing more. If a judge wants to put a giant cross on the wall behind him, he has the right as an individual.

You should read some case law on that. You'd quickly find that you're very wrong.


macrumors G4
Jun 29, 2002
Republic of Ukistan
All the separation of church and state is supposed to do is prevent the government from setting up a state church, nothing more. If a judge wants to put a giant cross on the wall behind him, he has the right as an individual.
If the judge is acting on behalf of the state, why then should he be able to adorn the proceedings with his own personal religious symbol?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 30, 2007
Denver/Boulder, CO
If gays want to get "married" at a court house & it's legal to do so in their state, have at it. They should get all the civil rights as laid out in the Consititution like anyone else. Just don't try and force my Church or people of any Faith to perform a marriage ceremony for a homosexual couple.

I'm honestly curious about something - if a Protestant man and woman go to a Catholic church and demand to be married there, is the church required to do so? What if it was a Jewish couple, or a Hindu couple, or athiest? Is the church allowed to decline to perform the ceremony in any of these cases?


macrumors Pentium
Aug 1, 2004
St. Louis, MO
Strawman & false as well.

Believing in traditional marriage = hate ain't gonna get you to far in the long run. Because in of itself, that argument is a fallacy.

I believe marriage is a Sacrament between a man & a women. Do I "hate" someone because I disagree with their position on the issue? Of course not. Real hatred requires effort my lazy ass is not interested in maintaining.

If gays want to get "married" at a court house & it's legal to do so in their state, have at it. They should get all the civil rights as laid out in the Consititution like anyone else. Just don't try and force my Church or people of any Faith to perform a marriage ceremony for a homosexual couple.

If someone disagrees with you on an issue stop asserting their disagreement = hatred. That's such a fallacy.

Peace :)

No one is forcing your church to marry a gay couple. No church in the 12 states where it is legal are required to do so. There are plenty of churches, judges and civil servants out there who aren't bigots to perform the weddings.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 9, 2013
Normally, corporations should stay way from politics (Starbucks!), but it seems like they're following a trend to get support.

I don't care about this issue, but quit turning the rainbow into a symbol of being gay. You can't have anything rainbow-colored these days.


I think his point was more that Apple could alienate potential customers with this sort of stance, making it a potential bad idea from a shareholder perspective.

From a PR point of view, taking stances on political issues can backfire -- though in this case, I don't think Apple has much to worry about.
Just as much as they can lose customer for not taking side, or just they can win customers after making this statement ...

And by seeing how things are turning, it seems that Apple calculated that there is more customer to win with this move than to lose.

Or that they don't care if they lose that kind of customers ...


macrumors 6502a
Maybe you should read up a little more on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), in particular, before you go any further.

I don't need to. I know exactly what it is, and it's just as disgusting as the male circumcision. While that's said, if it's a strong belief in someone's religion that this should be done to their kids, they have the right. Will it negatively affect the child in the future? Perhaps, but we still don't have the right to take their religious freedom away from them. We accept male circumcision and consider it legal because it's a well-known practice among two major religions (Judaism and Islam), but that doesn't make it any different.


macrumors 603
Dec 11, 2006
And if you say anything against them suddenly you're homophobic or bigoted. No I just don't agree with them. I don't agree with gay marriage. Just my view.

You don't have to agree with them. It's a free country. But nobody has the right to deny another person's civil rights because they "don't agree with them". It's no different than telling black people they can't use the same bathroom as white people.

I don't need to. I know exactly what it is, and it's just as disgusting as the male circumcision. While that's said, if it's a strong belief in someone's religion that this should be done to their kids, they have the right. Will it negatively affect the child in the future? Perhaps, but we still don't have the right to take their religious freedom away from them. We accept male circumcision and consider it legal because it's a well-known practice among two major religions (Judaism and Islam), but that doesn't make it any different.

It should be illegal too. Child abuse shouldn't be legal under the guise of "religious" freedom. It's 2013. Time to purge the religion from our government. Fairy tales have no place in running a country.
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