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macrumors 68020
Jul 8, 2008
You know it’s entirely possible to have someone not buy into and support the entire LGBT counter culture yet still treat gay people with respect as fellow human beings.
There’s nothing outdated about heterosexuality and the natural order of things. I mean that with no offence. We are all a product of it one way or another.
Treating gay people with respect means NOT referring to heterosexuality as the "natural" order of things. This post is so contradictory, and the fact that you don't see that is disappointing but not surprising.


macrumors 68000
Oct 22, 2009
I would argue that homosexuality, like heterosexuality is also part of the "natural order of things". It isn't a counter-culture for those who are gay - it's who they are, it is their natural order.
The rainbow flags, camp , drag and so called ‘gay music anthems’ that we are hearing on Apple Music etc are all part of a counter culture. That’s precisely what it is. Many gay people actually revel in what others would describe as stereotypical behaviour. Of course this doesn’t apply to all , but in terms of what apple are marketing I’d say it’s very applicable
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macrumors 68000
Oct 22, 2009
Treating gay people with respect means NOT referring to heterosexuality as the "natural" order of things. This post is so contradictory, and the fact that you don't see that is disappointing but not surprising.
No treating gay people with respect means treating them with the same respect id treat a straight person. It doesn’t mean I am obligated to support their sexual practices or to start believing that you can declare your own gender etc.. I just don’t agree with those things, however it doesn’t mean I’m going to treat someone disrespectfully.
It’s about growing up and agreeing to disagree on certain matters.
However in terms of natural order - it’s simple biology. Man + Woman are designed to procreate. That is the very definition of nature. Im not going to bash anyone over the head with this but it’s pretty stupid claiming the sky is purple when it’s clearly blue.


macrumors 68000
Oct 22, 2009
If Tim Cook has an agenda, it's promoting inclusion and diversity in general. Tim Cook isn't Black, yet Apple is one of the top corporate supporters of Black History month, and its also putting its money where its mouth is in that area too.
Apple do not do nearly enough for the black community as they do for the gay community.
How many black execs do Apple have? Exactly. Yet apple as an organisation profits from black culture be that through music or fashion.
There was one watch band to celebrate black unity displaying the pan African colours which conveniently was only released after the BLM movement proved profitable.
Yet Apple are dedicated on releasing new variations of the pride band every year! How many times can one depict a rainbow?! It’s clearly an agenda or perhaps that’s the wrong word - it’s clearly a priority to them and one that’s based on Tim Cook’s personal life. That to me is an abuse of the company.


macrumors 68020
Jul 8, 2008
No treating gay people with respect means treating them with the same respect id treat a straight person. It doesn’t mean I am obligated to support their sexual practices or to start believing that you can declare your own gender etc.. I just don’t agree with those things, however it doesn’t mean I’m going to treat someone disrespectfully.
It’s about growing up and agreeing to disagree on certain matters.
However in terms of natural order - it’s simple biology. Man + Woman are designed to procreate. That is the very definition of nature. Im not going to bash anyone over the head with this but it’s pretty stupid claiming the sky is purple when it’s clearly blue.
Homosexuality occurs naturally (not a learned behavior) and frequently in other species. Also, gender IS fluid, occurring on a continuum, and is not solely based on physiological features. There were well over 100 instances of diverse gender expression in Native American tribes at the time of early European contact, so this concept is far from new.

I never understand the statement of "I don't agree with these things," as if anything requires your validation. That's the difference between science and religion; science is true whether you believe in it or agree with it.

Darth Tulhu

macrumors 68020
Apr 10, 2019
Apple most certainly does not want to lose it’s conservative customers. Let’s be realistic, there are many more conservatives out there purchasing Apple products than there are people worried about ? watch bands.

So why don’t conservatives leave Apple and go elsewhere? You ever to stop and think that maybe they don’t care as much about stuff like ? watchbands as you think they do? Or that politicians and the media tell you they do?

All conservatives I know don’t give a rat’s rear end on who’s sleeping with who. Conservative’s aren’t the ones with checkboxes saying “you fit in to this grouping.” The conservatives I know will tell you this is who they are, what they appreciate, and say “whatever” when you try to label them. I have never known a conservative to not sit down and have a civilized drink with someone. I’ve known many ”progressives“ who are unbearable in that same situation.

You start going down this path and you can’t help but ask, where’s the band for aborted babies? How about a memorial band for soldiers that were killed during battle? How about a band for those that died during the civil war? How about a band for holocaust survivors? I’d like a band for Uighurs. It becomes an endless cycle. Worse all it is is a bunch of pandering for your ? ?.

Spend some time on YouTube. The LGBT community is finally starting to figure this out. While I don’t expect to ever hear a “Hey you were right.” It’s good to see people finally catching on to what’s really going on.
I didn't say ALL conservatives. I hold to many conservative values, if you want to call them that. I was referring to those conservatives. The ones that rage against any machine that doesn't agree with them.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 23, 2008
Apple do not do nearly enough for the black community as they do for the gay community.
I don't think that's entirely a fair statement. Sure, Apple is focusing on the issues that are generating the widest social impact, and it may have been accurate to say that the company did far less for the Black community prior to this year when the BLM movement brought it into the public consciousness.

However, since then, it's started pouring a ton of money into improving opportunities for underrepresented groups. It's created an entire Racial Equity and Justice Initiative (REJI) that it's investing a lot more into than it ever did for LGBTQ issues. Selling a few Pride Watch Bands every year might seem like a big deal, but that's just a marketing stunt compared to the new REJI program, which has the potential to make a tangible difference in many people's lives.

This is what I meant when I said Apple is putting its money where its mouth is in that area. While Apple also contributes to some worthwhile LGBTQ programs as well, that still seems relatively minor compared to what it's doing in a lot of other areas, now just with REJI, but also many of its environmental initiatives as well.

Yet Apple are dedicated on releasing new variations of the pride band every year! How many times can one depict a rainbow?! It’s clearly an agenda or perhaps that’s the wrong word - it’s clearly a priority to them and one that’s based on Tim Cook’s personal life. That to me is an abuse of the company.
As I said earlier, I think it's disingenuous to suggest this is based on Tim Cook's (very) personal life. While Tim Cook did come out as gay, he did so very reluctantly, and he's very far from a massive proponent of the Pride movement. His life is so private we don't even know if he has a partner of any kind — for all we know he could be completely celibate.

Meanwhile, I'm quite sure that Apple has many many LGBTQ employees and LGBTQ supporters who are probably pushing far more strongly for things like this — if they even need to "push" at all. Personally, I think it's good that Apple is willing to do something to recognize the views of what are likely a majority of its employees — not to mention a massive customer base that clearly cares about this as well.

I have absolutely zero desire for a Pride watch band, and I'll admit I even roll my eyes a little bit at the idea, but I'm certainly not offended by it, nor do I consider it a problem. Many companies — including Apple — release products I don't care for, but obviously these are things that other people want, so more power to them.

Apple is a business and they wouldn't be selling these Pride watch bands unless people were actually buying them. I don't see how that's an abuse of the company. Rather, it's just smart business to provide customers with something they want, and it's a nice big marketing bonus when a company can bolster its "progressive" image by doing so.

As a company Apple has always leaned strongly to the left when it comes to social issues in the first place, and I imagine that within the walls of Apple, the vast majority of the company's employees think along the same lines. It's part of the company's culture, and it's something you can get a strong sense of by walking into any Apple Store.

I remember the same arguments being made when Apple joined (PRODUCT)RED back in 2006. Many people saw that as a contentious issue since, in their (narrow) minds, AIDS is purely a problem for the gay community. Steve Jobs was at the helm back then, and even though Cook was the Chief Operating Officer, I doubt he had very much — if anything — to do with it. Even to this day, Apple remains the largest (PRODUCT)RED contributor. Like Apple's environmental initiatives, and like it's more recent REJI program, this is just Apple trying to present itself as a friendly and socially responsible company that cares about the issues that are obviously important to a large portion of its customer base.
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macrumors 6502
Jul 17, 2008
The rainbow flags, camp , drag and so called ‘gay music anthems’ that we are hearing on Apple Music etc are all part of a counter culture. That’s precisely what it is. Many gay people actually revel in what others would describe as stereotypical behaviour. Of course this doesn’t apply to all , but in terms of what apple are marketing I’d say it’s very applicable
they are advertising using the the most identifiable and commonly accepted visuals that people would associate with gay pride - much like they would advertise country music with a lasso or cowboy boot. Those things don't define a "culture" and personally I think its lazy marketing.

Darth Tulhu

macrumors 68020
Apr 10, 2019
No treating gay people with respect means treating them with the same respect id treat a straight person. It doesn’t mean I am obligated to support their sexual practices or to start believing that you can declare your own gender etc.. I just don’t agree with those things, however it doesn’t mean I’m going to treat someone disrespectfully.
It’s about growing up and agreeing to disagree on certain matters.
However in terms of natural order - it’s simple biology. Man + Woman are designed to procreate. That is the very definition of nature. Im not going to bash anyone over the head with this but it’s pretty stupid claiming the sky is purple when it’s clearly blue.
I fully agree with this post, and is exactly where I land on this issue.

However I'd like to add that due to the history of discrimination and violence against homosexuals, we need to tread gently with some of these issues, otherwise we get an overreaction.

In the US at least, some of the biggest culprits of said violence, discrimination, and oppression are the so-called conservatives/christian/evangelicals who conveniently ignore the mandates to love their neighbor and to "speak the truth with love" (not just the truth) from the man they supposedly worship and obey.

If they all would have been following their God, we would not have needed an Emancipation Proclamation, a Civil War, a Civil Rights Movement, Pride Parades, etc.

Thankfully, some did and were able to push things forward, but still many paid for it with their lives.

It amazes me that many folks that are supposed to fix things choose instead to be the villains in American Society.


macrumors 65816
Feb 2, 2021
I fully agree with this post, and is exactly where I land on this issue.

However I'd like to add that due to the history of discrimination and violence against homosexuals, we need to tread gently with some of these issues, otherwise we get an overreaction.

In the US at least, some of the biggest culprits of said violence, discrimination, and oppression are the so-called conservatives/christian/evangelicals who conveniently ignore the mandates to love their neighbor and to "speak the truth with love" (not just the truth) from the man they supposedly worship and obey.

If they all would have been following their God, we would not have needed an Emancipation Proclamation, a Civil War, a Civil Rights Movement, Pride Parades, etc.

Thankfully, some did and were able to push things forward, but still many paid for it with their lives.

It amazes me that many folks that are supposed to fix things choose instead to be the villains in American Society.
Fake news. Some of the most popular “hate crimes” over the last few years were nothing more than false claims. MSM would be all over any other ones if they were real.

Notice how #StopAsianHate suddenly disappeared once it was made known who was causing the violence? Almost every weekend there is a blood bath shooting somewhere of black on black crime. Jews are being attacked in the middle of NYC streets. None of that is from “so-called conservatives/christian/evangelicals”.

And it wasn’t so-called conservatives/christian/evangelicals burning down city blocks all summer last year.

Just because so-called conservatives/christian/evangelicals don’t agree with alternative lifestyles doesn’t mean they want to cause anyone physical or mental harm. Most of them just want to go on with life without having skin color, sexual preference, and whatever else constantly brought up.
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Darth Tulhu

macrumors 68020
Apr 10, 2019
Fake news. Some of the most popular “hate crimes” over the last few years were nothing more than false claims. MSM would be all over any other ones if they were real.

Notice how #StopAsianHate suddenly disappeared once it was made known who was causing the violence? Almost every weekend there is a blood bath shooting somewhere of black on black crime. Jews are being attacked in the middle of NYC streets. None of that is from “so-called conservatives/christian/evangelicals”.

And it wasn’t so-called conservatives/christian/evangelicals burning down city blocks all summer last year.

Just because so-called conservatives/christian/evangelicals don’t agree with alternative lifestyles doesn’t mean they want to cause anyone physical or mental harm. Most of them just want to go on with life without having skin color, sexual preference, and whatever else constantly brought up.
You lost me at "Fake News".

I don't argue with whatabout-ists.

Darth Tulhu

macrumors 68020
Apr 10, 2019
That’s ok. Continue avoiding facts, but don’t complain when life finally catches up to your ignorance and smacks you a good one.
Yawn. Conservatives love claiming “fake news” when facts are thrown in their face and then whine about it and deflect to no end.

They also love to try to intimidate people and try to act hard. Well, I look forward to opportunities to smack right back at “life” and put it in its rightful place: on its back.


macrumors 6502
Apr 7, 2014
As much as we can (and should) quibble about what Apple is doing in China, it's also important to keep in mind that as a U.S. company it does of course take a U.S.-centric approach to issues. While Pride is more of a global issue, it's still most celebrated in the U.S. and Canada, but systemic racism against Blacks is predominantly a U.S. problem.

Of course, racism exists everywhere, but in many other countries, it's totally different groups that are impacted by it, yet we don't see Apple doing or saying much about those. For example, of all of the big tech companies out there, Twitter has been the only one to recognize Indigenous History Month in Canada, no doubt prompted by the recent shocking discovery of the bodies of 215 Indigenous children who died at the hands of the extremely abusive residential school system. In Canada, our systemic racism problem affected our indigenous peoples far more than anybody else, and it saddened me when the events of last year spurred many in these parts to rally against a specific issue that isn't nearly as serious on this side of the border while ignoring the very real problems that do exist up here.

That said, I don't expect Apple to focus on the various issues of racism and discrimination everywhere in the world. They're a U.S. company, so they're going to focus on the problems that affect their core customer and employee base, and I'd rather applaud them for what they are doing than criticize them for what they're not, since we have to remember that they're under no obligation to do anything at all. When's the last time we saw Google, Amazon, Facebook, or Microsoft doing anything even close to what Apple does?
In that sense, Apple should limit these into US customers. That are forcing it into other countries. For example, they displayed a black screen for BLM in India Apple Music front page. What what has to do with that? Apple is going too far.


macrumors 65816
Feb 2, 2021
Yawn. Conservatives love claiming “fake news” when facts are thrown in their face and then whine about it and deflect to no end.

They also love to try to intimidate people and try to act hard. Well, I look forward to opportunities to smack right back at “life” and put it in its rightful place: on its back.
Yawn, completely ignore the facts and try to move on to a different topic. So “progressive” of you.

Last I saw it wasn’t conservatives “acting hard” and shutting down all discourse on every platform. Nice try though.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
When Apple does too much people complain they should stay out of politics and focus instead on making computers. When they do too little, people complain they‘re just a company.

The best thing Apple can do is stay out of these forums.

There’s always someone pointing out there are other issues or goals to fight for.
True, but that doesn’t take away from what they’re doing here.
That’s exactly the way many posts go. Because Apple did this, but not this, they are hypocritical.

These types of posts are like flies buzzing around ones head.

Good for apple that this type of false criticism is more to be laughed at.
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Jul 18, 2011
When Apple does too much people complain they should stay out of politics and focus instead on making computers. When they do too little, people complain they‘re just a company.

The best thing Apple can do is stay out of these forums.

Actually, what I have observed is that Apple should note the popular consensus here on Macrumours, and proceed to do the exact opposite.

That’s just what I have noticed here. A lot of bad takes and tons of horrible suggestions (eg: Apple should make a round watch / folding phone / acquire netflix etc) by people who till this day just don’t seem to understand what sort of company Apple is.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
[…] - it’s clearly a priority to them and one that’s based on Tim Cook’s personal life. That to me is an abuse of the company.
I don’t think Apple is obliged to support every cause in a manner prescribed by MacRumors posters. If Tim was abusing his position the board and shareholders would step in.

Mr. Awesome

macrumors 65816
Feb 24, 2016
Idaho, USA
I can accept that many conservatives (I'm assuming you are one) cannot accept Apple's position on this. However, I don't understand how said conservatives are still Apple customers, given Apple has taken this position for decades. Apple is not afraid to lose you as a customer.
Because unlike many people, I don’t buy a product based on the company. I buy a product based on the product. Apple devices and software work well for me. I can buy Apple devices without supporting Pride. I simply don’t support Apple’s morals and beliefs.

And to me, anyone that hates their neighbor (for anything other than physical/emotional harm) is an enemy of a peaceful society and should lose that society's support.
I don’t hate my neighbors. I have friends and family members in the LGBTQ community. I love them. I will always love people as people, because we are all human, we are all made in the image of God, and we all deserve to be treated with love and respect by others. However, my love for LGBTQ people doesn’t extend to LGBTQ beliefs.

I love my lesbian cousin. I don’t believe she has made a wise decision in how she expresses her sexuality, but that doesn’t change my love for her. Love the sinner, hate the sin.
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